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Season Extension

Virtual 'Season Extension' class, presented by the WSU Master Gardeners Sign up by phone at (509) 447-2401 or by emailing before noon 5/12/22.


Firewise Gardening

Virtual 'Firewise Gardening' class, presented by the WSU Master Gardeners Sign up by phone at (509) 447-2401 or by emailing before noon 6/09/22.


Local Food Sources

Virtual 'Local Food Sources' class, presented by the WSU Master Gardeners Sign up by phone at (509) 447-2401 or by emailing before noon 7/14/22.


Drip Irrigation

Virtual 'Drip Irrigation' class, presented by the WSU Master Gardeners Sign up by phone at (509) 447-2401 or by emailing before noon 8/11/22.


Root Cellaring

Virtual 'Root Cellaring' class, presented by the WSU Master Gardeners Sign up by phone at (509) 447-2401 or by emailing before noon 9/08/22.


Insects in the Garden

Virtual 'Insects in the Garden' class, presented by the WSU Master Gardeners Sign up by phone at (509) 447-2401 or by emailing before noon 10/13/22.



Virtual 'Soils' class, presented by the WSU Master Gardeners Sign up by phone at (509) 447-2401 or by emailing before noon 11/10/22.



Pend Oreille County Extension Office 227 South Garden Avenue, Newport

2023 MASTER GARDENER CLASS SERIES Join Master Gardener Pat McGuinty to learn about Beekeeping Apiculture - the maintenance of honeybees and hives. To register, call Beverly Sarles at 509-447-2401
