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2019 February

Posted by beverly.sarles | February 8, 2019

Letter from the President of POC 4-H Leader Council


The clubs in Pend Oreille County 4-H are beyond amazing. I hear how well the youth are performing all over the state and it is mind-blowing. I know these achievements cannot be accomplished without great leaders and parents. Thank you!

My goal is to bring club leaders across the county together. Each month we meet for a Leaders Council Meeting to plan things for the county. I would love to see a representative from each club. We have various ways leaders can participate. There is Zoom, (video conferencing), phone in, or meet at the Extension office. We really need people to help guide the direction of the program.  I know time is a commodity these days so maybe an email that can be added to the News and Views of the things your club is doing would be a great start of bringing all of us together. It is our job to come together and recognize the achievements and to honor the youth who work so hard to represent their club and county.

You are a vital piece to insure projects continue to grow.  As a county 4-H program we have lost some of that community. Committee members are needed to insure everyone is moving in the same direction. The committees that need to be started soon are: Horse, livestock, demonstrations, fashion, record books, and nominations. Let’s reunite!

If you made it this far, I thank you. I look forward to growing with you.

Heidi Vaughn,

President, PO County 4-H Leader Council

Wanted: Members for County Project Committees

The Leader Council wishes to re-establish periodic meetings for “Standing Committees” as recommended in the Leader Council By-laws. “All 4-H project leaders will automatically be committee members of their major project area”. The committees include but are not limited to:  Horse; Clothing – fashion revue; Livestock; Demonstration; Record Books – Awards; Nominating; Area Leader Representatives

If you are interested in participating in 1-2 meetings per year to help guide the 4-H program in Pend Oreille County, please contact Leader Council President, Heidi Vaughn at

Super Saturday is March 23

Mark your calendars for Super Saturday on March 23 at the Camas Center for Community Wellness. Registration opens at 8:30 a.m. and classes start at 9:00 a.m. We will have a full morning of classes followed
by a taco bar for lunch. Swimming and games will follow. Be watching for more details including a class schedule.

Attention All Club Leaders! The Leader Council requests that each club, from across the County, teach at least one class on Super Saturday. You will be receiving a call or e-mail from the Super Saturday Organizing Committee to find out what class your kids would like to teach. We respect your privacy, so if you wish to not be contacted regarding Super Saturday, please contact Dixie immediately at or 509 447-6453.

Know Your Government (KYG) – February 16 – 19, 2019

We want to wish all the KYG team, safe travels to the Olympia Center, in Olympia. So proud and cannot wait to hear about the experiences.

KYG is a hands-on learning conference focusing on a specific aspect of government. The conference topic and curriculum change yearly to keep it relevant to current events and issues.

National 4-H Conference

Willow Vaughn, member of Country Pride 4-H, has been selected to go to the National 4-H Conference.  Congratulations, Willow!!  Our County is very proud of you!


Refrigerators Wanted

The Leader Council is still needing two refrigerators to replace the two old and broken refrigerators in the Pop Stand at the Fairgrounds. If you or someone you know has a used, but functioning, refrigerator for sale or for donation, please contact the Leader Council or the Extension Office (509-447-2401) with contact information.

Next 4-H Leader Council – February 21, 2019

Please join us for the next Leader Council meeting to take place on Thursday, February 21, at the WSU Extension Office, 227 S Garden Ave., Newport.  The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m.


In February a team of your colleagues will be traveling to Burundi to visit our six 4-H sister schools there and provide professional development for the 4-H staff and teachers working in the program.  The number one request from the students in the 4-H gardening program is more 4-H soccer balls!  Please note that girls and boys play soccer in Burundi so it will be a gift used by all students.

So, please read the attached flyer.  Let’s send some balls to Burundi!  Click here for the flyer:  balls for burundi!-rev. 1719

Sheep/Goat and Beef Field Days Coming Soon!

4-H and FFA Youth, leaders and families are invited to attend Youth Livestock Field Days scheduled for Saturday, March 16, and Saturday, March 23, 2019, from 8:30am – 3:00pm each day. Topics covered at the field days include: Selection of project animals, Health Care, Quality Assurance, Biosecurity, Feeding and Nutrition, Fitting and Showing Demonstration, Clipping Demonstration and other pertinent topics.

The Sheep & Goat Field day will be on Saturday, March 16, at the Asotin County Fairgrounds in Asotin, WA. Separate tracks will be provided for youth interested in sheep and goat projects. The Beef Field Day will be held on Saturday, March 23 at Lewiston Livestock Market. The cost for each field day is $8 per person and includes lunch and handout materials. Preregistration is requested at least one week before each program. Day of event registration is $10 per person and lunch cannot be guaranteed. Registration is capped at 100 participants for each event.

Speakers for the program include local Veterinarians, Extension Faculty and Staff from the University of Idaho and WSU, UI Block and Bridle Students, WSU Veterinary Students, Industry Representatives and 4-H/FFA volunteers. Whether beginner or advanced, this program is designed to provide information and skills so youth will be successful with their market livestock projects.  Registration brochures are posted at and listed under upcoming events.

This program is hosted by University of Idaho Extension Nez Perce County, and WSU Extension is Asotin and Whitman Counties.  For more information contact U of I Extension in Nez Perce County, 208.799.3096; WSU Extension Asotin County, 509.243.2009; or WSU Extension Whitman County, 509.397.6290.

4-H Horse Camp – Save the Date

4-H members enrolled in the Horsemanship project enjoy a week of overnight camping, education and recreation with their horses. Camp is packed full of educational workshops, fun camping traditions, and memories that will last a lifetime. The 2019 Mason County 4-H Horse Camp runs June 22-27. Members enjoy a week of equitation, showmanship and western games classes, trail rides, creative arts projects, and fun outdoor activities. Camp is held at beautiful Panhandle Lake 4-H Camp, a 400 acre tree farm located just outside of Shelton Washington. Panhandle amenities include modern dormitories, a 38 stall barn, riding arena, miles of trails, commercial kitchen and dining hall, a rustic lodge and beautiful lakefront areas for swimming. Please consider joining us for a week of fun and learning with your horse. Camp will be limited to the first 30 paid in full registered campers. Registration will open Spring 2019. ALL REGISTRATIONS WILL BE DONE THROUGH YOUR 4HOnline PROFILE. Visit us at For additional information contact Camp Director Melissa Seals at 360-280-5458 or or the Mason County Extension Office at 360-427-9670 Ext. 681.

Information Regarding I1639 and 4-H Shooting Sports

WSU has completed an initial review of I1639 and its potential impact on 4-H shooting sports. Because this is a new law, as the law continues to develop, future changes in procedures may need to be adopted by 4-H.

Standard 4-H requirements for firearm storage already meet the requirements of I1639.

4-H shooting programs are safety and responsible use education programs. It is WSU’s assessment at this time is that the structure of the 4-H shooting programs, practices, and competitions fall within the permissible firearm possession for youth. As always, it is important for 4-H leaders to comply with all 4-H regulations, standards, and guidelines. Additional, or modified, documentation may be required authorizing 4-H leaders to supervise youth at shooting program activities. A review of the current transport of firearms procedures will also be completed to confirm standard processes and required documentation are in place.

Continue our focus on safe practices for good results!

SW Washington Shooting Sports Discipline Training for Archery and Shotgun – March 16-17

Learn more at

Location: Goldendale Primary School, Goldendale, WA 98620

March 16 @ 8:30 am – March 17 @ 5:00 pm Prices Vary

View the full registration packet: Registration Packet SW Region Training

Registration Packets must be completed and signed by local Extension Staff before submitting to the Klickitat County Extension Office.  Links for paying for Registration online will be sent to registrants once completed paperwork has been received.

Registration Open until February 28th, 2019.

4-H Cat Show in Port Townsend – March 9

Paws-N-Claws 4-H Club in Jefferson County would like to invite all 4-Hers in the WA State 4-H Cat Project to their March 9th 4-H Cat Show in the 4-H Building at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds in Port Townsend.

This is a pre-entry only show. Entries are due by March 2nd.  Doors will open at 8am.  Show will begin at 10am. The cage theme is “My Favorite Book”.

For information, please contact 4-H Leader Laurie Hampton at or 360-437-2388.

Show Rules
Entry Form

Watch WSU Women’s Basketball with 4-H Promo Code – March 3rd!

Mark your calendars for 4-H day with WSU Women’s Basketball! March 3, at 12:00pm, the WSU Women’s Basketball team will be featuring 4-H, including games for 4-H kids at half-time.

If you’d like to purchase tickets, use promo code “4HDay” and tickets will be only $3.00! It’s never been a better time to watch WSU Women’s Basketball.

Purchase tickets here:

Upcoming Idaho Level 1 Shooting Sports Instructor Trainings

University of Idaho is hosting three Level 1 Shooting Sports Instructor Training sessions.

February 22-24 in Caldwell and Emmett Idaho will see Archery, Pistol, Rifle, and Shotgun. April 13-14 In Coeur d’Alene Idaho will see Archery, Hunting, Pistol Rifle, and Shotgun. April 26-27 in Rigby Idaho will see Archery, Pistol, and Rifle.

If you are interested in attending any of these trainings, you can view details and register here:

2019 State Hippology Contest – April 13, 2019

If you are interested in participating in the 2019 State Hippology Contest, registration forms are due by April 1st.

Registration information and forms can be downloaded here:

WSU Veterinary Medicine 6th Annual Horse Course – March 2, 2019

The WSU College of Veterinary Medicine is hosting their 6th Annual Horse Course on March 2nd, 2019 in Pullman, WA. Courses include: Overweight Horse Management, Dentistry Demonstration, Physical Exam, Parasitology and more. Tickets are $40 per individual or $35 in groups of 10 or more.

To purchase tickets, contact Analiese Wenger (