Youth Representative Needed to provide input to Natural Resources Committee for meeting on April 19th (evening)
Pend Oreille County Commissioners have asked 4-H in Pend Oreille County to provide a youth representative for a Natural Resources input meeting to be held at the Extension Office on 4/19/2016.
This is from Commissioner Karen Skoog: “The committee will be reviewing a prepared natural resource plan. The purpose is to review and revise the plan we are working from with the help of a consultant we will hire who will video conference in. We have reserved the extension conference room and PolyComm tentatively for April 19. At the first meeting there will be an introduction to the coordination process, a chair chosen and further meetings and assignments chosen perhaps.
The student position is something I asked our board to do in addition to the full committee we now have. It is an opportunity to experience how to interact in a committee and review policy but there is no requirement that they give input nor should it have pressure. I expect a parent or leader would attend but not be participating.”
This is a great opportunity for a Pend Oreille County 4-H’er. Please let me know if you are interested. Thanks
Mike Jensen
Biosecurity at Fairs
Submitted by: Dale A. Moore, Extension Veterinarian
Submitted by: Betsy Fradd,
What are the steps you need to take to get your fair or livestock exhibition ready for any emergency? Whether it’s 4-H or FFA or open livestock shows, having a plan to prevent disease transmission from animal to animal and from animal to people and people to animal is vital.
The Extension Disaster Education Network will host Dr. Dale Moore (WSU) and Scott Cotton (U of Wyoming) as webinar speakers on the topic of biosecurity at fairs and livestock exhibits on April 12, 2016, 1 PM Eastern/Noon Central/11 AM Mountain/10 AM Pacific. Scott Cotton will highlight preparation activities and basic biosecurity for fairs and livestock exhibitions. Dale Moore will focus on pre-venting disease from entering the livestock areas through effective use of the fair veterinarian. In early April, visit the EDEN website at: After April 12, the webinar will be placed in the archives. For 4-H and fair information at the VetMed Extension web-site, go to:
As part of a national branding initiative beginning April 2nd, we are asking for your help in spreading the word about leaders in 4-H and the impacts they have on their communities. This imitative focuses on sharing successes using Social Media, through the use of hashtags. The national 4-H marketing team will be tracking the success in this campaign at the county level through the hashtag and geotagging. There will be a contest around the states and counties that contribute most to the campaign—more details to follow!
Video Contest
Washington public high school students, tell us in a short video why you “opt in for a better education” and be eligible to win one of 10 $500 scholarships. You can also win a $100 Visa gift card for your favorite educator.
The goal of the Opt In for Student Success project is to build the student voice to talk about the importance of a high-quality education, the value of assessments and being prepared for college and career. We want Washington students to compete for the quality jobs we have in our state. Opt In for Student Success is a project of the Ready Washington coalition (
DEADLINE: Videos must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. on April 15, 2016.
HOW TO SUBMIT A VIDEO: Visit for examples of student videos. Students can upload their video to YouTube, Twit-ter or Instagram. The preferred option is uploading the video to YouTube and providing us a link. Fill out your information and pro-vide your video link by visiting: If you post the video to Instagram or Twitter, please tag @readywashington on Instagram or @readywa on Twitter. The student’s social media account needs to be public in order for us to access the video.
PRIZES: A committee will select 10 winners to each receive a $500 scholarship (a check made out in each winner’s name). Videos will be judged on content, quality of video and quality of sound. We will notify winners via email by May 1, 2016. Additionally, students can select their favorite high school educator (teacher, counselor, princi-pal) to receive a $100 Visa gift card.
Submitted by: Jan Klein,
WSU 4-H Age to show at Fair Policy
Currently we are awaiting changes in the State 4-H Policy. We anticipate these changes will take place in Sept 2016. Until then, please follow these guidelines. Please call with any questions.
- Members must be in the 3rd grade and have reached their 8th birthday by January 1 of the current 4-H year to be eligible for:
- Competitive situations, including livestock shows or sales.
- Enrollment in large animal projects including beef, dairy, goat, equine, sheep, llama, and swine.
- Enrollment in shooting sports projects.
- Enrollment in projects using motorized vehicles.
- Enrollment in food preservation projects using hot water bath or pressure canning methods.
Cross-age competitive events are not allowed.
Primary 4-H members may participate in age appropriate activities and projects. Projects recommended for Primary youth include: Dog, Cat, Poultry, Rabbit, Pygmy Goat, Horseless Horse, Cavy, Exploring the World of Small Animals, Exploring Farm Animals, Discovery, Creative Arts, Performing Arts, Aerospace, Bicycle, Computer, Photography, Clothing, Snackin’ Healthy, About You and Me, Just Outside the Door, and Exploring 4-H.
Primary 4-H members may not participate in competitive activities.
Marriage and/or parenthood are not barriers to 4-H membership, provided other membership requirements are met.
The county of residence is the primary county for 4-H enrollment. Youth are encouraged to enroll in their home county. A 4-H member cannot be enrolled in the same project in two different counties at the same time. Bordering counties may determine local guidelines for cross-county enrollment, with notification to the State 4-H Program Director.
4-H members transferring from one county to another are accepted by that county and given full credit for their past 4-H work or achievements.
Individual 4-H members must be enrolled through the County Extension Office and the Washington State 4-H Office in order to participate in statewide functions.
Funds may be collected to cover the cost of supplies and materials for user, conference, and event fees. Counties may charge a voluntary, nominal fee for program operation. Collecting this fee must not be a barrier to membership enrollment.
Persons with disabilities have the right to request and receive reasonable accommodation. Each youth and event must be evaluated individually, assessing whether the youth is qualified for the event and whether he or she would be able to participate in the event with or without accommodation. As long as the youth meets essential requirements of the activity, participation is welcomed.
Each participant will need to have a signed Assumption of risk form for the Super Saturday Event. Please print and complete prior to Saturday to streamline the registration process.
4-H SUPER SATURDAY 2016Please choose one event in each time slot.
8:00 – 8:30 am
Registration, Check-in, Common Measures Survey Foyer/Large Meeting Room
Workshops locations: Weed Board Meeting Room | Small Meeting Room (East) | Large Meeting Room (West)Foyer
9:20 – 10:25 am
Cats – Jessica Simon
Records for Your Information – Kathy Olmstead
Understanding the New Horse Guide – Mandy McElfish
Swine – Amy Reijonen
10:30 – 11:15 am
Teen Opportunities – Scott Elsworth
Mythbusting –
Try This At 4-H – Vickie Blanchet
Remote Control Cars – Jessica’s Hubby
Gardening (In Greenhouse) – Dixie Chichester
11:20 – 12:05 pm
Orals & Demonstrations – Jessica Simon
Rabbit Fit and Show – Mya Thomas
Dogs – Sam Storer
Quality Assurance –
Meat Animals Dos and Don’ts – Kathy Olmstead
11:15 – 11:40 am
Leather Craft Project – Jessica Simon
Paper Quilling – Sherry Kendrick
Mother’s Day Cards – Dixie and Daniel
Ropes & halters – Mandy McElfish
12:05 – 12:30 pm
Lunch – Taco Bar
12:30 – 2:00 pm
Games (Outside Lawn – weather permitting) 9 square in the air, Ga Ga Ball, archery
2:00 – 2:30 pm
Clean up
4-H Super Saturday Flyer: Super Saturday Flyer
Super Saturday schedule of workshops: SS schedule 2016
Assumption of Risk: Assumption of Risk – Super Saturday
4-H Leader Council Meeting
Please plan to attend the May 19, 2016 Leader Council meeting at 6:30pm, at the Extension Office.
No Leader Council Meeting in April
4-H Staff will be at Trainings next week!
Please note that 4-H Staff will be at trainings in Spokane next week. Special training on the new 4-H Conflict Management and New 4-H Policies will be help in Spokane next week. Information from these trainings will be the basis for New Leader Training later this Spring. Look to “News and Views” for policy updates and special training sessions for all 4-H Leaders. Hang on, big changes will take place for the next 4-H Year!
Tech Wizards Update
We are beginning a new funding cycle for our 4-H Tech Wizards club; it will be an exciting and challenging year! In order to meet our goals as stated in our grant for 2016 we need the following:
- A volunteer leader to take over Pat Molvik’s position as leader for The Curiosity Factory in Newport.
- A total of 50 youth to participate in The Curiosity Factory in Newport and the Tech Wizards Club in Cusick.
- At least 13 adult volunteer mentors to work with the 50 kids.
Please help! If you or someone you know (youth and adults) can help us reach our goals please contact Dixie at
Time to get horses ready for show season in a fun, no pressure learning environment. The schooling clinic is for all 4-H’ers to learn about in a show, or a great spring warm-up for BOTH horses and riders.
4-H Spring Clinic 2016 Horse Show Prep entry form: 4-H Spring Clinic – 2016
Beginning Horsemanship Day #2 registration: 4-H Spring Clinic – Day 2
WSU Extension programs are offered without regard to race; sex; religion; age; color; creed; national or ethnic origin; physical, mental or sensory disability; marital status; sexual orientation; and/or status as a Vietnam-era or disabled veteran. Persons with a disability requiring special accommodations while participating in this program may call 1-509-447-2401 at least 14 days before the program.