rain garden with flowers blooming

What is a
Rain Garden?

A rain garden is a beautiful and effective way to clean polluted stormwater runoff.  A rain garden acts like a miniature native forest by collecting, absorbing, and filtering stormwater runoff from roof tops, driveways, patios, and other areas that don’t allow water to soak in. They can be built at several scales and one may be just right for your home or neighborhood.

roof and future rain garden location
Rain gardens can be designed to accommodate varying levels of stormwater management.
graphic of a rain garden

Rain Gardens are simply shallow depressions that:

  • Can be shaped and sized to fit your yard.
  • Use a special mix of sand and compost that allow water to soak in rapidly and supports healthy plant growth.
  • Can be landscaped with a variety of plants to fit the surroundings.

Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs)

Rain gardens are one of many stormwater Low Impact Development Best Management Practices ( LID BMPs). The aim is to minimize stormwater runoff from hard surfaces. In addition to rain gardens, LID BMPs include:

  • Permeable Pavements
  • Cisterns/Rain barrels
  • Vegetated Roofs
  • Dispersion
  • Retaining vegetation, especially trees
image of a house showing ways to manage stormwater in the landscape
Click on image to enlarge.

Rain Garden Poster

We are pleased to offer this beautiful 2-sided poster for you to download. Total size is 25″ x 19″. The front is full-color and the back is black and white. For a high resolution (92.5MB–very large) suitable for printing please email your request to: rain.garden@wsu.edu.

Rain Garden illustration available for free download.
Rain Garden poster - back with detailed text about rain gardens

Copyright Good Nature Publishing 2016 artwork by John C. Pitcher