
Workshop and Webinars

Click the links to the sessions below to view the recordings.

2024 Workshops and Webinars

Workshop Day 1 – March 26, 2024

Session 1 – Updates in Invasive Species Management Priorities

Session 2 – Success Stories in Invasive Species Management

Workshop Day 2 – March 28, 2024

Session 3 – Early Detection, Monitoring

Session 4 – Invasive Species Management

Webinar 1 – April 02, 2024

Quagga Mussel Detection and Response

Webinar 2 – April 09, 2024

Impacts on Cultural Resources

Webinar 3 – April 16, 2024

Preparing and Planning for Invasive Species

Webinar 4 – April 23, 2024

Funding and Resources

2023 Workshops and Webinars

Workshop Day 1 – March 28, 2023

Session 1 – Invasive species overview and priorities in the PNW

Session 2 – Impacts of invasive species on cultural resources

Workshop Day 2 – March 30, 2023

Session 3 – Invasive species management in the PNW

Session 4 – Resources and funding for Tribal Nations

Webinar 1 – April 4th, 2023

Wildlife and Plant Diseases of Tribal concern in the Pacific Northwest

Webinar 2 – April 11th, 2023

Aquatic Invasive species of Tribal concern in the Pacific Northwest

Webinar 3 – April 18th 2023

Invasive insect pests of Tribal concern in the Pacific Northwest

Webinar 4 – April 25th 2023

Invasive plants of Tribal concern in the Pacific Northwest


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