National Mentoring Program – Tech Wizards in Pend Oreille County
I am writing from the National 4-H Conference Center in Washington, D.C. Last night, the center received a dusting of snow. It made the campus extremely beautiful. A small group from Washington State are here with 200 other Extension faculty and staff for the National Mentoring required meeting. This is the seventh year that the grant program has been offered. The National 4-H Conference Center is a great venue for this meeting.
NMP7 (National Mentoring Program 7) is really three grant programs in one. They are funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. The purposes of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) Federal Fiscal Year 2016 (FFY16) are to support organizations that will assist in the further development and maturity of community programs serving at risk, high risk, or underserved youth populations. Expansion of mentoring activities should create new opportunities for mentee achievement.
The 4-H National Mentoring Program’s goals are to improve outcomes for at-risk, high-risk, or underserved youth and reduce negative outcomes, including juvenile delinquency and gang participation, improve academic performance, and reduce school drop-out rates through mentoring. The program will also implement enhanced practices that will enrich positive outcomes and further align with research and evidence on effective mentoring. The objective of this program is to provide direct one-on-one, group (up to but not exceed 4 youth to one mentor), peer (age 15 or older), or a combination of these types of mentoring services, to underserved youth populations for 12 consecutive months.
In Pend Oreille County, we have focused upon delivery of the Tech Wizards Program. We utilize technology as the draw for youth in the Cusick and Newport areas to come together weekly to connect with caring adult mentors. The program reaches 40-60 youth each year. Any 4-H’er can join the group on Monday evenings in Cusick at the Community Building. You are encouraged to come and check it out! There is always a new game or tool that is introduced. In addition, when the weather cooperates you will find the 9 Square in the Air, or Gaga pit in full operation. So please join us for WSU Extension Pend Oreille County Tech Wizards. Call Dixie Chichester at the Extension Office for more information: 509-447-2401. Thanks… Mike Jensen
Kathy Olmstead is requesting some assistance to help her with the 4-H Building Superintendent’s position this year.
Duties of the 4-H Superintendent for Pend Oreille County Fair are generally as follows:
Liaison with the Fair Board regarding all 4-H issues including changes to the fair book; communicate with sponsors and coordinate 4-H awards; recruit volunteers to help with all 4-H building activities; order and pick up supplies; oversee building pre-fair clean-up, repairs and decoration; accept, organize, and display all 4-H entries; assist judges; coordinate 4-H Fashion Revue; pick up, organize and display ribbons, trophies and other awards; supervise pick-up of entrees after fair; oversee building clean-up after fair; complete event evaluations; order supplies for next year; and send thank-you notes.
Some of the preparations need to be undertaken immediately. Please e-mail Kathy at or call 509-292-2604 to let her know how you can help.
Attention All 4-H Leaders!
The By-Laws for the 4-H Leader Council are now available on the county Extension website. Please click on the link to access and review the By-Laws. Any requested By-Law changes and an addendum to outline the additional duties of the Leader Council Reporter will be discussed at the next Leader Council meeting on February 16. Link: Constitution and by-laws of the POC 4-H feb 2014
Next 4-H Leader Council Meeting – February 16, 2017, at 6:30pm, at the Extension Office
Fourth Annual WSU Horse Course – March 25, 2017 (Hosted by the Student Chapter of the American Association of Equine Practitioners)
The Horse Course is an annual educational event hosted by the Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine Student Chapter of the American Association of Equine Practitioners. Lectures this year include dentistry, general physical assessment of your horse, deworming/parasite control, and X-ray and MRI use.
This year they are focusing on senior horse care, nutrition, toxic plants, and joint supplementation and injections. For demonstrations, they have a toxic plant garden to show attendees, a bandaging demonstration, and a dynamic endoscopy lecture and demo.
Lunch is included, as well as beverages and snacks in the morning. At this link please find the flyer for more information about this course, and how to purchase tickets: Horse Course – 2017