Mandatory Management Fee
Dear 4-H Volunteers and Members:
We in Pend Oreille County Extension greatly appreciate all that you contribute, volunteer, and achieve together as 4-H Clubs and programs. Washington 4-H has chosen to implement a mandatory 4-H management fee. This fee is $25.00 per member. Twenty dollars of this fee goes to the State 4-H Office. The remaining $5.00 goes into an account for the County 4-H Program. The fees will be used to maintain a safe environment and for risk management of the program; includes medical insurance, quality educational programming, and marking and growth.
We have been working toward simplifying the fee to $20.00, and foregoing the additional $5.00 per member. The intent was to lessen the burden on all 4-H members. We have not been successful, and have been told to collect the full $25.00 per member and as a County we can choose what to do with the additional $5.00. The expectation of the State 4-H Office is to use the $5.00 to offset fees for youth who cannot afford the $5.00.
The 4-H Leader Council is looking into fundraising activities that can help to offset the cost of the membership fee for all youth in Pend Oreille County. I also know that many of the clubs do some sort of fundraising. I am sad that more effort will go into fundraising with the intent of meeting the cost of the mandatory management fee. I, along with the Pend Oreille County Board of Commissioners, would rather see that fee utilized for investing in educational opportunities for 4-H youth.
Please let me know if there are families who are struggling with the thought of the membership fee. It is our intent to not have this fee be an obstacle for any youth to being a 4-H member.
To summarize, we will be collecting $25.00 per member this year for all continuing 4-H Members. Scholarships will be available to all who need them. Your feedback and input on the fee and other important issues in 4-H Youth Development are always welcomed and needed.
It has been my experience that 4-H Members, 4-H Volunteer Leaders, and 4-H Families always rise above adversity and do something positive about it. Thank you in advance for continuing to do the positive and continue to grow 4-H Youth Development in Pend Oreille County.
Michael T. Jensen
Associate Professor and County Extension Director
Family and 4-H Youth Development
Washington State 4-H Camps Specialist
Join Priest River and Newport Schools for a fun night of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math! Thursday, November 2 ~ 6 – 8pm. See poster for more information: STEAM Fair Poster
Parenting Seminar ~ Love & Logic
Register now for this popular parenting class that provides practical tools and techniques that help adults achieve respectful healthy relationships with their children preparing them for the real world. See flyer for more information: Love and Logic Flyer
Know Your Government (KYG)
Know Your Government startup is just around the corner. The focus this year is on the legislative branch and we’ll be writing a bill that we hope to get through committee and have signed into 4-H law! We will be meeting on Saturday, November 4, 2017, from 3:45-4:15 PM at the CAMAS Center. For more information, please contact Vickie Blanchet at 509.671.2428 or by email at
Donate $10.00 toward 4-H Membership Fees and, as a way to thank you, the Pend Oreille County 4-H Leader Council invites you to come See “The Temple Grandin Story” on November 12, 2017, starting at 2:30 PM at the Newport Roxy Theater. (Doors open 30 minutes before show time.)
Invite your family and friends to join you for this inspiring movie about a young woman who overcomes incredible odds and changes the beef cattle industry. Make your donation through your local 4-H club or at the WSU POC Extension office, and receive your complimentary ticket.
4-H Leader Council
Please join us for the next Leader Council meeting. This meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 24, and will take place at the WSU Extension Office, 227 S Garden Ave., Newport.
See the minutes from the September meeting and the current Treasurer’s Report: 4H Leader Council Mtg Min – 09-21-17 4H Leader Council Treasurer Reprt – 09-21-17