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2020 August

Posted by brianna.carbaugh | August 7, 2020

PEND OREILLE COUNTY: Virtual 4-H Youth Showcase – Entry Deadline is September 4, 2020

Since both the Pend Oreille County and the Washington State Fairs have been cancelled this year due to COVID-19, Pend Oreille County 4-H is hosting an online show for its youth to exhibit their projects. Please see the attached flyer and Prelim Class List for more information. These documents are also available on our Virtual 4-H Youth Showcase web page (click here). Also, please note that the Prelim Class List will continue to be updated as the Virtual 4-H Youth Showcase Committee gathers more information from department superintendents.

2020 – Virtual 4-H Youth Showcase Flyer

4-H Virtual Showcase Prelim Class List 8-5-2020


If you have not already expressed interest and would like to participate, please contact:

Jessica Simon


4-H Leader Council

The next Leader Council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 17 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will take place via Zoom. The Zoom link and reminder will be sent the day before the Leader Council meeting.

Junior Tech Wizards August Classes

  • August 12th & 13th:  Bird Beak Buffet
  • August 19th & 20th:  Knot Typing
  • August 26th & 27th:  Joyful Jellies ~ The Awesomeness of Jellyfish

Classes are held via Zoom on Wednesdays at 1:30 PM and repeat on Thursdays at 10:00 AM.  If you are interested in having your age 5-10 year old participate, please contact Vickie Blanchet at 509.671.2428 or

Washington State 4-H Fair Update from Fair Manager Tom Gwin

To Our 4-H Family,

You have all been made aware of the cancellation of the 2020 WA State 4-H Fair and the Washington State Fair due to COVID-19.

The Washington State 4-H Fair Board has been in serious discussions as to what fair exhibits and activities we will be able to conduct in a virtual format this year.  We have already announced our plans for Virtual Still Life Exhibits.  The Virtual Exhibit Guide and Entry Form is available by clicking here  (Guide) and here (Entry Form). They are also available on the State 4-H Fair website.

For fair activities, we will only be able to offer Public Presentations in a virtual format.  This will include public presentations, public speaking, and the national equine presentations.  One change for this year is that live animals may be used in virtual public presentations.  Details on the virtual public presentations and how to register will be released in the next few weeks.

All other activities (judging contests, groom squad, 4-H in action, performing arts, kitchen activities, and fashion revue) will not be offered in a virtual format.  For those judging contests that have been used as national contest qualifiers (equine and livestock), WSU staff will take responsibility for developing a qualifying contest outside of the confines of the State 4-H Fair.

For the animal projects, we will not be able to offer virtual animal shows this year.  The WA State 4-H Fair simply does not have the staff or volunteers to put together a positive learning experience for our youth exhibitors.  We encourage counties and 4-H clubs to provide opportunities for your members to showcase their animal projects this year.

While we will miss face to face contact with our fair exhibitors in 2020, we hope you will join us for the 2021 WA State 4-H Fair.

Best Regards,
Tom Gwin, State 4-H Fair Manager
and the WA State 4-H Fair Board
PO Box 1225
Puyallup, WA 98371

4-H Virtual Showcase Judges Training Links to Session Recordings are Available!

Have you thought about becoming a judge for 4-H?  Are you already a judge for 4-H?  Have you been through the basics of judging for 4-H?  Can you make a successful 4-H comment sandwich?  We are looking for current 4-H judges and new volunteers who have subject matter knowledge who are willing to learn, judge, and interact with 4-H youth virtually.

We have a few class sessions (now recorded) that are for everyone – like “Technology Basics” and “Basics of Judging for 4-H”  – then we move into subject matter sessions.

Below is the outline for dates/times (recordings) and short descriptions for the training sessions.  We will be collecting registration/contact information from those who wish to participate and creating a list to share around the state.  Session 6 updates/times, as well as our final session, Session 7, which will be a round table discussion format – how to register for those zoom sessions is noted below.

To register/sign-up, please follow the directions below for each session you wish to participate in (or follow the link for the recordings). Once registered for those sessions that have breakout rooms, please e-mail Pam Watson at with the subject line: Virtual Judges Training.  In the body of the e-mail please list the sessions and subject matter/species/area of interest (this can be one e-mail if participating in multiple sessions).  Please register twelve (12) hours in advance of the first training you wish to participate in to receive the password for participation.  Each session (or time) may have a different zoom address and password.

The Recorded Sessions

Recorded! 1st Session for all participantsTechnology Basics, Sat., July 18th, 10 AM-noon

Recording Length – about 2 hours. The Link:

If you would like to be added to the WA State 4-H Virtual Judges list after taking your training sessions please contact Pam Watson at with “Virtual Judge” in the subject line.


Recorded! 2nd Session for all participantsBasics of Judging for 4-H, Saturday, July 18th, 1 -3 PM

Recording Length – about 2 hours. The Link:

If you would like to be added to the WA State 4-H Virtual Judges list after taking your training sessions please contact Pam Watson at with “Virtual Judge” in the subject line.


Recorded! 3rd Session Performance Animals, Sunday, July 19th, 1-3 PM (horse, dog, llama, goat-trail) – This meeting had breakout rooms!

Recording Length – about 1 hour, 20 minutes. Includes general session and llama/goat breakout discussion (about the last 30 minutes)

Horse breakout discussion – This session was not recorded; the link to discussion document is here.

Dog breakout discussion

If you would like to be added to the WA State 4-H Virtual Judges list after taking your training sessions please contact Pam Watson at with “Virtual Judge” in the subject line and list the subject areas you would like to be listed under, this can be one e-mail for multiple areas.


Recorded! 4th Session – Large Livestock, Sunday, July 19th, 3-5 PM (beef, sheep, swine, goat, dairy cattle)-

Recording- about 1 hour and 40 minutes. All species stayed together for general discussion and more. The Link:

If you would like to be added to the WA State 4-H Virtual Judges list after taking your training sessions please contact Pam Watson at with “Virtual Judge” in the subject line and list the subject areas you would like to be listed under, this can be one e-mail for multiple areas.


Recorded! 5th Session Small Animals, Tues., July 21st, 6-8 PM (poultry, rabbit, cavy, cat, pocket pet/world of small animals)-

Recording – about 1 hour and 55 min., all species stayed together for general discussion and more.

If you would like to be added to the WA State 4-H Virtual Judges list after taking your training sessions please contact Pam Watson at with “Virtual 4-H Judge” in the subject line and list the subject areas you would like to be listed under, this can be one e-mail for multiple areas.


Recorded! 6th Plus Extended Sessions-Static Display items/Still life, Public Pres., Arts, Environmental, STEM, Textiles, Foods, EDU Posters, Activities, Contests and more!

Saturday, July 25th, start time 10 AM-noon, and 1 PM -4 PM and order of presentations listed below

Session 6A part 1 –          10-11 AM, Foods – Preservation and single entries/ cooking contests/ activities

Session 6A part 2              11 AM- Noon, Textile Arts – needle arts, single entries, quilting and contests/activities

Recording – about 2 hours, stayed together the entire time

If you would like to be added to the WA State 4-H Virtual Judges list after taking your training sessions please contact Pam Watson at with “Virtual 4-H Judge” in the subject line and list the subject areas you would like to be listed under, this can be one e-mail for multiple areas.

Session 6B Part 1 –          1-2 PM, Garden Science, Natural Resources, STEM, and Shooting Sports

Recording – about 1 hour, stayed together the entire time

If you would like to be added to the WA State 4-H Virtual Judges list after taking your training sessions please contact Pam Watson at with “Virtual 4-H Judge” in the subject line and list the subject areas you would like to be listed under, this can be one e-mail for multiple areas.

Session 6B Part 2              2-3 PM, Educational displays/posters, Public Presentations/Demonstrations/General activities/Contests

Recording – about 1 hour , stayed together the entire time

If you would like to be added to the WA State 4-H Virtual Judges list after taking your training sessions please contact Pam Watson at with “Virtual 4-H Judge” in the subject line and list the subject areas you would like to be listed under, this can be one e-mail for multiple areas.

Session 6B Part 3              3-4 PM, Expressive Arts – Photography/videography, fine art, arts and crafts

Recording – about 1 hour and 15 min., stayed together the entire time

If you would like to be added to the WA State 4-H Virtual Judges list after taking your training sessions please contact Pam Watson at with “Virtual 4-H Judge” in the subject line and list the subject areas you would like to be listed under, this can be one e-mail for multiple areas.

Please share this training event far and wide as we invite experienced and new volunteers to train/re-train as judges as we all navigate our new virtual world of 4-H Shows!

Pam Watson, M.Ed.
WSU Lewis County Extension, 4-H

AQHA Young Horse Development Program Application is Now Available

The American Quarter Horse Association’s Ranching Heritage Young Horse Development Program (YHD) showcases the stock being bred and raised by AQHA Ranching Heritage members by matching donated weanlings with AQHYA members. Youth in this program are engaged in the horse industry at a fundamental level that is both fun and educational.

Participating Ranching Heritage breeders donate young horses for Young Horse Development participants to raise and train. Young horsemen and women learn responsibility and goal setting, important components of horse ownership – and life skills that can follow them for years to come. Encouraged by good fun, as well as key education in the horse industry, youth learn to raise and train their weanlings. Youth must be 13 years old.

The priority application deadline for the 2021 program will be August 15, 2020, and the late application deadline is October 1, 2020. Apply by the priority deadline for the best chance of admission into the program and the most likely match with a horse closest to your home. Participants may be selected and matched with horses any time after August 15, with the majority being selected and matched with horses October through December 2020.

Youth can participate in the Young Horse Development Program with a donated foal or purchasing a Ranching Heritage Challenge-enrolled foal from a Ranching Heritage Breeder.

The 2021 Ranching Heritage Young Horse Development Program Application Form is now available.

To learn more about program requirements and guidelines, please view the 2020 YHD Record Book.

Learn more about AQHA at

American Quarter Horse Association logo with horse graphic.

4-H State Ambassadors to Host Zoom Talent Show!!

Poster titled Zoom's Got Talent!

Share Your STEM Project Or Activity on the 4-H STEM Showcase Instagram Page!

An @4HSTEMShowcase Instagram page has been created, and we would love to profile 4-Her’s STEM projects from around the state on it. If it’s science of any kind – tech, engineering, or math – we want to see it!

It’s easy to share. Just send a jpeg with the 4-Her’s first name, county name and project they are sharing to Michelle Green at If the county has an Instagram page, we will tag them if it posts. We have 4-Hers doing awesome things, and we want to see them learning by doing!

4-H STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) logo.

National 4-H Council Shares Survey on COVID-19 Effects on Youth Mental Health and Loneliness

A new survey commissioned by National 4 H Council, and conducted by the Harris Poll, finds that 7 in 10 teens are struggling with their mental health in the wake of COVID-19.  More than half of those surveyed shared that the pandemic has increased their feelings of loneliness, with 64 percent believing it will have a lasting impact on their mental health. The survey, conducted in May 2020, is among the first to examine the impact this unprecedented public health crisis has had on U.S. teens.  The aims of the survey are to help practitioners gain a deeper understanding of the state of teen mental health and to gather teen perspectives on the issue as 4-H aims to empower young people with the resources and support to address their health and well-being head on.

Read the full article at


Handout from WSDA Animal Services Livestock Inspection Program Addresses Brand Inspection Requirements for Cattle in Youth Market Sales

The WSDA Animal Services Livestock Inspection Program has created a handout with regard to brand inspections required for cattle that change ownership as it pertains to 4-H kids/fairs.

The document can be found by clicking here.

WSDA Shares Update on Out-of-State Pigs Coming to Washington Due to COVID-19

The Washington State Department of Agriculture, Animal Services Division has recently released a document regarding the increased importing of pigs to Washington due to COVID-19 related closures and production slowdowns. The document, titled “What you should know about out-of-state pigs in Washington State” is available by clicking here.


The Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families has created a resource for parents during COVID-19. The WASHINGTON STATE RESOURCE GUIDE FOR PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS: Caring for Your Family During COVID-19 was developed to help parents and their families navigate the pandemic and the days to follow. The publication is available at

WSDA Shares Recommendations for Reducing COVID-19 Risk in Groups of People Caring for Groups of Animals

The Washington State Department of Agriculture has recently made some recommendations regarding reducing COVID-19 risk in animal care. The documents are available by clicking on the title below:

Cleaning and Disinfection Protocol

Caretaker Contact List

Group Livestock Care Instructions

Group Livestock Care Schedule

WSDA Group Care of Livestock

Keeping Your Distance to Stay Safe

With the number of COVID-19 cases increasing every day, psychologists offer insights on how to separate yourself from others, while still getting the social support you need.

A Reminder: COVID-19 Resources Available from WSU Extension

The WSU Extension COVID-19 Updates and Resources page is updated as new information becomes available. The Link to the page is

Additional Equine Resources Added to Horse Project Page

Extension Horses COVID-19 Infographics for Equine Owners and Facilities have been added to the Horse Project page. They are located under the “Other Resources and Websites” link and are intended to provide general information.

Everyday Actions to Help Prevent the Spread of Respiratory Viruses

Here are everyday actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses:
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
• Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
• Stay home when you are sick.
• Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

A WSU hand-washing video can be accessed here.

There’s also this link to the Washington State Department of Health’s ‘WashYourHandsingTon” web page.

WSU has established an informational website that is being frequently updated – it can be found here. It has general information from the Center for Disease Control and the Washington State Department of Health.

Because of differing levels of outbreaks and risk of exposure to covid-19 and the coronavirus in different communities, please refer to your local health department and your local County Extension Office for information applicable to your community.