Washington State 4-H Dairy Judging and Quiz Bowl Contests To Be Held March 19th!
The State 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl contest determines the individuals that will represent Washington participating at the National event. This year the contests will be held on March 19, 2022 at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds in Monroe, Washington at 9:00 am
If you have an individual 4-H’er or team that wants to compete, please contact Gary Fredricks at 360-577-3014 Ext. 3 or at garyf@wsu.edu.
Gary Fredricks
WSU Extension\Cowlitz County
304 Cowlitz Way
Kelso, WA 98626
Practice Horse Judging Contest Now Available!
Do you coach, or participate in, competitive Horse Judging or Hippology? Are you looking for classes to practice? Check out this opportunity. Register for this course and you will have access to 6 classes to judge, along with the official placings, and an official critique, to learn why the classes were placed the way they were. The course becomes available January 15, and closes on July 15. You can access as many times as you want in that time period, and can join anytime. This is completely self-directed, so go at your own pace, whenever you wish. Go to: https://catalog.extension.org/product?catalog=HorseJudgingContest
WSU CAHNRS Corner for Tuesday, February 1st
Find Your Major at Washington State University: Organic and Sustainable Agriculture
Elizabeth Perez, Director, Recruitment and Retention, CAHNRS
Happy February, 4-H Community!
This week we celebrate Groundhog Day, which is my favorite fun reminder that spring is coming soon. I can’t wait to see the wheat fields of the Palouse turn green again! Since moving to Pullman from my hometown of Salt Lake City, I have learned a lot about agriculture. One of our most interesting programs at Washington State University is the Organic and Sustainable Agriculture major, which can be completed at either the Everett or Pullman campuses. It’s the first of its kind in the United States! Check out this short video to learn more:
Snoqualmie Valley Evergreens 4H Hosts Evergreen Club Rabbit Show, March 5, 2022!
The Snoqualmie Valley Evergreen 4-H Club’s Rabbit Show, will be held on March 5, 2022 at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds, Monroe, Washington, at 9:00 am. Rabbit Health Check and Registration starts at 8:00 am.
The full show catalog can he accessed for download via the QR code above, or by clicking the link HERE.
Youth Livestock Field Days Are In-Person for 2022!
Mark your calendars for March 12 and March 26 for the 4-H and FFA Youth Livestock Field Days!
March 12 is the Swine Field Day, 8:00am – 3:00pm, at Asotin County Fairgrounds. March 26 is the Beef Field Day, 8:00am – 3:00pm, at UI Livestock Pavilion.
Topics for the field days include feeding and nutrition, selection and judging, healthcare, meat science activities, show preparations and transportation/ownership requirements.
The registration fee is $10 per person and required in advance. Youth Livestock Field Days are hosted by UI and WSU Extension.
For more information contact WSU Asotin County Extension, 509.243.2009, UI Nez Perce County Extension, 208.799.3096 or UI Benewah County Extension, 208.245.2422.
State 4-H Ambassadors Announce 4-H Youth of the Month for January!
The Washington State 4-H Ambassadors recognize the 4-H Youth of the Month honoree for January, Anna Hansen of Skagit County! The Ambassadors are proud to highlight 4-H youth monthly throughout the year!
Save the Date! Spring Youth Calf Sale In Monroe On March 19th!
2022 Calf Scholarship and Grant Application Links Are Here!
Mark your calendars for the 29th annual Springtime Youth Calf Sale! The sale will be held on March 19, 2022. at 1:00 pm, in the Dairy Barn at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds in Monroe.
The link to the 2022 Calf Grant Application is HERE.
The due date for grant applications is February 22, 2022.
The link to the 2022 Calf Scholarship Application is HERE.
The due date for scholarship applications is March 1, 2022
Questions? Please contact sale chairman, Liz Holtcamp at sycs4h@gmail.com.
For more information about the Springtime Youth Calf Sale please go to this link: https://extension.wsu.edu/4h/dairy-endowment-fund/programactivities/springtime-youth-calf-sale/.
Also find us on Facebook at Springtime Youth Calf Sale
The State Dairy Quiz Bowl contest will also be held on March 19, 2022 at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds, Monroe at 9:00 am in the Dairy Barn.
REMINDER! Save the Date: Washington State Junior Horse Show!
The Power of Showing Livestock and Staying Positive
Grand Champion 4-H Livestock Showman Shares Her Inspirational Story
“Life will throw obstacles at you, but your positive mindset is what will get you through those lows,” said Staci Kmetz. (Courtesy Photo)
This article appeared in Morning Ag Clips, January 11, 2022
MARYSVILLE, KS. — Nineteen-year-old Staci Kmetz beams a smile for the camera, standing alongside her is grand champion heavyweight market lamb, Foxtrot, who had just sold for a record-breaking sum of $30,100 at the Fayette County Fair’s 4H Livestock Auction in Pennsylvania. The fair’s previous record-highest was $90 per pound; Foxtrot brought some $215 per pound, with more than 180 contributors across 15 states.
The road to this snapshot was paved with both trial and triumph. Her determination, love for 4H, and the support from her livestock family and friends helped see her through to this moment, a memory which she would hold in her heart forever.
Read the full article HERE
EPA Launches “Companies Crushing Pollution” Video Challenge for High School and College Students
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has launched the “Companies Crushing Pollution” Video Challenge. EPA will award a total of $50,000 in prize money through the video challenge. The Challenge invites high school and college students and others including people who live near industrial facilities to create videos illustrating how businesses in the U.S. are reducing toxic chemical releases through innovative pollution prevention (P2) practices, and by having a positive impact on the environment and communities. Participants have a chance to win up to $5,000. All videos must be submitted by March 1, 2022.
The recorded webinar that discusses challenge logistics and rules can be found at https://youtu.be/mVoMxtQha4Y
Challenge Website: https://www.epa.gov/toxics-release-inventory-tri-program/companies-crushing-pollution-video-challenge
TRI P2 Search Tool Website: https://www3.epa.gov/enviro/facts/tri/p2.html
Quick Facts on the Challenge:
- Students: high school (grades nine -12) or college/university
- Other members of the public (those living close to a TRI facility)
- Must live in the United States or U.S. Territories
- Participants may be an individual or a team
Submissions accepted: December 1, 2021 – March 1, 2022
Review of submissions: March – May 2022
Prizes awarded: Late May/Early June 2022
EPA will award a total of $50,000 in prize money to multiple participants as outlined below.
UPDATE! Date Change Announced for 2022 4-H Healthy Living Summit
Please note the following update for the 2022 4-H Healthy Living Summit from Jennifer L. Sirangelo, President and CEO, National 4-H Council:
Extension Directors and Administrators
State 4-H Program Leaders
Foundation Directors
ED&A Team
Healthy Living Summit Participants and Speakers
Dear Colleagues,
National 4-H Council is committed to the health and safety of all youth and adults participating in its National Positive Youth Development (PYD) Experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The current COVID-19 surge and Omicron variant has introduced new complexities in planning for and participating in the upcoming National 4-H Healthy Living Summit, scheduled for February 10-13, 2022.
After consulting with Extension leadership and the Healthy Living Summit planning team, Council has decided to postpone the National 4-H Healthy Living Summit to April 21-24, 2022. Registration for the Summit has been extended to April 4, 2022. Any participant currently registered for the Summit who is unable to attend during the new April dates will receive a full refund.
We are monitoring and continue to follow the latest CDC guidelines as well as any new directives or guidance from federal, the District of Columbia, State of Maryland and/or Montgomery County as we plan for in-person National 4-H Healthy Living and Agri-Science Summits as well as Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF). This includes:
• This month, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan declared a 30-day state of emergency based on the recent surge of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations across the state.
• The Hyatt Regency Bethesda, the host hotel for both Summits and CWF, is located in Montgomery County, MD, which is currently classified as an area of high COVID-19 transmission by the CDC.
• The District of Columbia also adopted a city-wide vaccination entry requirement that requires COVID-19 vaccination for those ages twelve and older to enter certain indoor facilities within the city.
• While this new requirement does not impact the activities currently planned for either Summit, the Montgomery County, MD Council is currently considering similar vaccination entry requirements. If these are adopted by the county, National 4-H Council and the Hyatt Regency Bethesda (the hotel hosting both Summits and CWF) will need to comply.
The dates for the National 4-H Agri-Science Summit as well as Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) have not changed. Below is the updated complete list:
Event | Summit Dates | Registration Deadline |
Healthy Living Summit | April 21 – 24, 2022 | April 4, 2022 |
Agri-Science Summit | March 10 – 13, 2022 | February 1, 2022 |
Citizenship Washington Focus | June 5 – July 8, 2022 | May 2, 2022 |
Current COVID protocols for all three national events have also been updated to require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test within 48 hours (reduced from 72) of arrival in Bethesda, MD. These protocols may be further updated prior to or during the event(s), based on any new directives or guidance from federal, the District of Columbia, State of Maryland and/or Montgomery County governments. Review the complete protocols.
We hope that these proactive changes will provide additional time and flexibility for states to plan their travel and participation in these national experiences and for National 4-H Council to host you as safely as possible.
Please direct any questions to Freeman Thompson, Director of Educational Programs.
Jennifer L. Sirangelo
President and CEO
National 4-H Council
More From National 4-H Council….
Applications are now open for the 2023 4-H Youth in Action Awards! Now is the chance for 4-Hers ages 15-19 to tell their 4-H story of impact, leadership, and purpose. Learn more about the application process and set your calendars to apply by March 28, 2022.
Distracted driving car crashes are one of the leading causes of death of our youth and we need your help to change that. Project Yellow Light is a national scholarship competition open to all high school juniors and seniors and all undergrad college students. Create a broadcast video, radio, social video or billboard PSA warning your peers of the dangers of distracted driving and win up to $8,000! Winners not only have an opportunity to have their work shared nationwide, but also do something for the greater good.
National 4-H Council needs your help to identify & nominate dynamic, proven leaders to serve on the Young Alumni Advisory Committee (YAAC). This group serves as a bridge to the young alumni community, informing Council’s Board of Trustees & working closely with Council associates to provide counsel, work on strategic initiatives and help grow our network of 4-H alumni. Applicants must be nominated by a 4-H professional or volunteer by February 28, and completed applications are due on March 28. Nominees should be between the ages of 18-22 as of July 1.
Now with 5 additional activities, this series from the University of Tennessee Extension brings kids an up-close look at how cows work (they grow fungi in their stomachs?!), and what it takes for farmers to take care of them. By the end of each activity, kids will have newfound knowledge as well as a fun craft to take their bovine knowledge to the next level.
4-H Scholarship Applications Open January 1
Attention 12th grade 4-Hers!
The WSU 4-H Scholarship Applications will open on January 1, 2022. There are a variety of scholarship available! The deadline to apply is March 15, 2022.
Like last year, the scholarships are available to all approved 12th grade 4-Hers who have accumulated at least 2 years of 4-H participation. An applicant must have an approved 4-H enrollment prior to the application deadline.
Please note that the supplemental documents required for the application (resume, essay, letters of recommendation, and academic transcripts) must be combined into a single PDF file before uploading to 4-H Online. The scholarship requirements as well as instructions on how to apply can be found athttp://extension.wsu.edu/4h/youth/scholarship-opportunities/
Questions regarding the requirements or scholarships themselves, should be directed to Britta Nitcy (nitcy@wsu.edu).
Announcement Revised September 7, 2021
Governor Jay Inslee issued a health and safety proclamation on August 20, 2021, in response to a continued state of emergency that exists in all counties due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The health and safety proclamation, as ordered by the Governor, includes employees, contractors and volunteers engaged in activities with state agencies and in educational settings. Therefore, WSU (including WSU Extension and the 4-H program) is required to comply with Governor Inslee’s recent vaccination proclamation directives.
With regard to volunteers, below are a series of references, deadlines and explanations that provide further details.
- The Proclamation (21-14.1) can be found HERE.
- Deadline: All current WSU Volunteers are required to be fully vaccinated or exempted by October 18th. Volunteers who are not fully vaccinated or who do not have an approved exemption on file by October 18 will be put on inactive status. They will not be able to engage in any volunteer activities with WSU Extension until proof of full vaccination can be observed or until an exemption request has been reviewed.
- Proof of vaccination: Contact your local 4-H office for information on how to share proof of your vaccination status..
- Exemption process: The state-level exemption process (for religious or medical reasons) can be found at https://extension.wsu.edu/volunteer-exemption/https://extension.wsu.edu/volunteer-exemption/
More information on WSU’s Vaccination Policy is available on the web at https://extension.wsu.edu/vaccination-policy/.
Questions regarding WSU’s Vaccination Policy can be directed via e-mail to extension.vaccinepolicy@wsu.edu
All other protocols for health and safety remain in effect and should be followed.
The Washington State 4-H Youth Development Program policy is referencing requirements set forth by the Washington State Department of Health’s K-12 COVID-19 Requirements for Summer 2021 and the 2021-2022 School Year document. WHILE INDOORS, EVERYONE IS REQUIRED TO WEAR MASKS, REGARDLESS OF VACCINATION STATUS. This policy is required to protect the safety of all and to model the behavior for youth, who are still required to wear masks.
If an activity is conducted outdoors, it is now required that masks be worn in any outdoor setting involving 500 or more people. People should continue to practice physical distancing of at least six feet whenever possible.
Your county may have more protective protocols in place. County protocols supersede the information presented here. Please contact your local County Extension 4-H Office with any questions.
The Washington State Department of Health released a recap of recent COVID-19 news and updates on September 7, 2021. It is available by clicking HERE.
A Reminder: COVID-19 Resources Available from WSU Extension
The WSU Extension COVID-19 Updates and Resources page is updated as new information becomes available. The Link to the page is https://extension.wsu.edu/covid-19/
Caring for Your Family During COVID-19
The Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families has created a
resource for parents during COVID-19. The WASHINGTON STATE RESOURCE GUIDE FOR PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS: Caring for Your Family During COVID-19 was developed to help parents and their families navigate the pandemic and the days to follow. The publication is available at