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Online Learning Library

Welcome to the Regional Small Farms Online Learning Library. Our team strives to post as much applicable content for our region as possible. If you are looking for specific online or webinar resources please reach out to your local extension agent.

Scroll through our online tools by headings or click table of contents below to jump to a specific section:

Crop Production


Growing Sweetpotatoes in Western Washington

Learn the basics of growing sweetpotatoes in the maritime climate of western Washington. Learn basic requirements for growing sweetpotatoes, and techniques that will help create a better microclimate for them. Find out what varieties of sweetpotatoes local farms have tried, and which are the best to grow if you have wireworms on your farm. This video covers the basics from propagating planting slips to harvesting and curing the crop.

Season Planning & Seed Starting

WSU Regional Small Farms is joined by Marko Colby, co-owner of Midori Farm in Quilcene, WA. He shares their strategies around planning and starting seeds for year-long production.
PowerPoint slides: WSUcropplanng_MidoriFarm
Additional resources:
NC State Extension Farm Planning & Record Keeping
Midori Farm – crop plan blank template


Sweetpotato Cultivation

Laurel Mouton, Regional Small Farms IPM specialist, shares methods of producing sweetpotato cuttings, planting, pest management and more.
This material is based upon work that is supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Western SARE under project number SW23-951.

View Sweetpotato Cultivation Presentation Slides

Propagating and Growing Sweetpotatoes in the Pacific Northwest

View Powerpoint presentation slide deck here. Shrijana Shrestha, graduate student at the WSU Mount Vernon Research Center, will share methods of producing sweetpotato cuttings from storage roots for planting in the late spring, and provide growing tips.

This material is based upon work that is supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Western SARE under project number SW23-951.

Soil Health

On-Farm Composting: Part 1 – Online Class

WSU Regional Small Farms is joined by Bob Gilby of Rokalu Farms discussing on-farm composting for small farms. Topics include: Introducing the compost process, Calculating C:N ratios and overview types of compost systems, Management of composting to reduce pathogens and risk, along with Food Safety considerations, Overview of a local passive aerated compost system, and Troubleshooting common compost pile problems

On Farm Composting Resource List

Dirt Talk – Intro to Biochar

This Dirt Talk was a panel of farmers and biochar makers that showcased various farms creating and using biochar. Topics included: -What is biochar -How it is used and benefits -Overview of process -Equipment needed

How to Collect Soil Samples

A how to on obtaining soil samples for soil testing.

Reduce Tillage in Vegetable Production

Video from WSU Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources on Reduced Tillage in Vegetable Production, resources and practices.

WSU Organic No-Till Symposium

Please note that you must register to receive access to the Organic No-Till Symposium webinar recordings.

Part I – Organic No-Till Systems, Livestock
Integration, and Novel Cover Crop Planting

Part II – Tarping in Organic No-Till Systems & Pacific NW Tarping/Occulation Strategies

WSU Compost Outreach Project Videos



Business of Farming

(Financing, Taxes, Labor, Insurance & Accounting)

NRCS Opportunities & Programs for Farmers

Natural Resources Conservation Service representatives Rebecca Anderson-Bellanca, Sean McDonagh, and Aaron Oman join WSU Regional Small Farms to talk about NRCS programs & funding assistance that support opportunities for small scale and urban growers.

How NRCS Programs Help Small Scale and Urban Farmers – PDF Slides


Opción de video en español – Haga clic aquí

Demystifying Debt: Leveraging Loans to Grow Your Business

Learn about ag lending opportunities and supports available to navigate smart debt to grow your farm or food business – from federal loan programs to local peer-to-peer investment. This class goes beyond loan program overviews and more into the nuts and bolts of how to make decisions to access capital at times of growth. Also hear directly from a farmer how she has successfully taken on and leveraged different lending opportunities to profitably scale up her business. Other examples of successful business strategies will be shared. In partnership with North Olympic Development Council and WSU Regional Small Farms Program. See Resource List for Demystifying Debt webinar.

Food and Farm Grants Webinar

Hosted by the Jefferson County Farmers Market Association, North Olympic Development Council and Washington State University Extension Regional Small Farms Program. Speakers include: Carlotta Donisi with USDA Rural Development and Ryan McCarthey with NODC. Topics include: -An overview of federal, state and independent grant opportunities. -Submitting your strongest application. -Knowing your resources. Food and Farm Grants Webinar Resource List

WSDA Infrastructure Grant Virtual Forum

Hear from farmers and businesses who have successfully received funding from the WSDA infrastructure grant to share lessons learned, network with other farmers about infrastructure needs/challenges, and connect with helpful local resource providers. Resource Providers Present: Center for Inclusive Entrepreneurship, EDC Team Jefferson, North Olympic Development Council, Kitsap Conservation District, WSU Extension Regional Small Farms Program, WSDA Regional Markets staff, and more. View Grant Support Resource List here.

L&I Farm Internship Program

Join Christina Rodriguez, L&I Agricultural Employment Specialist & Cesar Sanchez, Farm Internship Program Coordinator for L&I Washington. They provide updates about the L&I Farm Internship how farmers can connect and take part in that program.

Insuring Your Farm

Presentation on insuring your farm and business with Paul Heely of Country Financial.

Labor Laws

Presentation on Labor Laws presented by Melissa Crumb of WA L&I. Covers liability questions for farmers including: – are you an employer? – independent contractor? – farm labor contractor, – and controlling costs.

USDA Grants Webinar

A moderated info-session and discussion about upcoming USDA Grant Program applications and how each program may work for your farm. Topic include: -Value Added Producer Grant, -Rural Energy for America Program, -Renewable Energy Systems & Energy Efficiency Improvement

Agricultural Leases 101

Discussion on agricultural leases and what farmers should know. Guest speakers Mark Bowman of the NODC and Denis Sterns a local Jefferson County Attorney.
Resource list for Agricultural Leases 101 webinar.
Summary of lease topics.

Preparing for a Farm Loan

Topics covered include: – preparing to work with a lender, – Information lenders look for,  -Property issues lenders see when trying to finance land, -How to use resources of Farm Service Agency and Craft3.
Resource list for Preparing for a Farm Loan Webinar

Setting Your Farm Up for Hiring Employees

Topics covered: -Payroll services, – Challenges finding consistent labor, – Find labor locally/regionally/nationally, -Use your labor efficiently, -Hear from a local farmer about farm labor successes and challenges

Employment Insurance:

Topics Covered: -Insurance requirements of covering employees farm, -Owned or lease land: how do properties need to be covered?, -Risk activities: employees using equipment, driving farm vehicles and other activities to consider, -Hear from knowledgeable farm insurance agents

Costs of Farm Labor

Topics covered: -Federal & state tax requirements for hiring labor, – Setting up new payroll services on your farm, – The costs of providing benefits for your employees, -WA (L&I) labor law requirements, -Hear from a knowledgeable accountant and WA L&I staff

Marketing & Selling

Market Channels for Food and Farm Enterprises

This webinar is for the diversified grower or food producer looking to expand their market channels or learn about existing channels from experienced panel of speakers. Topics Include: hear from a panel of experienced farmers and buyers; identify diverse market channels and tips for accessing new markets (this includes wholesale); and expanding your current market channels. See resource document here.

Using Social Media to Grow Your Farm Business

This NCAT/ATTRA webinar discusses how you can use social media for your farm business to grow your customer base and market your products.

E-Commerce Marketing Strategies for Farm and Food Businesses

Join Susan Shoemaker, Business Assistance Specialist with North Olympic Development Council, share her thoughts on several topics: -Optimization of website, -Practical tips on using social media, -Development and linking of websites and e-commerce platforms, –Thoughts on setting up a website and e-commerce platform if starting from scratch.
E-Commerce Marketing Strategies for Farm and Food Businesses Resource List

Dirt Talk: Social Media Basics for Small Farms

WSU Regional Small Farms is joined by Social Media & Digital Strategy Specialist, Abbey Loos. She gives an overview of the basic social media platforms, how to best utilize them for your farm business and has an open discussion with questions from our farmer audience.

Social Media Basics for Farmers Slides & Resource List



Water, Weather & Drought

Weather Stations Webinar: A Tool for Farmers

This introductory webinar showcases WSU AgWeatherNet, a free online tool that provides access to current and historical weather data to help Washington growers and citizens understand and prepare for the challenges and changes that weather brings.



Pest Management

Dirt Talk – Flea Beetles

WSU Regional Small Farms is joined by local farmers in our latest online Dirt Talk event to learn all about Flea Beetles! Discussion includes identification, management and resources for flea beetles on your small farm.

Flea Beetle Resources
SLIDE DECK – DIRT TALK_flea beetles

Dirt Talk – Cut worms, Cabbage maggot, Carrot rust fly

Join Laurel Moulton, WSU Regional Small Farms Pest Specialist, and Betsey Wittick, owner of Laughing Crow Farm and farmer/viticulturist at Bainbridge Vineyards in a discussion on Cut Worms, Cabbage Maggot and Carrot Rust Fly.

Dirt Talk – Wireworms: Lifecycle and Integrated Management Strategies

Join Dr. Brook Brouwer, director of Washington State University Extension in San Juan County, and Laurel Moulton, IPM Specialist for a discussions around Wireworms.

Dirt Talk – Clubroot

Join Betsey Wittick, owner of Laughing Crow Farm and farmer/viticulturist at Bainbridge Vineyards in a discussion of helpful identification and management information on Clubroot.
Dirt TalkIPM Clubroot_Resource Sheet

Dirt Talk – Downy Mildew

Join Scott Chichester, owner of Chi’s Farm in Sequim, sharing helpful identification and management information for farmers in our region on Downy Mildew. Focus on basil and spinach in a greenhouse/high tunnel situation.

Diagnosing Tomato Problems

“Tips for Diagnosing Tomato Plant Problems” presented by WSU Extension Diagnostician,  Jenny Glass. This resource is applicable to farmers as well as gardeners.
Tomato Resources Sheet

Dirt Talk: Slugs & Snails

Rory Mc Donnell, OSU Extension gastropod specialist shares all about Slugs and Snails and how to control them on your small farm. Topics include: Background info on slugs and snails, Main pest species on west coast & how to identify, Control methods, Development of new tools (Novel attractants such as bread dough & Biological control using nematodes)
Dirt Talk Slugs and Snails – Resource List



Animal Agriculture

Chicken Keeping 101

Join WSU Regional Small Farms with special Guest Lisa Vanhorn with Peninsula Poultry Breeders for Chicken Keeping 101. This class is for those new to caring for poultry and for those who would like a refresher. The focus will be on how to start a flock, how to keep your chickens healthy, common mistakes and misconceptions in poultry care, and connecting folks with resources to further build their knowledge.

Chicken Keeping 101 Resource List


Opción de video en español – Haga clic aquí

From Pig to Porkchop

How much meat to expect from a butchered hog.
Supporting document for video with a description of live animal and carcass data

Join Dan McCarty, our WSU Regional Small Farms Livestock Specialist, in a discussion around Winter nutrition and feeding needs. Dan gives a basic overview of the dietary needs of livestock, common strategies for winter feeding, and then answer questions from the audience.
5 Tips for Winter Feeding Livestock presentation slides – pdf
OSU Cowculator v2.0 Beef Cow Nutrition Evaluation Software



WSU Regional Small Farms is joined by agritourism specialist, Trevor Lane, sharing his knowledge and expertise working with farmers looking to implement agritourism as part of their farm business. Topics include a general overview of: The current state of agritourism in Washington, economic impacts and common barriers for farmers, Risk & Liability, Biosecurity, and Resources for farmers
Dirt Talk Agritourism – Resource List