Washington State 4-H Enrollment Fee & Scholarships
Beginning October 1, 2017, Washington State 4-H has implemented a $25 per youth member per year State Enrollment Fee. This fee will be used to support 4-H programming at the state and local level. 4-H Leader Council will pay enrollment fees for enrollees if a scholarship is requested and approved, providing funds are available. Please see the Pend Oreille County (POC) 4-H enrollment fee procedures here: Enrollment Fee Procedures
Know Your Government Youth Registration Open Now
Know Your Government registration for youth members is open now! KYG registration is done through 4HOnline.
Event and registration information can be found by visiting http://extension.wsu.edu/4h/youth/kyg/
Let’s “Put the Child First”
As WSU Volunteers, all 4-H Leaders are mandated to report any suspicions of child (or adult) abuse. How do you know what to look for? And, what do you do if you suspect abuse? These are answers you need to know! The “Put the Child First” training is required for all WSU Adult Volunteers and can be found on the State 4-H website at: http://extension.wsu.edu/4h/for-volunteers/volunteer-training/ On this Volunteer Training page, scroll down and follow the directions in the “Put the Child First” paragraph. The video is only 20 minutes long so take it as soon as possible. If you do not have reliable internet access, you are more than welcome to view the training at the Extension Office. Call to make an appointment and we will get it all set up for you. If you have questions call Dixie at 509-447-6453 or e-mail, d.chichester@wsu.edu
…to our 3 Chartered 4-H Clubs:
Country Pride
Bare Mountain Bandits
48 North
(Presentations will be made at the January Leader Council Meeting.)
It is a State requirement that all 4-H clubs must be chartered. If your club is not shown above, please send the Extension Office your chartering documentation so we can process your certificate and add your club to this list. If you have questions about the chartering process, please call the Extension Office at 509 447-2401. Please find the club chartering documentation here: Chartering
We are pleased that so many of you are checking out 4-H project curriculum and other items from our Extension Office Lending Library. Since many of our items are now checked out to Leaders, before you visit the office please call the Extension Office, (509-447-2401) to make sure the item(s) you are wishing to check out is currently available. That way we can also have them all ready for you when you come to the office for pick up. To those of you who have checked out items, please return them as soon as possible so the next Club may have access to them.
We hope to have a complete list of items available through our Lending Library posted on our website soon. Please watch for updates.
State 4-H Fair Premium Checks – a note to the exhibitors
Premium checks totaling over $71,000 for the 2017 Washington State 4-H Fair were mailed on Thursday, November 30. Checks were mailed to the address stated on the exhibitor entry form.
The entry fee of $8 per exhibitor was withheld from each of the checks. In addition, no checks were issued for less than $2.
Questions regarding checks should be directed to the State 4-H Fair office. Email inquiries are preferred: tagwin@wsu.edu.
Best Regards,
Tom Gwin
WA State 4-H Fair Manager
4-H Leader Council
Please join us for the next Leader Council meeting which will take place on Thursday, January 18, at the Extension Office. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. We are located at 227 S. Garden Ave., Newport WA.