Invasive Weeds in Crop/Non-crop
To find out more information about a specific invasive weed, click the appropriate name below.
Please take a moment to let me know what information you are seeking and whether this site has been helpful. Your comments are appreciated.
- Control of Ventenata with Imazapic (PDF)
- Invasive Weeds of Eastern Washington (PDF) (large file)
- Rush Skeletonweed (PDF)
- Syrian Beancaper
- Silverleaf Nightshade
- Policeman’s Helmet
- Goat’s Rue
- False Brome
- Common Crupina
- Catchweed Bedstraw
- Bur Chervil – Wild Chervil
- Ventenata
- Sulfur Cinquefoil
- St Johnswort
- Spotted Knapweed
- Scotch Thistle
- Scotch Broom
- Saltcedar
- Russian Thistle
- Russian Olive
- Russian Knapweed
- Rush Skeletonweed
- Butterfly Bush
- Tansy Ragwort
- Curly Dock
- Black Medic
- Common Teasel
- Vipers Bugloss
- Ventenata EB 2040E
- Yellow Flag Iris
- White Bryony
- Western Poison Ivy
- Purple Loosestrife
- Puncturevine
- Prickly Lettuce
- Poison Hemlock
- Perennial Pepperweed
- Yellow Starthistle
- Yellow Nutsedge
- Lupine
- Leafy Spurge
- Kochia
- Jointed Goatgrass
- Italian Ryegrass
- Indigobush
- Houndstongue
- Buffalobur
- Black Nightshade
- Barberry
- Annual Sowthistle
- Canada Thistle
- Houndstongue
- Horseweed
- Horsetail
- Hoary Alyssum
- Himalayan Blackberry
- Parrotfeather
- Oxeye Daisy
- Orange Hawkweed
- Musk Thistle
- Medusahead
- Mayweed Camomile
- Mediterranean Sage
- Mahaleb Cherry
- Field Bindweed
- Eurasion Watermilfoil
- Dyers Woad
- Downy Brome
- Dalmatian Toadflax
- Common Tansy
- Common Milkweed
- Common Groundsel
- Common Fiddleneck
- Common Burdock
- Garlic Mustard