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For Youth

Program Contact: Angelyn Sheppard, 4-H & Master Gardener Coordinator
509-422-7239 •

4-H offers many opportunities to have fun, learn new things and meet lots of new friends and adult mentors! You get to choose to participate in program areas, leadership activities, public presentations, and community service. (leadership, pub. Pres. & comm. Need to be anchors to below) At the end of your 4-H experience, your record book will provide much-needed information as you begin the next leg of your life journey.

Follow this link to learn more about joining 4-H!


Youth leadership is what 4-H is all about. In 4-H, you are in charge of your own programming. Adult volunteers work with you and/or your club to plan your activities to meet the goals you have set for yourself. In Okanogan County, we offer many different levels of leadership opportunities.

Club leadership – you may choose to serve on a committee, as an officer or to lead an event. Each individual club has a slightly different structure; once you’ve joined a club you can set goals for what leadership roles you might want to take.

County Leadership – 4-H has many different county leadership positions. Many of them are program specific, however, overall county opportunities exist as well. You will have many chances to exhibit your leadership ability as a member of 4-H.

4-H County Teen Representatives (ages 13-15)

The role of a CTR (County Teen Representative), is a means to strengthen the leadership opportunities for junior high age youth, across our state. Partnering with 4-H staff, volunteers and other youth, the goal is to improve and facilitate communication throughout the county and district and to help organize youth events and activities. CTR’s are the bridge between 4-H clubs and county activities, and then counties to district events. For more information go to: CTR’s also start networking across the state with other CTR’s and the State Ambassadors to build leadership skills, see the larger picture of 4-H opportunities, and promote 4-H beyond the local level.

Ambassadors (ages 13-19)

As a 4-H ambassador, you will work with other teens to promote 4-H to other youth, participate in many fun activities, attend State Teen Conference and work together on community service projects. For more information, go to .

4-H Council

This position is county-wide and will allow you to be part of the Okanogan County 4-H Leaders Council. You will be involved in setting program direction and policy for the entire 4-H organization here in Okanogan County.

Public Presentations

You can learn to stand in front of audiences with confidence and poise, just like many of the speakers you’ve heard in your lifetime. 4-H has just the program to teach you how to prepare, practice and deliver award winning presentations. Each year, 4-H hosts a series of workshops to teach the skills of presenting. The schedule for these workshops is published in the Clover Patch monthly newsletter. Following these workshops, you will be able to compete in Area, County and State Contests.

Community Service

You can make a difference in your community. Being a part of 4-H will give you many opportunities to give to those in need, assist in bettering your environment or sharing your skills with others. You are powerful in your ability to make the world a better place.

“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” ~ Margaret Mead

Record Books

Your experience with 4-H record books will lead you through the process of setting goals, securing assistance in reaching those goals and recording your progress. You will gain skills such as organization, setting priorities, maintaining financial records and keeping track of all the activities you have participated in as a youth. This can come in very handy when you begin completing job, college and scholarship applications. All junior, intermediate and senior 4-H members will complete a Record Book and 4-H Resume. If filling record books out using the fillable feature, please download and save using a new name.




4-H is the nation’s largest youth development organization. We reach out to kids and their families to build skills for real life. WSU 4-H Youth Development is committed to providing safe and inclusive environments for all youth and adults regardless of race; sex; gender; sexual orientation; gender identity/expression; religion; age; color; creed; national or ethnic origin; citizenship; physical, mental, or sensory ability; genetic information; and/or status as an honorably discharged veteran or member of the military.

Tree Planting

Tending to Goats

Cow Milking


Extension programs and employment are available to all without discrimination. Evidence of noncompliance may be reported to your local Extension office; WSU Okanogan County Extension, 1234 S. 2nd Ave. S., Suite C, Okanogan, WA 99840, (509) 422-7245 or