Washington Swine Information Day – February 9, 2018
The Washington Swine Information Day will be held on February 9, 2018 from 9:00 AM until 5:15 PM at the Pillar Rock Grill (Moses Lake Golf & Country Club) in Moses Lake, Washington. Swine producers of all sizes; 4-H/FFA youth producers; agency representatives; agriculture educators; and fair/show representatives are invited to participate. The event has been organized and sponsored by Washington Pork Producers, National Pork Board Checkoff, and Washington State University Extension.
Washington Swine Information Day features an array of presentations that have been organized to meet the diverse and unique needs of Pacific Northwest Swine Producers. This year’s program will feature a one-day shortened version of the WSU Pork 300 short-course. WSU PORK 300 is an intense three-day, hands-on workshop held on the WSU Campus. The class has been recognized by industry leaders and producers as a highly educational program for producers and industry stakeholders of all sizes and market types. The condensed PORK 200 program offered during Swine Information Day on February 9th will focus on live animal evaluation, carcass estimation, economics of pork pricing, pork taste/flavor, pork quality and retail cuts. The program will focus on teaching individuals how to produce and market quality pigs and pork products. Dr. Steve Larsen, Assistant Vice President of Science and Technology of the National Pork Board, will discuss the proposed voluntary pork grading system and consumer demands concerning pork quality and pork cuts.
In addition to the WSU PORK 200 activities, the afternoon session will also include other important resource information for both adult and youth swine producers. Dr. Paul Kuber will discuss the new national quality assurance program, “Youth for the Quality Care of Animals”, and how youth may participate in this new program. Youth participating in Washington Swine Information Day will receive a free $12 coupon to certify in the on-line YQCA class. YQCA will be replacing the Youth Pork Quality Assurance program. The day will also feature an update of resources available from the National Pork Board; compliance with the sow traceability and sow tags; as well as feral swine issues in Washington and handling conflicts with wildlife on your farm.
Registration for the day’s event is $25 per person and includes seminar, handouts, lunch and break refreshments. An all-day youth registration, $20, is also available to 4-H and FFA members. Individuals may also attend just the afternoon session for $10. There is a $15 per person late charge for registrations postmarked after January 31, 2018. Please pre-register so we can ensure adequate accommodations and meals. A complete seminar agenda and registration brochure is available at http://extension.wsu.edu/animalag/event/washington-state-swine-information-day/ or by contacting Sarah M. Smith, WSU Extension Regional Specialist at smithsm@wsu.edu or (509)754-2011, Ext 4363. To register with a credit card, go to https://www.BrownPaperTickets.com and enter event number 3220888 (https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3220888). Additional funding for this event was made available by Pork Checkoff funding.
Pend Oreille County Livestock Committee
Please see the announcement from Kevin Koesel, Livestock Superintendent: POC Livestock Committee
JOANNhearts4H Paper Clover Promotion
We are pleased to announce the Paper Clover campaign is coming to JOANN stores!
During the month of February, millions of JOANN customers, 4-H members and supporters will have a chance to share their hearts and show their love by equipping local Clubs with resources to reach more kids in need.
Here’s how:
Support the 4-H Paper Clover Campaign by visiting your local store between February 1 and 28, 2018. Donate $1 or $4 at purchase, and you’ll receive a clover featuring a special Valentine’s Day craft from FamilyFun. With each $4 donation, you’ll get $4 off your next purchase.
Join hundreds of 4-H youth February 3, 2018, from 11am-2pm to make and deliver custom Valentine’s Day cards to local children’s hospitals, senior citizen centers, and others in the community. Visit your local JOANN store to participate.
Current & lifetime 4‑H members, parents of members, volunteers and 4‑H staff can save 15% off total in-store and online purchases at JOANN Fabrics every day with 4‑H Rewards. JOANN will give a minimum of 2.5% of every eligible transaction to 4‑H. Visit http://www.joann.com/4-h/to get started.
Numerous Trainings for Foresters and/or Landowners
Please see the announcements: Spokane_ATFS011717 B Family Foresters Workshop 2018 TiesEllensLow18 Foresters_Roundtable_2018 Forest Winter 2_18 low Colville_Chainsaw Fly2018 Coached Cle Elum low
Junior Livestock Show Auction & Benefit Dinner
This event will take place on Saturday, February 17. All proceeds benefit the Junior Livestock Show of Spokane. For more information click: Save the Date
Junior Livestock Show of Spokane – 2018
There are a few new contests this year. Contest rules as well as the entry blanks can be found on the website: www.juniorshow.org. You may enter online from the link provided on the website. Otherwise, all entries must be postmarked no later than April 10, 2018. Do not hesitate to contact Shelley Brown at: (509) 477-2770, if you have any questions. You may also visit: fairandexpo@spokanecounty.org
4-H Leader Council
The next Leader Council meeting will be held on Thursday, January 18, at the WSU Extension Office, located at 227 S Garden Ave., Newport. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. We hope to see you there!
2017 Annual Financial Report – 4H Leader Council
See attachment: Annual Financial Report – 2017
Prepared by:
Vickie Blanchet, MSW
Program Director/NHS Site Coordinator
Grizzly Discovery Center
Newport School District
(509) 447-2481 ext. 6501