Raise Your Hand to Support 4-H
In 4-H, we believe in the power of America’s youth to succeed in life; however, only one in three youth say they have the skills they need to handle what life throws their way.
That’s why 4-H created “Raise Your Hand.” A nationwide call to action for alumni and friends to “Raise Your Hand” to empower our nation’s youth with the skills to lead for a lifetime.
The three states with the most hands raised will win $20,000, $10,000 and $5,000! Stay tuned for surprise incentives along the way. State 4-H programs will also receive the contact information of those who vote for their state so that they can be further engaged as friends of 4-H locally.
Help us grow the next generation of True Leaders—because every child deserves the opportunity to succeed.
Visit www.4-h.org/RaiseYourHand to participate!
Looking for an Eastside Chaperone Host – International Exchange
Washington 4-H International Exchange is looking for a chaperone host family on the east side of the state. The South Korea chaperone is a 31 year old female high school Ag teacher who would like to see what agriculture looks like in our state. It seems only fair that she see both sides of our great state, but we need an Eastern Washington host family or individual (no children needed) able to host for two weeks, July 29 – August 17. A western Washington couple has her for the first 2 weeks, so….. let’s hear from you Eastern Washington folks! Contact Diana Ullery if you are able to fill this host slot (dianna.ullery@wsu.edu)
Needed: Families with boys for International Exchange
We have one 16 year old girl left on our list of eligible delegates, and 8 boys ranging in age from 12 – 17. Host families just need to have a boy in their families who is within 3-4 years of the delegate’s age. If you know a great potential host family that fits this description please talk to them about this opportunity. These fella’s are counting on us!
Here’s the link for the most current delegate list http://extension.wsu.edu/4h/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2018/05/InBound-Delegates-2018.pdf
4-H Leader Council
Please join us for the next Pend Oreille County Leader Council meeting scheduled for Wednesday, May 16. It will take place at the WSU Extension Office, 227 S Garden Ave., Newport WA. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. The minutes to the April 19 meeting are attached: 4H Leader Council Mtg Min – 04-19-18