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This web page serves as a resource for farmers, buyers, food organizations, nonprofits, and others interested in our local food system. Though we strive to be as regionally specific as possible, not all resources available will have applications to just Western Washington.

Click the buttons below to explore resources in each agricultural topic area. Not seeing what you are looking for? Contact your local Small Farms Extension Agent for assistance.

Assistance on crops, cover crops, sustainable agriculture, and soil fertility.

Financial & farm business planning, labor & internships, Taxes, local resources.

Value-added processing & production, and food safety requirements.

Water, Weather & Drought resources, and AgWeatherNet

Access to land and land use resources.

Animal Sciences and info on WSU livestock advisors.

Listing of WSU College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Program Units and specialties

Agriculture census data for Clallam, Jefferson, and Kitsap Counties.

Food safety info, including Food Safety Modernization Act and Good Agriculture Practices.

Pest and Plant information, assistance and resources.

Stress management tips, resources, and videos on suicide prevention for farmers.