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Updated Salmon Mapper for Protecting Endangered and Threatened Salmon in the PNW and California

Posted by cdaniels | August 19, 2015

EPA is releasing an updated Salmon Mapper. The interactive map includes enhanced spatial resolution and the most recent geospatial data depicting salmon-supporting stream reaches where no-spray buffer zones apply in California, Oregon and Washington State for 12 pesticides that are subject either to the original 2004 injunction in Washington Toxics Coalition (WTC) v. EPA or the August 15, 2014, stipulated injunction in Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP) v. EPA.

The pesticides included in the NCAP v. EPA stipulated injunction are carbaryl, chlorpyrifos, diazinon, malathion and methomyl. The pesticides that remain subject to the original WTC v. EPA injunctive relief order are 1,3-dichloropropene, bromoxynil, diflubenzuron, fenbutatin oxide, metolachlor, prometryn and propargite.

These buffer zones will remain in place for carbaryl, chlorpyrifos, diazinon, malathion, and methomyl until EPA implements any necessary protections for Pacific salmon and steelhead based on reinitiated consultations with the National Marine Fisheries Services.  Buffer zones for the remaining seven chemicals included in the WTC vs. EPA will remain in place until final Biological Opinions are completed. To view the no-spray buffer zones go to the Salmon Mapper.

For more information on the specific buffer zones and background on the NCAP case, visit

For more information on the WTC case, go to

Read more about the buffers established by the WTC case