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Food Systems

Program Contact: Paul Kuber, Ph.D. - State 4-H Agri-Science Specialist / NE Region Livestock & Forage Specialist
(509) 477-2185 •

The WSU Food Systems Program has grown from historical roots of what was the Small Farms Program, built on many years of dedicated support for Washington Farmers. We now venture to broaden our objectives, taking a holistic approach to supporting the Washington food system.

Small farms are important to Washington State, with significant numbers of them found in every county. Like other small businesses, small farms can be valuable community assets, generating income and employment opportunities.

Farmers in northeast Washington have many options for marketing their various crop and livestock products. In fact, the number of options is only limited by one’s own imagination!

Donate extra produce to help fight hunger in Spokane County!

If you have extra produce to share, please consider donating to one of the many local organizations that provide food to low-income individuals throughout the county.

Helpful Contacts

Kathryn Hoogheem
Agriculture Extension Educator
WSU Stevens County Extension
Office: 509-684-2588
Mobile: 509-690-1027 (texts welcome)

Aaron Esser
Area Extension Agronomist
WSU Adams/Lincoln Area Extension
205 W Main, Ritzville, WA 99169
Phone: 509-659-3210 Mobile: (509) 660-0566

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