4-H Fair Work Day – Saturday, August 4
Hey Everyone! It is that time of year again for us to gather at the Fairgrounds in Cusick for 4-H Fair Work Day, starting at 9 a.m. Please wear work clothes and bring rakes, shovels, wheelbarrows and gloves if you have them.
Also, we plan to provide a spaghetti dinner for all the workers. Therefore, we need clubs to donate the food. Please see the list below and then e-mail Jessica Simon (jessica@knightconst.com ) to let her know what your club will donate.
Food and Supplies Needed – Provide adequate supplies for 100 people
Pasta 8 pounds, uncooked |
Sauce 8 jars, 67 ounces each |
Salad and Dressings
5 bags lettuce, Family size 5 bottles dressing, |
Ground Beef (pre-cooked) 15 lbs. |
Garlic Bread – 10 loaves |
Plates/cups/forks/napkins – 100 each |
Lemonade Powder – 2 Large containers |
Crushed Ice – 3 large bags |
Desserts – Pre-cut (Include any required plates and serving utensils.)
The Country Pride 4-H Club has signed up to bring desserts.
Fashion Revue 2018
Fashion Revue this year will be Thursday, July 26th at the Inland Grange in Elk WA; although this location is flexible if there are additional youth in the county who wish to participate. The time and all other details will be provided at a later date. If you have youth who wish to participate, please e-mail Heidi Vaughn at: hheidi271@aol.com
Please see the attachment for more information regarding Fashion Revue: Fashion Revue 2018
Recognition Event at the Fair
We hope to have a recognition event on Sunday, August 19th, the last day of the fair, to recognize outstanding 4-H volunteers and youth. This is also a chance for leaders to hand out club awards and pins. Please be thinking about what 4-H pins you would like to award to your youth so we can get an order placed to Shop-4-H by the last week in July. If you have ideas or would like to help organize the event, please contact Dixie at d.chichester@wsu.edu
Club Project and Member Year Pins
These are the forms for Club Leaders to request project pins and member year pins. See attachments: project pin member year pin
4-H Club Posters for Fair
Please take time with your club to make a poster to display in the 4-H building during the fair. Fair visitors love to look at photos or displays that show what your club has accomplished during the year. The theme of the fair this year is “Fun for the Whole Herd” and the colors are black and white. Let’s show everyone what 4-H is all about!
Power of Voice
The Kalispel Tribal Extension Office wants to give a big Thank You to Diane Lukas for her help in finding donations for one of the Tribal Community Gardens. In June, the garden at the Camas Wellness Center was vandalized and all of the plants were removed from the ground. This was heartbreaking as the plants that were planted were all brought up by seed from the youth in the after-school program.
After hearing about the incident, Diane went to the Plant Man in Newport WA to share what had happened and consequently, the Plant Man donated several plants to the youth. Diane wasn’t done there. She went to Facebook to let people know what happened, and secured more donations and support. From that post we have all been reminded about how giving and great the community is that we live in. For the days that followed we received emails and phone calls from people wanting to donate plants that they had left in their greenhouses.
When it was all said and done we had more than enough plants to replant the youth garden at the Camas Wellness Center. After we completed our planting in the gardens, we had so many plants leftover that we were able to donate a car load of plants to the food bank in Cusick, WA.
THANK YOU again to everyone who help get this Community Garden replanted! It meant a lot to the Youth and Staff at the Camas Center. This goes to show that it doesn’t hurt to ask for help, and that our voice is a strong tool in creating community.
Stevens County Dog Events
4-H Dog Judging Contest
It’s time to test your dog knowledge at the Stevens County 4-H Dog Judging Contest on Saturday, July 21 from 10 am to 1 pm at the NE WA Fairgrounds in Colville. The day includes 25 Breed ID (AKC dogs accepted in the last 17 years), 25 Dog Parts ID, 2 Tack Subjects, judging four dogs in an obedience class, and oral reasons. All ages are invited to attend. Blue ribbon winners in intermediate and senior class will qualify to attend the State 4-H Fair Dog Judging Contest. Registration is due by July 18. Do not bring your dog.
4-H Dog Qualifying Show
Mark your calendar for Saturday, July 28 and plan to attend the 4-H Dog Qualifying Show. The show starts at 9 am at the NE WA Fairgrounds in Colville. Showmanship, obedience, and agility classes are being offered. Register by July 25. This is a state qualifying event for juniors, intermediates, and seniors – so if you are hoping to attend State Fair with your dog plan on coming to this show.
WSU Extension Forestry upcoming events
Coached planning classes:
San Juan Forest Owners Field Day: http://forestry.wsu.edu/nps/events/sanjuan/
Carnation: http://forestry.wsu.edu/nps/events/cpcarnation/
Arlington: http://forestry.wsu.edu/nps/events/cpsnoco/
Forestry Weed Control Workshop:
Mt. Vernon: http://forestry.wsu.edu/nps/events/weeds_skagit/
Leader Council Meeting
Please join us for the next Leader Council meeting on Thursday, July 19, at the Extension Office, 227 S Garden Ave, Newport WA. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m. Please see the minutes from the June meeting attached: 4H Leader Council Mtg Min – 06-21-18
Washington State Teen Summit
To kick off the month, we had five youth that participated in this year’s Teen Leadership Summit! While at Teen Summit, our youth learned the importance of Positive Youth/Adult Partnerships, Leadership Skills, and Goal Setting. Along with gaining these new skills, they were able to meet youth from around the state and learn about fun and exciting activities that different counties are doing.
In addition to the five youth that participated in Teen Summit, we had two Pend Oreille youth serve on the planning team. Willow Vaughn and Mettea Sigfrinius both serve as Washington State Ambassadors, the highest youth leadership position in Washington State 4-H. These two girls spent many hours before the event planning and preparing all the great materials that 60 youth from this year’s Teen Summit took home.
This event is one of many that Pend Oreille County is looking to get our teens involved in! If you have teens that are interested in expanding their leadership skills, want to plan fun/educational events for the county then please come join us at our Teen Group Meetings!
For more information about events and meetings please contact Alex Laughery at 509-901-9047 or by email at alex.laughery@wsu.edu.