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Plants & Their Care

This collection of links covers basic topics and topics targeted to growing plants in the Central Northwest Washington climate.

Plant Care

Growing Dahlias East of the Cascades– a Chelan/Douglas WSU Master Gardeners Tip Sheet
Succulents – a Chelan/Douglas WSU Master Gardeners Tip Sheet
Easter Lilies – a Chelan/Douglas WSU Master Gardeners Tip Sheet
Trees for NCW – a Chelan County publication
WSU Extension Gardening Publicationshome lawns, vegetables, general gardening, plant pests and diseases– there are lots of topics to learn about

General Gardening in NCW

Home Gardeners Guide to Soils & Fertilizers– a Washington State University publication
Find your soil type– at the USDA’s National Resource Conservation Service site. After you find your property, click on Map Unit Name to read details of your soil characteristics.
Horticultural Myths and more by Linda Chalker-Scott, PhD, WSU Puyallup Research and Extension Center
Treated woods in the garden- What is safe?– Penn State Extension
Cornell University home gardening– multiple gardening topics
Local Garden Resources – lists of local arborists, soil test labs, local garden material companies

Home Fruit Bushes

Growing Small Fruits in the Home Garden – a WSU publication
Growing Blueberries in North Central Washington – a Chelan/Douglas Master Gardener Tip sheet
Blueberry Planting and Care – University of Minnesota

Spray Schedules for Home Garden Fruit Trees

These are suggested spray schedules for home garden fruit trees. It is important to control certain pests–such as coddling moth in apples and cherry fruit fly–in our home orchards. Besides protecting our own produce, proper and timely spraying ensures pests do not inadvertently infest and jeopardize commercial orchards in the area.

Horarios de pulverización para jardín de árboles frutales

Todo esto se propone horarios de pulverización para los árboles frutales del jardín de casa. Es importante el control de ciertas plagas, como el gusano de la manzana en las manzanas y cerezas mosca de la fruta, en nuestros huertos caseros. Además de proteger nuestros productos, la pulverización en tiempo y forma se asegura que no se infectan inadvertidamente los huertos comerciales de la zona.


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