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Zoom Information

Zoom Connection Issues?

When attempting to join a WSU Zoom meeting, if you are prompted with one of the following dialog windows, follow the steps below.


WSU Zoom meetings require you to have an Account with Zoom (Free or paid). You must be signed in prior to joining a WSU Zoom meeting.

WSU account holders or credentials (Students, Faculty, and Staff): Please refer to the ‘Installation & Sign In’ section of the following guide: Zoom – Joining Meetings and Best Practices

Non-WSU participants, please follow the steps below:

    1. If you do not have a free Zoom account, please create one on Zoom’s Sign Up page.
    2. Please refer to the ‘Sign In’ section of the Zoom Getting Started Article

If you are a ZoomForGov participant? (prompting you to switch accounts if you are already signed in to Zoom), please use the following steps.

    1. Sign in to Zoom with a personal/free Zoom account, and then attempt to join the meeting.
    2. Once you have successfully signed in to Zoom, you will be able to join the meeting.