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2021 March

Posted by | March 5, 2021

4-H Livestock Virtual Clinics to be Hosted by Spokane County 4-H!

4-H logo with a sheep, cow, goat, and pig aroung it


You are welcome to attend a livestock virtual 4-H clinic ZOOM with local experts and gain knowledge on livestock species-specific topics to help you be successful in your project area and show ring. During the clinic. attendees will be divided into beginner and advanced breakout Zoom rooms with area experts. including a Purina nutritionist, local veterinarians, breeders and more.

Sheep Clinic Saturday March 6th

It’s FREE and open to 4-H youth only!

Please remember, for security purposes, youth and families must have a WSU Zoom account to be able to participate in the Zoom.

Registration required – register for this and all clinics here (if attending more than one, register separately for each):

Contact Kate McCloskey with questions or concerns at

Door Prizes Sponsored by Country Store!!

Country Store Logo






28th Annual VIRTUAL Springtime Youth Calf Sale

March 20, 2021

Mark your calendars for the 28th annual Springtime Youth Calf Sale date of March 20, 2021. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the sale WILL NOT be held at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds at Monroe, but will be held virtually. More details will be provided closer to the sale date.

For more information about the Springtime Youth Calf Sale please go to this link:

Also find us on Facebook at Springtime Youth Calf Sale.



Super Saturday ’21 Update!
Classes to be Featured as Experience 4-H Sessions!!

Flyer designed to look like a comic strip, saying the state is offering Super Saturday sessions online, with a cariety of classes and projects to choose from. See all upcoming events at extension.wsu.esu/4h/events/

Super Saturday ’21 is navigating from a one or two day event to become part of the ongoing Experience 4-H sessions.  The Super Saturday classes will be hosted throughout the next couple months. Keep checking the Explore 4-H page to stay up to date with future offerings!


Join the Washington State 4-H Ambassadors!


Uncle Sam decorated with 4-H logo. Image text: We want you! Join the Washington State 4-H Ambassadors. Email with questions. People with disabilities who require alternate means for communication or program information or reasonable accomidation should contact, (509) 243-2009 or (509) 751-9190 at least two weeks prior to the event.



Save the Dates! State Equine Contests!


Washington State 4-H Equine Contests flyer with WSU and 4-H logos on it. Flyer info is listed in other information in this section.

State 4-H Horse Bowl Contest is May 1, 2021

State 4-H Hippology Contest is June 5, 2021


Both contests will be virtual with a minimal registration fee.

Questions? Contact or (425) 357-6007

Registration details will be uploaded to the WA State 4-H Website:






AYHC Symposium Coming March 4-6!

Flyer for 44th Annual Symposium. Text says "when one teaches, two learn"

The 44th Annual AYHC Symposium. From the Book to the Barn – Educational Tools to Teach Safe, Effective Horsemanship, will offer much more than a webinar series; the virtual format will feature the key elements that make the AYHC Symposium a unique event that draws attendees who return year after year.

The virtual AYHC Symposium will bring together all facets of the equine industry with a common goal of uniting kids and horses.

The non-breed / non-discipline specific curriculum will offer equine knowledge that transfers from the book to the barn, providing educational tools that volunteers, teachers, trainers, and coaches can use to teach youth about safe and effective horsemanship.

Robust networking tools will encourage attendees to make new connections with shared interests through community discussion boards, virtual meet-ups and attendee matchmaking.

A sponsor showcase and virtual exhibit hall will feature company profiles and videos, exhibitor coupons and interactive tools to connect participants with the latest products and resources in the equine industry.

All content will be recorded and available to registered participants for six (6) months including the workshops, discussion boards and virtual exhibit hall.

The virtual AYHC Symposium presents an opportunity for adult and student leaders in the youth horse industry to learn, network, share ideas and grow as an industry…from the comfort of your home or office!

For Symposium details, including workshop, speaker and registration and membership information – and more – go to the Symposium Website:



Last “Experience 4-H!” Virtual Small Animal Series Workshop Coming March 6!


Please pre-register by clicking the link for the workshop you would like to attend.  Youth age 9 and younger need to have an adult helper attend with the youth participant.

Thank you to the Washington State 4-H Small Animal Committee for providing this series of workshops, facilitated by many individuals across the state!

March 6, 1 p.m. PST – Poultry Basics
An introduction to raising poultry for youth

Future Topics:

Cavy Basics, Rabbit Basics, Poultry & Rabbits for Home Use, and Rabbit/Cavy Judging Contests.

Questions? e-mail



Washington State 4-H Scholarship Applications Are Open!

Cap and diploma with "scholarship" written above itThe 4-H Scholarship application is now available for Washington 4-Hers in the 12th grade. Information can be found at

Please note: 4-H Scholarship applicants must be enrolled and approved in 4-H Online to be eligible. Previously, applicants only needed to be enrolled in the previous two years.

12th graders are encouraged to check out the available scholarships and apply! Applications close on March 15th.



Highly Pathogenetic Avian Influenza (HPAI) Info Available for Poultry Project Youth

Highly pathogenic avian influenza is very active right now around the globe. Outbreaks are presently occurring in North Korea, China, Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Iran, Poland, Norway, France, and Ukraine.

Wild waterfowl are one of the main ways the virus moves around. A major migratory flight path for wild waterfowl includes Washington State; many waterfowl species (swans, ducks, geese) overwinter in the state as well. These birds can carry the avian influenza virus and spread it to chickens, in which it is much more deadly. Please refresh your knowledge of the biosecurity practices recommended to keep your birds safe and take these actions every day! Here are some good resources:


More Information on HPIA:

Washington State Veterinarian News: Batten Down the Hatches Against Avian Influenza

Outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza are happening in several countries around the globe now. Please share this important info with 4-H members, commercial poultry owners, and any other stakeholders who would be affected by an outbreak in the U.S. We do NOT want this disease to get a foothold here! Thanks.

Link to the WSDA document.

Susan Kerr, DVM, PhD
WSDA Education and Outreach Specialist
skerr@agr.wa.govWashington State Department of Agriculture and Office of the Washington State Veterinarian Logo



Plea for 4-H Horse Project Youth to Vaccinate for Equine Influenza

Dr. Susan Kerr, WSDA Education and Outreach Coordinator

4-H horse project youth, your horse depends on YOU to keep him/her safe and healthy!

There were 33 confirmed cases of equine influenza in Washington State in 2020. There were an additional 29 suspected cases, and 25 more horses were exposed to the virus by infected horses. These cases were distributed throughout the state. Fortunately, none of these horses died, which is typical for this disease.

Part of influenza treatment involves strict rest, and some horses do not return to normal for six months! Can you imagine not being able to ride or exercise your sick horse for weeks or months? Horses infected with the influenza virus can develop secondary pneumonia, which can be much more serious and require antibiotic treatment.

If your horse is at risk of catching influenza from other horses, why not prevent this disease and all its complications by vaccinating him/her? The American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) recommends horses at risk be vaccinated for influenza every six months.

Is your horse at risk of influenza? YES if he/she has contact with other horses “outside its bubble” at shows, trail rides, schooling, etc. Also YES if you keep your horse at a stable where other horses are coming and going and mixing with other horses. Even if your horse doesn’t go anywhere, another horse can bring the virus to him/her.

If your horse stays at your home barn with a steady “bubble” of barn mates and doesn’t have direct or indirect contact with other horses, he/she is at minimal risk of influenza.

A very good article with more details about equine influenza is available at For more information about equine vaccinations, see the AAEP’s recommendations at or speak with your veterinarian.

The foundation of animal welfare is preventing animal illness, pain, and suffering. Vaccinating against diseases of concern is a very simple and effective way to do this.






IMPORTANT REMINDER Regarding WSU Extension Adult/Youth Interactions during COVID-19

As we are all in communication via technology with youth at this time, I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of WSU Extension’s policy on interactions. Under this policy, AT NO TIME should one adult be meeting or communicating with youth WITHOUT the presence of another adult. This policy pertains to Zoom conferences, telephone conversations, text messages, social media posts, etc. To facilitate communication, make certain to cc another adult on written communications, and invite another adult to be present during virtual meetings. The second adult is recommended to be a WSU volunteer; other adults can serve in this role if you’re in a pinch.


Jana S. Ferris
Associate Professor
Volunteer Specialist, WSU Extension

A Reminder: COVID-19 Resources Available from WSU Extension

The WSU Extension COVID-19 Updates and Resources page is updated as new information becomes available. The Link to the page is


Caring for Your Family During COVID-19

The Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families has created a
resource for parents during COVID-19. The WASHINGTON STATE RESOURCE GUIDE FOR PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS: Caring for Your Family During COVID-19 was developed to help parents and their families navigate the pandemic and the days to follow. The publication is available at