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Overview of County Director Responsibilities

All County Directors are expected to provide administrative leadership to the county office and possess a good understanding of administrative duties and procedures.


The basic role of the WSU County Extension Director is to capitalize a combination of human, financial, and other resources to accomplish local organizational goals and objectives consistent with the WSU Extension Strategic Plan. The County Director provides the vision, creativity, and innovative thinking necessary to properly lead the local Extension Office. This charge includes applying good management skills to achieve clearly stated goals.

County Directors are normally appointed to a four-year term, but under special circumstances a shorter term may be designated. Appointments are effective from July 1 through June 30 of the designated years.

Reappointment is not automatic and is subject to review every four years. The assignment carries no tenure and is an administrative function for the County Extension Office, with responsibility as a Department Head in County Government in most Washington Counties. All County Director appointments are made by the CAHNRS Associate Dean and Director of  Extension upon the recommendation of the Extension Director of County Government Relations.

The position of County Director carries an administrative stipend added to the faculty member’s base salary and is commensurate with the extent of administrative responsibility. The stipend is removed if an individual relinquishes or is removed from the County Director assignment.

Responsibilities of the County Director Include:

  • Serving as a County Department Head and engaging with county government for planning and advisory purposes
  • Building and maintaining relationships with other county agencies
  • Maintaining a County Extension Advisory Group
  • Communicating the importance of all Extension programs and their benefit to the community
  • Managing the County Extension Office and holding regular staff meetings
  • Providing leadership for operations related to fiscal and budget management
  • Annual County MOA budget negotiation, preparation and management
  • Supervision and evaluation of county-paid staff
  • Ensuring Civil Rights and ADA Compliance for the County Office and timely submission of the annual Civil Rights Report
  • Ensuring compliance With WSU Policies and Procedures