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2020 October

Posted by brianna.carbaugh | October 9, 2020

Troubleshoot WSU Zoom Issues

Have you had issues connecting to Zoom meetings hosted by WSU or the Extension Office? If so, please see the information below to help you troubleshoot the problem. This is for staff, volunteers and guests. The information can also be accessed on our website at


When attempting to join a WSU Zoom meeting, you are prompted with one of the following dialog windows:


WSU Zoom meetings require you to have a Zoom account (free or paid), and be signed into that Zoom account before you join WSU Zoom meetings. Please note, this does not necessarily mean you need a meeting ‘passcode’ to join the meeting, but rather you are not signed in to your Zoom Desktop Application on your computer.

  1. If you have a WSU account, or credentials (Students, Faculty, and Staff), please refer to the ‘Installation & Sign In’ section of the following guide: Zoom – Joining Meetings and Best Practices
  2. If you are a non-WSU participant, please follow the steps below:
    1. If you do not have a free Zoom account, please create one on Zoom’s Sign Up page.
    2. Please refer to the ‘Sign In’ section of the Zoom Getting Started Article
  3. If you are a ZoomForGov participant (prompting you to switch accounts if you are already signed in to Zoom), please use the following steps.
    1. If you do not have a free Zoom account, please create one on Zoom’s Sign Up page.
    2. Sign in to Zoom with a personal/free Zoom account, and then attempt to join the meeting.
  4. Once you have successfully signed in to Zoom, you will be able to join the meeting.

Registration Open for 2020 Eastern National 4-H Horse Round Up Virtual Horse Academy

The Eastern National 4-H Horse Round-up Management Team have committed to provide a replacement for the cancelled in-person competition, and will be offering a Virtual Horse Academy during the month of November. The educational Zoom sessions are open to 4-H youth ages 13 and up, coaches, volunteers, and extension staff. The practice horse judging contest is open to youth over 13 years of age.

More information is available now and will be added over the next couple weeks via our website at

Interested participants should register by Oct 12 at

(Note: registrants will first fill out a Qualtrics survey, then be directed to the website for payment)

Celebrate 4-H Youth – Next Week Is National 4-H Week!

National 4‑H Week is October 4 – 10: The theme is Opportunity4All

This important week provides a platform to highlight the remarkable 4‑H youth in our communities and showcase the incredible experiences that 4‑H offers young people!

“On Target Tuesdays” Update – Ninth Speaker Added – and Links!

A ninth speaker has been added to the webinar series! Here is the revised schedule!

October 6 and 13 Webinars

Register at this link:

The above link, as well as biographies for all webinar presenters, can be found at

Oregon State University Extension Shares Information Regarding Animal Exposure to Wildfire Smoke

Oregon State University Extension has created an information resource regarding exposure of animals to wildfire smoke. Access it at this link:

Youth Participation Requested!!

Survey of Youth and Animal Interaction During COVID-19

We want to know more about how young people are spending their time during social isolation from COVID-19, especially when it comes to youth and animals! Please consider asking youth age 7- 18 in your household to complete this brief survey.


¡Queremos saber más sobre cómo los jóvenes pasan su tiempo durante el aislamiento social de COVID-19, especialmente cuando se trata de jóvenes y animales! Por favor considere pedirle a los jóvenes de 7 a 18 años en su hogar que completen esta breve encuesta.

You’re Invited to the 2020 Poultry Institute!

2020 Poultry Institute
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (PDT)

The Avian Health and Food Safety Laboratory is excited to announce that the 2020 Poultry Institute will be a web-based event. This conference is intended for veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and producers. We have an exciting group of speakers lined up, and a full schedule should be available shortly.

Registration opens September 1 and will be $15 per person. Continuing education credit has been approved for veterinarians and veterinary technicians.

Questions? Contact Dr. Laura Chen
Phone: 253-445-4537


Operations Contingency Plan Templates for Horse Farms in the Event of Covid-19 and Other Emergencies Now Available From the University of Minnesota Extension


The University of Minnesota Extension Livestock Team has released a set of customizable forms that can be used to create an operations contingency plan for livestock owner’s farms. The contingency forms are meant to provide livestock owners a starting point to outline essential livestock care if they and/or their managers become sick with COVID-19 or another emergency occurs. In these situations, care would likely need to be administered by a non-household member. The contingency plan is meant to cover short-term (e.g. 30 days), essential care only and is not meant to serve as a comprehensive care plan. The intended use of these forms is for emergency planning purposes.

Operations contingency plan templates for both privately owned horse farms and boarding or training horse farms are available on the Extension Horse Website

Forms (fillable PDFs) must be first downloaded and saved to a computer, and then can be completed and printed. Templates are also available for dairy, beef, swine, poultry, honeybee, and small ruminant operations on the  Extension website:

IMPORTANT REMINDER Regarding WSU Extension Adult/Youth Interactions during COVID-19

As we are all in communication via technology with youth at this time, I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of WSU Extension’s policy on interactions. Under this policy, AT NO TIME should one adult be meeting or communicating with youth WITHOUT the presence of another adult. This policy pertains to Zoom conferences, telephone conversations, text messages, social media posts, etc. To facilitate communication, make certain to cc another adult on written communications, and invite another adult to be present during virtual meetings. The second adult is recommended to be a WSU volunteer; other adults can serve in this role if you’re in a pinch.

Jana S. Ferris
Associate Professor
Volunteer Specialist, WSU Extension

A Reminder: COVID-19 Resources Available from WSU Extension

The WSU Extension COVID-19 Updates and Resources page is updated as new information becomes available. The Link to the page is

National 4-H Council Shares Survey on COVID-19 Effects on Youth Mental Health and Loneliness

A new survey commissioned by National 4 H Council, and conducted by the Harris Poll, finds that 7 in 10 teens are struggling with their mental health in the wake of COVID-19.  More than half of those surveyed shared that the pandemic has increased their feelings of loneliness, with 64 percent believing it will have a lasting impact on their mental health. The survey, conducted in May 2020, is among the first to examine the impact this unprecedented public health crisis has had on U.S. teens.  The aims of the survey are to help practitioners gain a deeper understanding of the state of teen mental health and to gather teen perspectives on the issue as 4-H aims to empower young people with the resources and support to address their health and well-being head on.

Read the full article at

Caring for Your Family During COVID-19

The Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families has created a
resource for parents during COVID-19. The WASHINGTON STATE RESOURCE GUIDE FOR PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS: Caring for Your Family During COVID-19 was developed to help parents and their families navigate the pandemic and the days to follow. The publication is available at

WSU Extension 4-H Steps Up to State Of Washington Lieutenant Governor’s Office’s Mask Making Challenge!

The State of Washington Lieutenant Governor’s Office recently issued a Mask Making Challenge , and information went out about the challenge last week – but not in Tuesday News, unfortunately! WSU Extension Offices have been designated to act as distribution points for the Mask Kits (Which include enough fabric for 10 masks) and for them to advertise and recruit for this challenge.

A link to the information flyer distributed for the Mask Making Challenge is here, A link to the suggested instructions for making masks is here.

Thank you for your support and efforts toward this project!

Handout from WSDA Animal Services Livestock Inspection Program Addresses Brand Inspection Requirements for Cattle in Youth Market Sales

The WSDA Animal Services Livestock Inspection Program has created a handout with regard to brand inspections required for cattle that change ownership as it pertains to 4-H kids/fairs.

The document can be found by clicking here.

WSDA Shares Update on Out-of-State Pigs Coming to Washington Due to COVID-19

The Washington State Department of Agriculture, Animal Services Division has recently released a document regarding the increased importing of pigs to Washington due to COVID-19 related closures and production slowdowns. The document, titled “What you should know about out-of-state pigs in Washington State” is available by clicking here.

WSDA Shares Recommendations for Reducing COVID-19 Risk in Groups of People Caring for Groups of Animals

The Washington State Department of Agriculture has recently made some recommendations regarding reducing COVID-19 risk in animal care. The documents are available by clicking on the title below:

Cleaning and Disinfection Protocol

Caretaker Contact List

Group Livestock Care Instructions

Group Livestock Care Schedule

WSDA Group Care of Livestock

Keeping Your Distance to Stay Safe

With the number of COVID-19 cases increasing every day, psychologists offer insights on how to separate yourself from others, while still getting the social support you need.

Additional Equine Resources Added to Horse Project Page

Extension Horses COVID-19 Infographics for Equine Owners and Facilities have been added to the Horse Project page. They are located under the “Other Resources and Websites” link and are intended to provide general information.

Everyday Actions to Help Prevent the Spread of Respiratory Viruses

Here are everyday actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses:
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
• Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
• Stay home when you are sick.
• Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

A WSU hand-washing video can be accessed here.

There’s also this link to the Washington State Department of Health’s ‘WashYourHandsingTon” web page.

WSU has established an informational website that is being frequently updated – it can be found here. It has general information from the Center for Disease Control and the Washington State Department of Health.

Because of differing levels of outbreaks and risk of exposure to covid-19 and the coronavirus in different communities, please refer to your local health department and your local County Extension Office for information applicable to your community.