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Animal Health

Livestock Pests Study Guide

Livestock Pests Study Guide

West Nile Virus: Protecting Your Horses (Poster)

West Nile Virus: Protecting Your Horses (PDF)

Yellow Foxtail – Weed it Out!

There are a number of plants, such as yellow foxtail (Setaria glauca), needle and thread grass (Stipa comata), foxtail barley (Hordeum jubatum), squirreltail (Sitanion hystrix) and cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) that may cause mechanical injury to the oral tissues of grazing animals. Of these, yellow foxtail creates significant animal health problems and is commonly found in…

West Nile Virus and Horses

West Nile virus West Nile virus is a mosquito-borne disease of birds that was first detected in the U.S. in 1999. It has steadily moved west and late in 2002 the disease was confirmed in 2 birds and 2 horses in Washington State. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have predicted that the West…

Mustards A Concern for Horse Owners

The WSU College of Veterinary Medicine Field Investigative Unit has found the ingestion of certain mustards and possibly other members of the Brassicas family is a concern for horse owners.  If mares consume these plants during late pregnancy they can cause a condition called Congenital Hypothyroid Dysmaturity Syndrome in foals.  The syndrome most often results…

The Threat of Foreign Animal Diseases and The Need for Agriculture Biosecurity

Foreign animal diseases are not only a serious threat to American livestock and agriculture, but also to our nation’s economy and security. A wide variety of devastating plant and animal pathogens exist outside of the U.S. Many of these agents could be accidentally or intentionally transported inside the U.S borders. The transportation of livestock and…

Preventing Navel Ill

Using iodine on the navel of any newborn farm animal is an important management practice for the prevention of navel ill.  The navel of the newborn is basically a hollow tube which leads directly into the abdominal cavity and liver of the animal.  It remains moist for several days after birth, making   it easy for…



Fencing Considerations For Livestock Owners

Fencing is an integral part of a livestock or equine operation. It is very important for the safety and welfare of animals and producers. Should it fail...

Practical Biosecurity Recommendations for Farm Tour Hosts

Practical Biosecurity Recommendations for Farm Tour Hosts

Do You Have Lousy Animals?

As we enter the colder, darker, damper time of year, we will be re-visited by a pest from the past: lice. An annual problem, lice can affect animal health and farm profitability. Here is a short primer on this parasite. Species Specificity Lice are generally quite species specific (Table 1). This means poultry lice won’t spread…