Free Day Camp!
A free day camp for youth ages 8-11 will be held at the Extension Office on June 19, and at the Elk Park on June 20. See the flyer for additional details: YA4-H Flyer
Help Wanted!
The Leader Council needs adults to help organize and work in the Pop Stand during the fair this year. If you are able to help, please contact Vickie Blanchet at:
Adults…Be the Hero of Your Club!
Now you can earn extra money for your club just by logging your volunteer hours. The Leader Council voted to award $25 to the Pend Oreille County 4-H club with the adult volunteer who has logged the most volunteer hours on the WSU Volunteer Database. And, to make that offer even sweeter, Mike Jensen has offered to match that offer and will personally award $25 in cash to the volunteer with the most logged hours. Awards will be presented during the County Fair in August. DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! Log your hours now. Go to If you need assistance with logging into the database, please contact Dixie at 509-447-6453 or e-mail
WSU 4-H International Exchange still needs ONE host family
Taehwan’s interests include computer coding, 3D modeling, video editing, to name a few, and he enjoys cooking, biking, skiing and travel. His English skills are very good and he could be a great big brother for some younger host siblings. A host family just needs to have a son at home who is within 3-4 years of the delegate’s age, so between 13 and 19 years old. The delegate does not need his own room, just a bed.
This is only the second year Washington has hosted South Korean 4-H delegates, but our experience last year was wonderful. These are engaging, respectful, and delightful youth who really want to spend a month with some wonderful Washington families, practicing their English and learning about family life in the U.S.
Does this sound like a family you know?
Hosting dates are July 22 – August 17, 2018.
Apply to host at
2018 Wildland Fire Season
The 2018 Wildland Fire Season will soon be upon us in Washington and across the Pacific Northwest. There are more than 400 Youth Camps in Washington State. Camps house thousands of youth in fire adapted communities during the wildland fire seasons. Strategically preparing “camps” for wildland fire is a multipronged process, and must include planning for, before, during, and after fires. Please join us for an informative webinar on preparing camps for wildfires 2018. Please register using the following link:
Flyer: spotfire2018
Register for Junior Youth Dairy Show – July 11-13
The Pacific Northwest Dairy Youth camp is being hosted at the Yakima Valley Fairgrounds on July 11-13. Registrations for the event are due June 20th. More information and the registration form can be found at
4-H Leader Council
Please join us for the next Leader Council meeting to be held on Thursday, June 21, at the Extension Office, 227 S Garden Ave., Newport. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. Minutes from the May, 2018 meeting are attached: 4H Leader Council Mtg Min – 05-16-18
The Country Pride 4-H club raised funds from a mock train robbery during the Scenic Pend Oreille River Train (SPORT) ride; June 2-3, 2018. The funds are being held with 4-H Leader Council to help with annual 4-H membership fees.