4-H Fairgrounds Work Day – Huge Success
Thanks to all of you who volunteered last Saturday, August 4, cleaning and preparing the 4-H building, pop stand and fairgrounds, in general, for the County Fair. We had 139 people sign the sign-in sheet. Thanks also to all the 4-H clubs that donated food to provide the spaghetti dinner. It was a fun day for all; the Fair Board was very appreciative. See you at the Fair!
4-H Recognition Event at the Fair
The 4-H Leader Council and WSU/Pend Oreille County Extension would like to invite everyone to attend “4-H Rocks”, a 4-H youth and adult recognition event at 2:00 p.m. on the last day of the fair, August 19, at the livestock arena. Leaders will be presenting 4-H membership and project pins to youth, and the Extension Office will be recognizing some of our outstanding adult volunteers. This will be a fun and entertaining way to say “Thank You” to all the hard work that goes into making our County 4-H programs such a great success. Please plan to attend.
Leaders who will be handing out pins and other awards on Sunday, please see Dixie sometime during the fair to check your pin order. (If you are a club leader that has not already arranged to participate, please contact Dixie at 509-447-6453 ASAP.)
Adults…Log Your Volunteer Hours!
You can win $25 for your club from the Leader Council and a $25 cash prize for yourself, (donated by Mike Jensen), just by logging your volunteer hours. The adult volunteer with the most (legitimate) volunteer hours logged on the database by noon on August 18 is the winner! Prizes will be awarded at the “4-H Rocks” recognition event on Sunday, August 19. Log your volunteer hours at: https://volunteers.cahnrs.wsu.edu/logon.aspx If you need help with your username and password, please contact Dixie at: 509-447-6453 or d.chichester@wsu.edu
Help Wanted!
As usual, all our County 4-H clubs have been assigned to work shifts at the Pop Stand throughout the fair. Please check at the 4-H building, on the first day of the fair, to confirm that your club will be able to cover your shift, or reschedule if you need to trade shifts with another club. We also need additional help at the back gate and in the 4-H building. All sign-up sheets will be available in the 4-H building starting on Wednesday, August 15. THANKS!
4-H Leader Council
Due to the County Fair there will be no Leader Council meeting in August, 2018. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 20, 2018, at the WSU Extension Office, 227 S Garden Ave., Newport. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m.
Washington rabbit owners – be aware of deadly rabbit virus reported in British Columbia
If you want to know more about “that new rabbit disease”, (RHDV2), please copy and paste the following link into your browser: https://wastatedeptag.blogspot.com/2018/03/washington-rabbit-owners-be-aware-of.html