Announcement Revised September 7, 2021
Governor Jay Inslee issued a health and safety proclamation on August 20, 2021, in response to a continued state of emergency that exists in all counties due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The health and safety proclamation, as ordered by the Governor, includes employees, contractors and volunteers engaged in activities with state agencies and in educational settings. Therefore, WSU (including WSU Extension and the 4-H program) is required to comply with Governor Inslee’s recent vaccination proclamation directives.
With regard to volunteers, below are a series of references, deadlines and explanations that provide further details.
- The Proclamation (21-14.1) can be found HERE.
- Deadline: All current WSU Volunteers are required to be fully vaccinated or exempted by October 18th. Volunteers who are not fully vaccinated or who do not have an approved exemption on file by October 18 will be put on inactive status. They will not be able to engage in any volunteer activities with WSU Extension until proof of full vaccination can be observed or until an exemption request has been reviewed.
- Proof of vaccination: WSU Extension will announce a county-level process for observing & recording documentation of vaccination status for volunteers.
- Exemption process: WSU Extension will seek to implement a state-level exemption process (for religious or medical reasons) for volunteers and will announce details on that process shortly.
More information on WSU’s Vaccination Policy is available on the web at https://extension.wsu.edu/vaccination-policy/.
Questions regarding WSU’s Vaccination Policy can be directed via e-mail to extension.vaccinepolicy@wsu.edu
All other protocols for health and safety remain in effect and should be followed.
The Washington State 4-H Youth Development Program policy is referencing requirements set forth by the Washington State Department of Health’s K-12 COVID-19 Requirements for Summer 2021 and the 2021-2022 School Year document. WHILE INDOORS, EVERYONE IS REQUIRED TO WEAR MASKS, REGARDLESS OF VACCINATION STATUS. This policy is required to protect the safety of all and to model the behavior for youth, who are still required to wear masks.
If an activity is conducted outdoors, it is now required that masks be worn in any outdoor setting involving 500 or more people. People should continue to practice physical distancing of at least six feet whenever possible.
Your county may have more protective protocols in place. County protocols supersede the information presented here. Please contact your local County Extension 4-H Office with any questions.
The Washington State Department of Health released a recap of recent COVID-19 news and updates on September 7, 2021. It is available by clicking HERE.
Register for “Facilitate the Awesome!” Sessions Scheduled for November!
Live Registration Link: https://tinyurl.com/ftasbfta
Join the 4-H Fair Board! Apply by December1st!!
It was a warm Sunday afternoon with a slight breeze. The public presentation about how to clean a saddle had just ended and the annual 4-H Fashion Revue was about to begin. You could hear the sheep bleating in the distance and the cows mooing. Record times were being displayed as the horse gamers completed their runs.
These are just a few of the activities put together by the State 4-H Fair Board under the leadership of Tom Gwin, 4-H Fair Manager. The State 4-H Fair operates within the Washington State Fair in Puyallup every year during the month of September. The fair board works all year to provide our youth a venue to showcase the results of their year-long efforts and hard work with their 4-H projects.
The Fair Board’s goal is to provide a memorable and positive experience for all our state 4-H youth. Putting on a successful fair is a huge undertaking, and this year was particularly challenging with COVID and the constantly changing policies to keep our youth safe. But seeing them reach their goals and feel the reward of achievement made it all worthwhile!
If this kind of challenge and undertaking sounds interesting to you as a volunteer or leader, consider joining our board either as a one-year appointee or a full three-year member. Applications may be found on our WSU 4-H website. Applications are due by December 1 to the Washington State 4-H Fair, PO Box 1225, Puyallup WA 98371.
Reminder – Submit those miles for the Killeen Memorial Challenge!
We are coming to the end of the Sergeant First Class (SFC) Killeen Memorial 2021 4-H Summer Outdoor Challenge. 4-H members are encouraged to submit their outdoor adventure miles by Sunday, October 10, 2021 – This is an extended deadline! It isn’t too late to submit your miles for hiking, biking, riding an equine, walking or paddling to receive recognition and be entered to win prizes. Special recognition for 25 miles, 50 miles, and 100 miles completed. Submit an outdoor challenge log and photographs documenting your adventures to be entered to win! You can still get outdoors with or without your 4-H project (dog, pack goat, equine, llama); take your camera and record your miles! The idea is to be physically active and enjoy the outdoors! Please – No ATV’s or other motorized recreational vehicles!
Washington State 4-H members and family members can participate! Simply do the following:
*Hike, bike, ride an equine, walk or paddle outdoors between June 19 to September 26, 2021.
*Keep track of your miles and take photographs of your adventures!
*Submit your miles and photographs via an electronic form https://forms.gle/iAtqwttmHMFiPnmg9 by Sunday, October 10, 2021.
*Questions? please e-mail to tc4h@co.thurston.wa.us
Join the Virtual 4-H Knitting Club – It’ll Keep You In Stitches!
Have you always wanted to learn to knit or is your knitting project now in a bag because you don’t understand the directions? Join the statewide Virtual 4-H Knitting Club! Whatever your skill level, we will meet you there on Zoom.
The first two meetings will be lessons on beginning knitting. An email will be sent to you with supplies you will need to complete the lessons.
When: Oct 9 and 23, 2021 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
Then we will offer monthly knitting meetings. The first one will be on a Tuesday evening but at that time we will evaluate what works for the group and may change times and dates. This is your opportunity to continue knitting what we started in class or bring something you are struggling with.
When: Nov 9, 2021 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
Knit for Fun, Knit for Pleasure, Knit for LIFE!
From National 4-H Council….
Where will you find your spark? Explore the possibilities during National 4-H Week, coming October 3 through 9! This important week provides a platform to highlight the remarkable 4 H youth in our communities and showcase the incredible experiences that 4 H offers young people!
Registration for the 2021 4-H STEM Summit: Galactic Quest Is Open Now!
Even though you may not know it, your daily life is connected to space. Hospitals, banks, streetlights, gas pumps, phones, televisions and, and more use a vast network of satellites orbiting our planet. At the 2021 STEM Summit, participants will work with peers and group leaders on a variety of workshops and collaborative exercises. Each virtual session will test and strengthen foundational STEM skills while participants wrestle with the same questions as today’s top aerospace scientists and engineers.
At the National 4 H Youth STEM Summit, high school students (grades 9-12) develop the skills and knowledge needed for the challenges facing science, technology, engineering, and math. Students meet like-minded peers from across the country, learn more about career opportunities, and network with experts in the STEM community in this collaborative, hands-on educational setting. Young people will also have the opportunity to take part in various workshops and team-based challenges that will challenge both their STEM knowledge and their collaboration skills.
The Summit Agenda can be found at: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0650/2997/files/STEM_Summit_2021_Agenda_8.3.pdf?v=1628170841
Please complete the following form for youth interested in attending: https://forms.gle/NadNBZHLyU6WmGqc8
This year’s 4-H STEM challenge, Galactic Quest, explores the history of humans in space, the technology and resources needed for missions, and the obstacles humans encounter in orbit. Activities explore important STEM topics ranging from physics and engineering to computer science and space agriculture.
For a limited time, get $5 off each educator kit and $3 off each family kit (limit 20 discounted kits per transaction) thanks to the generous support of our 2021 signature partner the United States Space Force.
Pierce County 4-H and the WSU Animal Sciences Program Present Animal Talk Tuesdays!
Pierce County 4-H and the WSU Animal Sciences Program are collaborating on a new series called Animal Talk Tuesdays!
These talks are a new quarterly series for 4-H youth to learn about WSU Animal Sciences. This series will feature Staff, Professors and Grad Students from WSU Animal Sciences showing where they work and what they are researching. We will also have questions and answer time so 4-H youth can ask the experts about their animals or what it is like to study Animal Sciences at WSU. Hope you can join us! Stay tuned for future dates.
The first session is scheduled for October 19th from 6:00 to 7:00 PM, featuring Amber Adams-Progar, WSU Associate Professor, who will discuss her work on Animal Behavior.
Register now to get your Zoom link and to get access to the recorded program if you can’t attend the live sessions.
Registration link – https://tinyurl.com/szbur4ws
The Upcoming Animal Talk Tuesdays Schedule:
October 19th with Amber Adams-Progar, WSU Associate Professor who will discuss her work on Animal Behavior.
January 18th with Michael Phelps, WSU Assistant Professor and his work with Aquaculture (the breeding, rearing, and harvesting of fish).
April – Date and speaker confirmation to be announced soon!
July 19th will feature a WSU Animal Sciences Graduate Student Roundtable – Learn about how WSU students chose their area of study and what they love about their work.
Mark your calendars for these upcoming events!
State Council Meeting
The annual State 4-H Council meeting will be held via Zoom on Saturday, October 9th at 3:00 pm. We would love to have you join us!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 860 2637 7260
Passcode: 939179
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,86026377260#,,,,*939179# US (Tacoma)
+14086380968,,86026377260#,,,,*939179# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 860 2637 7260
Passcode: 939179
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbpAmN4o49
Volunteer Recognition Virtual Celebration
Saturday, October 30th at 3:00 pm, we will celebrate YOU! Join us for a virtual celebration of our volunteers from around the state. We’ll meet via Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 860 2637 7260
Passcode: 939179
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,86026377260#,,,,*939179# US (Tacoma)
+14086380968,,86026377260#,,,,*939179# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 860 2637 7260
Passcode: 939179
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbpAmN4o49
Join the State 4-H Advisory Board!
State Advisory Board is a place to share ideas in the 4-H world. Adult and teen positions are available from all four districts around the state. Apply today! Application deadline has been extended to October 1st. Applications can be found here: https://extension.wsu.edu/4h/state-advisory-board/
A Reminder: COVID-19 Resources Available from WSU Extension
The WSU Extension COVID-19 Updates and Resources page is updated as new information becomes available. The Link to the page is https://extension.wsu.edu/covid-19/
Caring for Your Family During COVID-19
The Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families has created a
resource for parents during COVID-19. The WASHINGTON STATE RESOURCE GUIDE FOR PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS: Caring for Your Family During COVID-19 was developed to help parents and their families navigate the pandemic and the days to follow. The publication is available at