New 4-H Leader Council Officers Elected
Thank you to the Pend Oreille County 4-H Volunteer Leaders who have taken on the challenge and important roles of Leaders of the Pend Oreille County 4-H Leader Council:
President: Daniel Troupe
Vice President: Mandy McElfish
Secretary: Nicole Seeber
Reporter: Arianna Alegreto
Treasurer: Scott Ellsworth
- President: shall preside at the meetings of the Leader Council and the Executive Committee. The President shall appoint special committees with the approval of the Executive Committee. The President plans the agenda for each Leader Council meeting with input from all interested parties. This is emailed to all members one week before the meeting.
- Vice-President: shall preside in the absence of the President. The Vice-President shall serve as President in the event the President is unable to fulfill the duties of the office or complete the terms of President.
- Secretary: shall keep the minutes of the Leader Council and Executive Committee. These shall be sent to each member of the Leader Council. The secretary shall conduct correspondence as is requested by the Executive Committee.
- Treasurer: shall receive all money; shall make an accurate record and report at all meetings, including a final written report at each meeting. Treasurer shall turn over all books and accounts following an audit by the Treasurer, the Finance Committee, or otherwise responsible person appointed by the Leader Council President, to the newly elected Treasurer after the annual installment of new officers.
- It shall be the duties of the Reporter to write and submit for publication an accurate account of all 4-H oriented activities to all appropriate area papers.
What happens if we do not re-enroll now!
Not re-enrolling means that your 4-H Club is not a 4-H Club! Your 4-H’ers are not part of 4-H, and no one is protected under the insurances or policies of 4-H in Washington State. 4-H members and clubs must be in good standing (enrolled as a club and in projects) to participate in 4-H Activities.
If you are a youth or an adult volunteer member in a Pend Oreille County 4-H Club and have not re-enrolled, please contact your Club Leader, or the Extension Office.
Your time, knowledge and heart for youth could make a big difference in the quality of life in your community. Washington State University Extension will provide you the support and training you’ll need along the way. You will be a valued partner in helping grow kids. This partnership only exists through yearly enrollment or new volunteer or youth enrollment.
4-H Fiscal Year and Reports Due to Extension Office and the State 4-H Office
Pat Boyes, State 4-H Director, reminds us that it is time to update the annual fiscal and IRS requirement for all continuing 4-H Clubs. Here are the dates and information that are requested:
October 1 – New 4-H Year Begins
November 1 – EIN Master Lists sent to County Office for Updating
December 31 – Annual 4-H Financial Summaries Due to Extension Office (All Clubs/Groups/Units)
January 15 – Council Financial Summaries Sent to State 4-H Office
January 15 – Updated EIN List Sent to State 4-H Office
March 15 – Form 990s Filed With IRS to Maintain Tax Exempt Status
March 15 – State 4-H Office Submits Official EIN Update to the IRS
Please note that these are hard dates. Many times we have room in reporting dates, but where the IRS is involved, we are hard and fast.
4-H Clubs who do not have an EIN and or do not comply with reporting requirements will not have access to the 4-H Name, Emblem and ability to raise funds in the name of 4-H. This is a big deal!
Please contact the 4-H Office with any and all questions. Thanks.
Know Your Government 2016
Know Your Government is a 4-H sponsored event that allows students to learn about and participate in three branches of government with their peers from across the state. This year’s theme, Decision 2016, invites students to explore political parties, the nomination process and what it takes to develop a platform that represents the 4-H youth. Prior to the end of the conference, the event delegation will elect a 4-H Governor.
Students that are in high school (9th-12th grades) are invited to participate in the hands-on civic education event.
Please follow this link for more information on KYG 2016.
Look for meeting dates, times and location next week.
Hour of Code
The GDC is hosting an Hour of Code event on December 9th for their afterschool program students in grades k-12th and their parents. The event will take place at Stratton Elementary from 5:00pm to 6:30pm. All are welcome!
Please see Press release: Press release
2 Fantastic Events Coming Up!
- Pend Oreille County 4-Hers have been invited to participate on a tri-county team with Spokane and Ferry County to attend the State 4-H Horse Bowl Contest May 2nd at Central Washington University in Ellensburg.
- Also, the Hippology Contest will be April 18th in Snohomish. Registration deadline is April 1.
You can find more information about the 4-H Horse Bowl and the Hippology Contest at:
Call or e-mail now to let us know if you are interested! Dixie at: 509-447-6453 or
4-H Leader Council Meeting – No Meeting in December 2015
Please plan to attend the January 21st Leader Council.
New 4-H Enrollment Year! Please follow this link to the 2016 4-H Enrollment Year process, new member enrollment form, applications and authorizations.
4-H Shooting Sports
Youth development is the number one goal of the 4-H Shooting Sports Program. 4-H Shooting Sports are an excellent way to provide life-skill development and to establish a caring relationship with an adult mentor. Since approximately two-thirds of the homes in the United States have firearms, teaching safe and responsible use of firearms and archery equipment is vital to preventing accidents in the home or in the field. The Washington State University Extension 4-H Shooting Sports Program provides instruction in the safe handling of firearms and archery equipment, develops responsibility, ethical decision-making, and leadership skills in 4-H participants. Additionally, youth and adults gain an appreciation for the ecology and science of natural resources and wildlife management.
Program Objectives
- To develop life skills in youth that include but is not limited to self-esteem, decisionmaking, communications, concern for community, and critical thinking skills.
- To deepen understanding of the science, engineering and technology of natural resources, and related natural science programs.
- To provide a safe, controlled environment for the learning of safe and responsible use of firearms and archery equipment.
- To promote the highest standards of safety, sportsmanship, and ethical behavior.
- To enhance family communication and quality time together.
- To promote awareness and appreciation of the broad spectrum of shooting sports and related activities as life-long leisure and career opportunities for youth and families.
- To provide positive competition opportunities for participants that desire to compete, both through self-competition and competition with others.
- To provide 4-H training and certification in the various shooting sports disciplines for adult volunteers.
- To develop leadership qualities in youth and adults.
- To complement and enhance the impact of existing safety and hunter education programs.
Instructor Certifications and Training Requirements
The Washington 4-H Shooting Sports Program requires the use of National or State Trained & 4-H Certified Instructors at the county level (in the appropriate discipline) to operate a live-fire range or to conduct any class in which firearms or archery equipment are handled. 4-H volunteers and faculty/staff who attend and become nationally certified in the shooting sports are expected to teach in their discipline at least once per year (twice is recommended). In order to be certified as a 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor in any discipline (rifle, shotgun, pistol, muzzleloader, archery, and hunting) the following requirements must be met:
- Instructors and Assistant Instructors above 4-H age must have been screened, trained, and appointed as a current 4-H Leader through a local county Extension office. Screening shall include: Washington State Patrol background check, criminal history disclosure, and character reference form.
- The age requirements for shooting sports instructors, assistant instructors, and teen leaders is as follows: Instructor—minimum 21 years old.
- Assistant Instructor— minimum 18 years old; must have a minimum of one year as a 4-H member in shooting sports discipline, experience in the discipline per instructor’s approval, or have attended a state training; can only instruct youth under the direct supervision of an instructor that is present during the instruction; may be in charge of a live range only under the direct supervision of an instructor.
- Teen Leader—minimum 14 years old; per leader approval and only under direct supervision of an instructor that is present during the instruction. The teen leader is not to be in charge of a live fire range.
- Successfully complete Instructor Training administered and sanctioned through the Washington State 4-H Office. A minimum of 11–15 hours in discipline instruction, use of the National 4-H Shooting Sports Curriculum, safety, risk management, teaching methods, and the 4-H program management will be taught at a State 4-H Sanctioned Instructor Training. National 4-H Trained and Certified Instructors are to do the instruction at the State Level Training Sessions. They can also conduct training sessions at the county level. Instructors teaching the hunting curriculum with a focus on shooting activities must be dual certified in hunting and the shooting discipline on which they will focus (rifle, pistol, shotgun, archery, or muzzleloading).
- County 4-H Shooting Sports Instructors must be trained and certified in the discipline (rifle, shotgun, pistol, muzzleloader, archery, and hunting) that they are teaching at the county level. State instructors must be trained and certified at a National 4-H Shooting Sports Training in the discipline (rifle, shotgun, pistol, muzzleloader, archery, and hunting) that they are teaching at the state or regional level and it is recommended that all instructors have a current First Aid and CPR Card.
- As of October 1, 2005, all shooting sports instructors need to meet the training and age requirements as outlined in the Washington State 4-H Shooting Sports Plan.
We would like to keep track of local Leaders and other adult volunteers who have completed 4-H Shooting Sports Training. If you are a certified 4-H Shooting Sports instructor please contact Dixie at 509-447-6453 or e-mail at: <a href="”> and let her know the following:
1.) your name and contact information
2.) when and where you took your training
3.) which shooting sport(s) you are trained in (archery, shotgun, rifle, handgun, etc…)
4.) if and when you are available to participate in 4-H Shooting Sports events
The Curiosity Factory is now open Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings from 5:30 to 8:00pm. Due to the upcoming holiday they will be closed Wednesday, November 25th.
If folks would like to be added to their mailing list, just email “add” to and you will be added.
Websites are:
Volunteer Database
Find this information on the main menu under 4-H
All WSU Extension Volunteers must log on to the Volunteer Database each month to report hours they worked for any WSU Extension program. More
The year is quickly coming to a close and we still have only 10 adult 4-H volunteers (out of close to 50) that have logged their hours into the volunteer data base.
Please visit the link below to complete that task at your earliest convenience.
If you do not have your username, please contact me at 447-6453 and I will get it to you.
What qualifies as volunteer hours:
Club/County 4-H Event:
Concession booth, club fundraisers, training shows, community service projects.Deliver an Educational Activity:
Serving as a presenter, chaperone, judge, ring steward, director, etc… of a program meeting, pre-show, training day, clinic, or business meeting that has an educational objective, is planned, and billed as a 4-H event.Help at Fair:
Work performed as a 4-H volunteer (not a Superintendent, Director, or Judge) at either the Junior Horse Fair or County Fair for which you have either volunteered to perform or were recruited to perform prior to the time of service.Prepare for Educational Training:
Any planned activity prior to a qualified Educational Activity which you engage in to make the activity possible, e.g. pen set-up, shopping for project supplies, inventorying awards, preparing judging sheets, installation and testing of watering systems and scales, project committee meetings, volunteer training, etc.Support/Office Work:
Correspondence, phone calls, preparation and submission of club tax filing, reporting of volunteer hours, council meetings, sale committee meetings, concession committee meetings, fundraising committee meetings.If you have any questions or problems, feel free to email me or call me at or 447-6453.
21st Century Academic Coach vacancy announcement: 21st century academic coach – 7th – 12th fall 2015 updated 2
Participants in the 2015 WA State 4-H Fair should find premium checks in their mail boxes over this Thanksgiving weekend. Part of the checks were mailed yesterday, while the remaining checks went out this morning.
Please keep in mind that there is an $8 entry fee per exhibitor on all judged classes. This amount was deducted from the premium checks. In addition, no check was written if the payment amount was less than $1.
Fair participants should allow the USPS the appropriate time for checks to get delivered. Checks with incorrect addresses will start arriving back at our offices during the week of December 7. We won’t be searching for any lost checks before then.
Here’s wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!
Tom Gwin
State 4-H Fair Manager
WSU Extension programs are offered without regard to race; sex; religion; age; color; creed; national or ethnic origin; physical, mental or sensory disability; marital status; sexual orientation; and/or status as a Vietnam-era or disabled veteran. Persons with a disability requiring special accommodations while participating in this program may call 1-509-447-2401 at least 14 days before the program.