2023 Workshop Day 2

Session 4: Resources and Funding for Tribal Nations

No-cost educational materials to raise awareness

Dan Fagerlie, Washington State University

Joey Hulbert, Washington State University

Recorded on March 30, 2023

Northwest RISCC (Regional Invasive Species and Climate Change) Management Network

Emily Fusco, University of Washington

Recorded on March 30, 2023

Bureau of Indian Affairs Invasive Species Program and Funding

Robert Compton, Bureau of Indian Affairs

Recorded on March 30, 2023

Overview of USDA Plant Protection Act Section 7721

Clinton Campbell, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)

Recorded on March 30, 2023

European Green Crab Emergency Funding

Allan Pleus, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

Recorded on March 30, 2023

Bureau of Reclamation Columbia-Pacific Northwest Funding Opportunities

Heidi McMaster, Bureau of Reclamation

Recorded on March 30, 2023


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