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Any questions regarding plants, edible or ornamental, should be referred the Master Gardener Clinic, (360) 867-2163, or to the Native Plant Salvage Project (360) 867-2164.

Market Vegetable Gardens: Planning for Success

Market Veg Brochure

WSU Extension Manual EM032E

Market gardens are generally small plots of land (1/4 acre to 2 acres) that produce diverse vegetables, fruit, and/or flower crops to sell directly to consumers. Sales can occur via community-supported agriculture shares, directly from the farm, at local farmers’ markers, and to local restaurants, stores and co-ops. This publication presents guidelines for successful production and marketing of a market garden in Washington or Oregon west of the Cascades emphasizing annual vegetables.




CranberriesCranberry Production

Washington ranks 5th in the nation in cranberry production. In 2006, the state’s growers harvested 160,000 100-pound barrels of cranberries.

WSU Extension continues to provide farmers and potential cranberry growers with technical assistance on cultural practices, insect, disease and weed control, as well as marketing new and existing agricultural crops.

Research and Extension activities focus on management systems resulting in improved production with fewer pesticides and the application of pesticides with reduced risk. Pesticide training and re-certification credits are provided for cranberry farmers through the WSU Extension office.

For more information regarding cranberry production, contact Kim Patten in Pacific County at the WSU Long Beach Research and Extension Unit.