Scotch Broom

Invasive species impact cultural resources

Together we can reduce their impacts by raising awareness


The purpose of this page is to share resources and contact information to help raise awareness about the effects of invasive species on cultural resources.

How are invasive species affecting cultural resources?

Hosts of Phytophthora ramorum
Images of red huckleberry (Vaccinium parvifolium) showing symptoms of Phytophthora ramourum infection.

Phytophthora ramorum (pronounced fy-toff-thor-uh) is a microscopic ‘water mold’ that can cause disease in many plant species, including red huckleberry. People are often the source of spread between sites so it is important to take care and clean equipment before visiting ancestral berry patches.

European Green Crab
European Green Crab. Photo Credit: Washington Sea Grant

The spread of European green crab has affected life and resources in the tidelands throughout the northwest coast. Populations were recently detected in the northern Puget Sound, but many Puget Sound areas remain unaffected. More awareness, monitoring and management is needed to reduce the impacts and protect other areas and resources of the Puget Sound.

Link directs to the WSU Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology webpage. Image shows researchers examine symptoms of hoof disease on elk hooves.
Image of elk hoof being inspected for elk hoof disease. Photo from the WSU Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology webpage.

Elk hoof disease is an emerging issue in the Northwest. Infection causes abnormal hoof development and lameness in elk herds. Because no treatments are known to be effective, preventing its spread to other herds is a critical approach for reducing the impact. Help reduce the impact by reporting sightings of healthy and unhealthy elk to WDFW.

Read more about how cultural resources are affected by invasive species.

Fully Funded Outreach Materials

Together we can raise awareness and reduce the impacts of invasive species. WSU has support to provide educational materials to Washington Tribes thanks to a grant from USDA APHIS PPA 7721. Learn more about the materials available for your communities.


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