Scotch Broom

Workshops and Webinars

Spring 2024

Registration Flyer

2024 Workshops and Webinars

Please save the date for the 2024 Invasive Species Workshops and Webinars for Tribal Audiences. A two-day (online) workshop is scheduled for the mornings of March 26th and 28th. Additional weekly ‘deep-dive webinars’ will be held on Tuesday mornings in April.   

WSDA Pesticide Applicators Recertification Credits

WSDA has approved the provision of credits for the below sessions and amounts. Participants seeking credits will be asked to enter their details and a code word into the chat during the workshops and webinars.

  • March 26th – 3 credits
  • March 28th – 3 credits
  • April 2nd – 1 credit
  • April 9th – 1 credit
  • April 16th – 1 credit
  • April 23rd – 0 credits

2024 Workshop Schedule

  • March 26: Workshop Day 1 (Sessions 1 & 2), 8:00am-12:00pm PDT.
    • Session 1: Updates on Priority Invasive Species
    • Session 2: Success Stories in Reducing Impacts
  • March 28: Workshop Day 2 (Sessions 3 & 4), 8:00am-12:00pm PDT.
    • Session 3: Monitoring and Detection of Invasive Species
    • Session 4: Management of Invasive Species

2024 Webinar Schedule

  • April 2, 9:00am-10:30am PDT: Northwest Quagga Mussel Detection and Response
  • April 9, 9:00am-10:30am PDT: Impacts on Cultural Resources
  • April 16, 9:00am-10:30am PDT: Preparing and Planning for Invasive Species
  • April 23, 9:00am-10:30am PDT: Funding and Resources

2024 Agenda (PDF)

Tentative agenda schedule
2024 Agenda

Register for the 2024 Invasive Species Workshop and Webinars

Please register below for the events you would like to attend. Please note, you only need to register once (you do not need to register for each event separately). However, please re-register if you decide to attend another event that you haven’t registered for previously, just in case we need to send updates.

We will send links to the online workshops/webinars when they are available.

Please contact Joseph Hulbert ( with any questions.

Please complete the form below to register for the upcoming workshop and webinars
Please check the boxes for the events you plan to attend
Please list the invasive species you are most concerned with and why
Click the plus button to add another row.
Please check the categories you are most interested in learning more about
USDA APHIS has provided WSU with a grant to help develop and produce outreach materials for Tribal Nations. Are you interested in receiving some materials for your community?
Please let us know if you would benefit from receiving recertification credits for attending. We will do our best to organize credits depending on interest per state.
Please let us know if you would benefit from receiving recertification credits for attending. We will do our best to organize credits depending on interest per state.
Please feel free to use this space to share any requests, comments, or feedback for the Workshop and Webinar organizers.

March Half-Day Workshops

April Weekly Webinars

Previous Events

Workshop and Webinar Flyer

One-hundred and fifty people registered for the 2023 online workshop and webinar series for Tribal audiences.

The events were organized by Washington State University, The Washington Invasive Species Council, USDA APHIS, and Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Recordings of the presentations are available below

View the 2023 Agenda (PDF)