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2016 February

Posted by cahnrs.webteam | March 2, 2016


 Know Your Government Update

Pend Oreille County KYG Contingent 2016

What a great event and exciting learning opportunity for 12 youth and 5 adult volunteers!

The KYG learning experience is about a three month process! Youth from 4-H in Pend Oreille County combined forces with youth from the Newport Grizzly Discovery Center (after school 4-H partnership) along with caring adult volunteers and key community members to learn about the election process. Amy Hipol was the 4-H governor candidate representing the 4-H contingent from Pend Oreille County.The entire group had worked on platform plankes and the candidates platform and campaign.



Amy was in the top ten candidates for the post. She delivered two heartfelt speeches and was supported by the entire contingent.

Thank you to the adults who gave so much of their time to make the Know Your Government Project a success in Pend Oreille County. Kathy Olmstead, Danette Hanson, Becky Sprague, Vickie Blanchet, Scott Ellsworth and the parents of the youth who attended.



WSU  4-H Age to show at Fair Policy

Currently we are awaiting changes in the State 4-H Policy. We anticipate these changes will take place in Sept 2016.  Until then, please follow these guidelines.  Please call with any questions.


Members must be in the 3rd grade and have reached their 8th birthday by January 1 of the

current 4-H year to be eligible for:

• Competitive situations, including livestock shows or sales.

• Enrollment in large animal projects including beef, dairy, goat, equine, sheep, llama, and swine.

• Enrollment in shooting sports projects.

• Enrollment in projects using motorized vehicles.

• Enrollment in food preservation projects using hot water bath or pressure canning methods.

Cross-age competitive events are not allowed.

Primary 4-H members may participate in age appropriate activities and projects. Projects recommended for Primary youth include: Dog, Cat, Poultry, Rabbit, Pygmy Goat, Horseless Horse, Cavy, Exploring the World of Small Animals, Exploring Farm Animals, Discovery, Creative Arts, Performing Arts, Aerospace, Bicycle, Computer, Photography, Clothing, Snackin’ Healthy, About You and Me, Just Outside the Door, and Exploring 4-H.

Primary 4-H members may not participate in competitive activities.

Marriage and/or parenthood are not barriers to 4-H membership, provided other membership requirements are met.

The county of residence is the primary county for 4-H enrollment. Youth are encouraged to enroll in their home county. A 4-H member cannot be enrolled in the same project in two different counties at the same time. Bordering counties may determine local guidelines for cross-county enrollment, with notification to the State 4-H Program Director.

4-H members transferring from one county to another are accepted by that county and given full credit for their past 4-H work or achievements.

Individual 4-H members must be enrolled through the County Extension Office and the Washington State 4-H Office in order to participate in statewide functions.

Funds may be collected to cover the cost of supplies and materials for user, conference, and event fees. Counties may charge a voluntary, nominal fee for program operation. Collecting this fee must not be a barrier to membership enrollment.

Persons with disabilities have the right to request and receive reasonable accommodation. Each youth and event must be evaluated individually, assessing whether the youth is qualified for the event and whether he or she would be able to  participate in the event with or without accommodation. As long as the youth meets essential requirements of the activity, participation is welcomed.

 Scholarship Opportunities

Avista-NWFCS/Garber/WSU CAHNRS Scholarships – March 31st Deadline (Link will be provided by January 31st) Avista/NWFCS 4-H Scholarship – to be considered for one of the ten $500 scholarships you must be currently enrolled in 4-H and plan to attend a two or four-year college. You must be a resident of one of the following counties:  Adams, Asotin, Ferry, Grant, Klickitat, Lincoln, Skamania, Spokane, Stevens, or Whitman. Garber Family Scholarship – to be considered for this $1,000 scholarship you must have been a 4-H Club member for at least two years, a leader among your peers and a volunteer in your community, and plan to attend a two or four-year college. You must be a resident of one of the following counties:  Lincoln or Adams. WSU CAHNRS 4-H Scholarship – to be considered for one of the two $3,000 scholarships available you must have been a 4-H Club member for at least two years, a leader among your peers, and plan to attend the College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences at Washington State University your freshman year.

 Chick-associated Salmonella Prevention Outreach from DOH

This spring, we ask for your help in educating people about the risk of Salmonella infection from contact with live poultry, such as chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys. Raising backyard birds for eggs and other benefits seems increasingly popular. This trend may be contributing to an ongoing increase of Salmonella outbreaks, including here in Washington.

Over 200 people in our state became sick after their contact with live poultry in the past four years—many were young children. Many people raising backyard flocks may not be aware that all poultry, even birds that appear clean and healthy can carry Salmonella bacteria. The bacteria can contaminate a bird’s body and anything near the area where they are housed, such as cages or coops. People who come into contact with contamination can then get Salmonella illness.
Please share the message about Salmonella to poultry owners by handing out our free materials
(After you touch a duck or chick, WASH YOUR HANDS, so you don’t get sick). The materials are also available in Spanish. To view and order these materials, visit our Salmonella from Chicks and Ducklings webpage.

 Additional Resources

Free Educational Posters, Flyers, and Stickers

  • DOH Salmonella from Chicks and Ducklings poster, flyer, and sticker:

  • CDC Have a Backyard Flock? Don’t Wing It.
·         CDC Don’t Play Chicken with Your Health.

Health Information Websites

  • DOH Salmonella from Chicks and Ducklings
·         CDC Keeping Backyard Poultry




We need youth or adult volunteers to teach 45 minute workshops at the Super Saturday event. The following topics are requested:

Poultry                                Quality Assurance Training                                    Cat Training
Label Reading                      The New Horse Guide                                           Oral Reasons
Record Books                       Demonstrations                                                   4-H Fair Entries
Teen Opportunities               Tack Box Tips                                                     Crafts (We need at least 4 different craft projects)

Rabbit Fit and Show              Photography                                                       Officer Training
Gardening                            Dog Training                                                       Pocket Pets
Conscientious Care 



Please note:  The next Horse Council Leader’s meeting will be on Thursday, March 10.

 4-H Leader Council Meeting

Please plan to attend the March 17, 2016 Leader Council meeting at 6:30pm, at the Extension Office.

Teens are invited to help with the planning for the Super Saturday!

Below is the link to the registration form for the South East District 4-H Shooting Sport Invitational which will be held March 12 – 13, 2016 in Ellensburg, WA.

We changed some of the events and limited the Shotgun event to 10 members due to time and space restrictions.

There have been out of district people inquire about participation. As long as we have room they can participate.

Registration form:  Se District


Julie Sorensen
WSU/Kittitas County Extension 4-H Program Assistant
901 East 7th Avenue, Suite 2
Ellensburg, WA  98926
(509) 962-7507 / Fax (509) 962-7574 /

Idaho Shooting Sports Leader Training:  Archery, Hunting, Pistol (Handgun), Rifle & Shotgun

University of Idaho 4-H Youth Development

April 16 – 17, 2016

Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

Flyer/Registration:   Idaho-SS-4-H-leader-training-2016

Upcoming Events:

4-H Ready – Set – Show – 03-05-16

4-H Tack Swap – 2016

  • 4-H Tack Swap Consignment Day: 03-11-16
  • 4-H Tack Swap Sale Day: 03-12-16

Youth beef field day – 03-12-16

Youth swine field day – 03-26-16

 Tech Wizards Update

We are beginning a new funding cycle for our 4-H Tech Wizards club; it will be an exciting and challenging year! In order to meet our goals as stated in our grant for 2016 we need the following:


  1. A volunteer leader to take over Pat Molvik’s position as leader for The Curiosity Factory in Newport.
  2.  A total of 50 youth to participate in The Curiosity Factory in Newport and the Tech Wizards Club in Cusick.
  3. At least 13 adult volunteer mentors to work with the 50 kids.


Please help! If you or someone you know (youth and adults) can help us reach our goals please contact Dixie at

Volunteer Database

Find this information on the main menu under 4-H


All WSU Extension Volunteers must log on to the Volunteer Database each month to report hours they worked for any WSU Extension program.


We still have only 10 adult 4-H volunteers (out of close to 50) that have logged their hours into the volunteer data base.

Please visit the link below to complete that task at your earliest convenience:
If you do not have your username, please contact me at:  509-447-6453 and I will get it to you. Thanks, Dixie. What qualifies as volunteer hours:

Club/County 4-H Event:

Concession booth, club fundraisers, training shows, community service projects.Deliver an Educational Activity: Serving as a presenter, chaperone, judge, ring steward, director, etc… of a program meeting, pre-show, training day, clinic, or business meeting that has an educational objective, is planned, and billed as a 4-H event.
Help at Fair:
Work performed as a 4-H volunteer (not a Superintendent, Director, or Judge) at either the Junior Horse Fair or County Fair for which you have either volunteered to perform or were recruited to perform prior to the time of service.
Prepare for Educational Training:
Any planned activity prior to a qualified Educational Activity which you engage in to make the activity possible, e.g. pen set-up, shopping for project supplies, inventorying awards, preparing judging sheets, installation and testing of watering systems and scales, project committee meetings, volunteer training, etc.
Support/Office Work:
Correspondence, phone calls, preparation and submission of club tax filing, reporting of volunteer hours, council meetings, sale committee meetings, concession committee meetings, fundraising committee meetings.
If you have any questions or problems, feel free to email me or call me at or 509-447-6453.

WSU Extension programs are offered without regard to race; sex; religion; age; color; creed; national or ethnic origin; physical, mental or sensory disability; marital status; sexual orientation; and/or status as a Vietnam-era or disabled veteran. Persons with a disability requiring special accommodations while participating in this program may call 1-509-447-2401 at least 14 days before the program.