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2020 June

Posted by beverly.sarles | June 5, 2020

Welcome Brianna Carbaugh! – new Office Manager for WSU POC Extension

Brianna graduated from Whitworth University a couple of weeks ago with a degree in Graphic Design.  She has experience in designing conference programs, promotional work and photography.  Brianna also has a background in 4-H and has assisted with 4-H Fair preparations.  Through junior and high school, Brianna was a member of the Paws Up 4-H club in Grays Harbor County.  For the past five years she has volunteered with the WSU Pacific County Extension Office for Fair prep, 4-H barn set-up, and event photography.  Brianna also served as a 4-H photography, expressive and fine arts judge at the Pacific County Fair.  Please join us in welcoming Brianna to Pend Oreille County!


Tech Wizards is offering three classes this summer.  They will be offered via Zoom until we hit Phase 4 and then will be held in person.  Please contact Vickie Blanchet @ if your youth would like to participate.

For Ages 5-11:  Jr. Tech Wizards  Thursdays from 1:30-2:30 PM

STEM and Arts & Crafts for our cloverbud and junior level youth.

For Middle School Youth:  CryptoClub  Tuesdays from 1:30-2:30 PM

Have fun learning about secret codes.  Learn how to encrypt and decrypt them.  Solve riddles in code.  Write messages to your friends in code.

For High School Youth:  SAT Prep Class  Mondays 9:30-10:30 AM

Prepare for taking the SAT in the Fall or Spring.  Focus on techniques for helping to improve your scores and on specific subject areas where you need help.

PEND OREILLE COUNTY FACEBOOK:  Remember to check out the many Pend Oreille County Facebook pages and groups for resources

Area Public Presentations Scheduled for August 6

Area Public Presentations will be scheduled for Thursday, August 6 from 5:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. at the WSU/Pend Oreille County Extension Office. If you plan to present an Illustrated Talk or a Demonstration at this event, you must fill out a registration form and return it to Dixie Chichester no later than July 31, 2020. Instructions are on the registration form. Please call or e-mail Dixie at 509 671-0198, if you have questions.  Click here for the registration form:  2020 Registration (2)

2020 Virtual STAC Registration Continues This Week!


Washington State 4-H Teens who have completed 8th grade through 12th grade are invited to participate in the University of Idaho Virtual STAC Conference, coming June 22 through 25, 2020!  A great line up of speakers, workshops and activities are in store for all the participants.  Registration is now open!  Youth who register before June 8 will receive a free event
t-shirt!For more information, the original “Save-the-Date” flyer is available by clicking here.Registration is open through 4-H Online at is similar to KYG Conference and other teen events.   If you are new to 4-H Online, a “how to register” link can be found at

Refer to the information packet (linked here) for the schedule and workshop choices.  For more information, contact WSU Whitman County Extension, 509.397.6290,

Washington State 4-H Fair Update from Fair Manager Tom Gwin!


Dear 4-H Family,The Washington State 4-H Fair is still on the schedule to be held September 4-27, 2020 in Puyallup.  If we hear differently, we will send notifications out when we hear.

The mailing address of the Washington State Fair has been changed to PO Box 1225, Puyallup WA 98371.  Please update your records to reflect this change.

In light of several county fairs and qualifying shows being cancelled this year, the Washington State 4-H Fair Board has adopted the attached supplement on Virtual Exhibits for our Still Life Projects.  The first attachment (link here) is the guide to virtual exhibits, while the second attachment (link here) is the entry form.  Please note there are two entry forms on a page.  The virtual guide is a supplement to our normal exhibitor guide.  That guide is nearing completion and will be sent in the next few weeks.

There are several other changes/updates for this year’s State 4-H Fair.  Provided we have a fair in September, the following changes will take place at this year’s fair:


  • Will not be available for the 2020 fair due to social distancing requirements

Special Needs and Accommodations

  • If an accommodation is required, the County Extension Office must notify the State 4-H Fair Office in advance of the fair and the request must accompany the entry form

Judging Contests

  • Juniors will be added to all judging contests.  Reasons classes will not be a part of the junior contests.

Animal Qualifications

  • Animal qualifying requirements have been eliminated for the 2020 fair.  We encourage counties to only send quality animals and exhibitors that would continue allowing us to provide a quality show.
  • Each county will have an allocation for each animal species.  Some allocations may be lower than in previous years to allow for proper social distancing.


  • Lots for swine exhibits have been revised and will be reflected in the exhibitor guide


  • Horns will be allowed on sheep and non-dairy goats at the State 4-H Fair
  • Exchange of animals between exhibitors during the fit/show class will not be allowed at the state far


  • a reining class will be added to the senior performance section, with no county level qualification required for 2020
  • small equine will be combined with the harness section with no county level qualification required for 2020; the class will be in-hand trail
  • disciplined rail will be added to the intermediate performance section
  • exhibitors will be allowed to add one more riding class in all equine sections
  • premiums will be paid on fit/show, one performance class, one dressage class, one harness/small equine class, and one gaming class
  • Readers will not be allowed for dressage classes at the state fair

Thank you for your support of the fair.

Tom Gwin

New State Program Coordinator for Washington 4-H Shooting Sports – and a Request from Toni Gwin


Congratulations to Ashley Hernandez-Hall ( for agreeing to be our next State 4-H Shooting Sports Project Coordinator!  Please welcome Ashley as she works to keep this 4-H project vibrant and safe.  I am delighted to hear the plans Ashley has for the program, and the enthusiasm she has for shooting sports. I am also delighted to step away! Thank you for all your support and for the adventures we’ve shared.One final request!

If you would please email me at with any success stories you are willing to share about our 4-H shooting sports members, I would appreciate it. Be safe – and always follow policy!

Toni Gwin

WSDA Shares Update on Out-of-State Pigs Coming to Washington Due to COVID-19


The Washington State Department of Agriculture, Animal Services Division has recently released a document regarding the increased importing of pigs to Washington due to COVID-19 related closures and production slowdowns. The document, titled “What you should know about out-of-state pigs in Washington State” is available by clicking here.

WSDA Shares Recommendations for Reducing COVID-19 Risk in Groups of People Caring for Groups of Animals

The Washington State Department of Agriculture has recently made some recommendations regarding reducing COVID-19 risk in animal care. The documents are available by clicking on the title below:

Cleaning and Disinfection Protocol

Caretaker Contact List

Group Livestock Care Instructions

Group Livestock Care Schedule

WSDA Group Care of Livestock

Additional Equine Resources Added to Horse Project Page


Extension Horses COVID-19 Infographics for Equine Owners and Facilities have been added to the Horse Project page. They are located under the “Other Resources and Websites” link, and are intended to provide general information.

4-H Leader Council – June 18, 2020

The next Leader Council meeting is schedule for Thursday, June 18, via Zoom.  The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m.