Washington State – 2023 Community Forestry Assistance Grants – applications open

2023 Community Forestry Assistance Grants: Applications are Live!

Request for Applications: https://www.dnr.wa.gov/publications/rp_urban_forestry_cfa_grant_app.pdf

Applicants must be located in Washington State and must be one or more of the following:

  • City, town, and county government
  • Tribal government
  • 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
  • Public educational institution
  • Special taxing district (examples: hospital districts, conservation districts, public parks districts)

Eligible projects under this RFA include (among many other things not listed here):

  • Urban Forest Management and Maintenance Plans
    • Develop a work plan, maintenance plan, management plan, strategic plan, standards in UCF/ tree care manual, etc. for trees and associated resources in the community, including open space and green infrastructure. (www.vibrantcitieslab.com/toolkit/plan-the-total-program/)
    • Management plans may also include:
      • Prioritized planting plans
      • Storm or wildfire response plans
      • Pest preparedness plans
      • Ordinance and policy development or revision
    • Other innovative projects, for example:
      • Invasive urban forest pest training and monitoring activities

If you have questions about the grants, contact the application coordinator Ben Thompson, at ben.thompson@dnr.wa.gov or (360) 485-8651.