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Skagit Food for Skagit People Training Opportunities

For those interested in learning more about food access and Charitable Food Systems, there is an excellent course at

There are 3 modules, six lessons that highlight the Food Bank Nutrition Policy.

The online course “Developing Food Bank Nutrition Policy to Procure Healthful Foods” is open from March 9th– April 17th 2015, so learners can access the material anytime during that timeframe. The first module “The role of Charitable Food Assistance” provides an excellent video presentation on food banking over the last 40 years. The Institute of Medicine published a perspective paper which was written by the authors of the online course describing influences on the nutritional aspects of charitable food systems and provides a vision for the food bank network, including steps that would support the CFS in their continued efforts to provide foods of higher nutritional quality. To check out the paper click here.