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2016 July

Posted by cahnrs.webteam | July 5, 2016






4-H Leader Council meeting set for July 21 at 6:30 p.m. at the 4-H Building on the Fair Grounds

We are asking each 4-H Club to send an adult volunteer to represent your 4-H Club at the next 4-H Leader Council Meeting.   Please come to share your voice and to help share the workload of County-wide 4-H programming and fun.

Date: 7/21

Time: 6:30p-8p

Location: Pend Oreille County Fairgrounds – 4-H Exhibit building.




2016 Fashion Revue from Kathy Olmstead

Date, Time, and Place to be determined by location of participants.

Things to bring:

  1. Project clothing and accessories*
  2. Personal data sheet, EM0682
  3. Commentary
  4. Record book with Project record, C0947, up to date. Only the sewing sections of the book will be judged, but don’t take your book apart. Please bring it in a binder with your name on it so it stays together.
  5. In a zip lock bag have the pattern envelop and directions, with anything not done as directed noted. Also a 3×5 card with laundry instructions.             Schedule upon arrival:  1) check in – turn in data sheet, commentary, zippy with pattern envelope, etc. and record book;  2) fill out info on Fashion Revue Score Cards that judges will use CO153E;  3) practice modeling with commentaries;  4) eat;   5) get dressed for Fashion Revue;  6)modeling contest including a short interview with the judges;  7) totaling of scores (chance to eat more);  8) passing out ribbons.   (*One or more clothing items constructed by the member during the 4-H year. Accessories such as scarves, book bags, or hats will be acceptable without other garments for the young or beginning members. Intermediate or Senior members must have a garment to go with the accessory items.)
  6. Potluck finger foods that are not messy  (we are going to have on our good contest clothes part of the time)

Construction will be judged at the Fair, but the 4-H Clothing exhibit scorecard is included for your information.

There will be a show of our Fashion Revue during Fair on Saturday evening at 6:00pm.  If you have any questions, please call the Extension Office at: (509) 447-2401 or Kathy Olmstead at: (509) 292-2604.


The 2016 State 4-H Fair exhibitor guide is now available online. You can download the entire guide, or just the parts that you need.

For more information, visit

News and views is a partnership!

Information presented in the News and Views is intended to keep all 4-H Families and Club Leaders in the loop of information.   Please feel free to contribute information, photos and other 4-H related information that you think could benefit other 4-H Families in Pend Oreille County.   We are part of a “Learning Organization” and Learning by doing is the best way to achieve our desired results.   Please contribute information to Beverly Sarles at  We ask that information be provided by the 1st day of the month, and look for the News and Views by the end of the first week of each month.   Other (time sensitive ) information will be emailed between issues of the News and Views.   Thanks.  Mike Jensen

Leader Training coming in August and September

All 4-H Leaders will need to attend special training on the new 4-H Policies, Club Finances, and Conflict Management for WSU 4-H in Pend Oreille County.   Creating the best possible learning opportunities for 4-H Youth is not easy.   Protecting yourself and youth is a task that requires continual training.   Look for local dates and times for you to actively participate in required training for all continuing 4-H Volunteers.   New policies and procedures will come into effect October 1st.  This September we will be working with all 4-H Clubs to reenroll youth and members.   Again, these changes are for the protection of youth and volunteers committed to the delivery of the WSU 4-H Youth Development Program in Pend Oreille County.   In person training around the County and zoom meetings will be available to accommodate your busy schedules.   Call me with any questions or concerns.   Mike Jensen: 509-447-2401  Email:

Leader Council Meeting Minutes

You may access the May 2016 Leader Council meeting minutes at this link:   Leader Council Meeting – 05-19-16


Notes from the 4-H Superintendent to prepare us for the fair

  1. Fair clean up is August 6 from 9 AM until after lunch. All 4-H’ers are expected to come and take part in the fun with all of your fair buddies from last year or to make new ones for this year. The more the merrier and the more work we can get done.      4-H provides the lunch.  We are having a spaghetti dinner for 125 to 150 people.  Part of it is covered by the following clubs:

Pend Oreille Equestrians – noodles, Bare Mountain Bandits – Bread, Country Pride – Desserts,     Tech Wizards – Sauce

We still need : drinks, salad, meat, dressings, croutons and Parmesan cheese.  If your club could               bring one of these, please call the extension office or Kathy Olmstead 292-2604

  1. Decorations for our 4-H building are needed besides all of the great entries we expect from you in Cooking, gardening, sewing, crafts (all kinds of crafts), canning, and such.

We would like each member to put your first name on a jeans pocket and bring it to the 4-H       building during fair clean up or on Wednesday of fair week.  Be thinking of a ‘country dream’       that we can put on a cloud to post in the building, too.

We would like each club to prepare a poster about your club.  It can include pictures, a paragraph about what you do or whatever.  These will be exhibited in the 4-H building.

Posters from members with exhibits in the building like you do for the animal barns.  Such as a sewing poster about thread or a gardening poster about soil or seeds.  We all love posters          showing the things members have learned.

Remember the fair colors are red, white, and blue and the theme is Blue Jeans and Country       Dreams.

  1. Please come by the 4-H building during clean up and pick up hang tags for your entries to the 4-H building so you can fill them out before arriving on Wednesday. If you know what category each thing is to be entered in before you come, it makes it easier on all involved.
  2. On Thursday, judging day, help is needed to work with each judge taking items to them, putting them back and taking notes as each is judged. Then all exhibits need to be displayed with ribbons in an attractive arrangement. We need adult volunteers to help with this.  If you can give us some time, please come by and sign up at clean up day or Wednesday of fair.  This can be parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, or just gullible souls.

Above all we want everyone involved with fair to have fun working with the members and other volunteers. Remember we are all here to do our best and learn how to ‘make the best better’.

Submitted by:  Kathy Olmstead   Call me if you have questions or suggestions.  Griping frowned on.












WSU Extension programs are offered without regard to race; sex; religion; age; color; creed; national or ethnic origin; physical, mental or sensory disability; marital status; sexual orientation; and/or status as a Vietnam-era or disabled veteran. Persons with a disability requiring special accommodations while participating in this program may call 1-509-447-2401 at least 14 days before the program.