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Potato & Vegetable Production Systems

Program Contact: Carrie Wohleb, Regional Specialist, Potato, Vegetable, and Seed Crops
(509) 766-3181 •


Potato Insect Pest Survey for the Columbia Basin

The insect pest survey provides the potato industry with current information about the size and location of important insect pest populations in the Columbia Basin. Subscribe to receive weekly “potato pest alerts” by sending an e-mail to



Columbia Basin Onion Cultivar Trial Results

The WSU Extension Onion Cultivar Trial and Storage Evaluations, which have been conducted since 1984, provide unbiased information about onion cultivars produced side-by-side under local growing conditions.

The WSU Onion Cultivar Trial: Onion Cultivar Performance 2008-2012 is a presentation comparing cultivars entered in recent years of the trial.

Onion Bacterial Disease Research

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Columbia Basin Sweet Corn Cultivar Trials and Plant Population Studies

These trials, started in 2012, provide information about the suitability of processing sweet corn cultivars for production in the Columbia Basin.

Sweet Corn Seed Treatment Trials

The Seed Treatment Committee of the International Sweet Corn Development Association (ISCDA) organizes a multi-location seed treatment trial each year. Researchers from across the country evaluate the selected treatments for their effectiveness against seed-borne and soil-borne diseases that affect sweet corn stand and vigor.

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Columbia Basin Vegetable Seed Association

The CBVSA was established in 1987 to promote the collaboration of vegetable seed growers, seed companies, university researchers, and government agencies for the greater good of the local vegetable seed industry.

Columbia Basin Vegetable Seed Field Representatives Association

The procedures and considerations for vegetable seed producers in the Columbia Basin of Washington are provided here, including the dates that vegetable seed company representatives may reserve fields for seed production, and field isolation standards for each crop. Seed crops for which there are isolation standards include carrot, parsley, coriander, radish, canola, other crucifers, onion, chives, leeks, beets, sugar beets, and sunflowers.

Brassica Seed Production Districts

There are rules regarding the production of Brassica seed crops in Washington (WAC 16-326). These rules are meant to support oilseed production while protecting established vegetable seed industries. Two Brassica seed production districts are designated; District 1 includes areas in northwestern Washington, and District 2 includes portions of Grant and Adams counties.  District 2 is further subdivided into two sub-districts; designated 2A and 2B. The rule specifies requirements for growing, transporting, and processing Brassica crops within the Brassica seed production districts. It sets a minimum isolation distance between Brassica crops at two miles. It also requires that locations of all Brassica crops produced for seed or oil within the districts are identified through the pinning process (in district 2, at the WSU Grant County Extension office). The strictest provisions apply to district 1 and sub-district 2A, where Brassica crops are limited to those grown for seed for planting. Rapeseed crops intended for oil or fuel production in districts 1 and 2A may only be grown under conditions of a Brassica production agreement (RCW 15.51.040). Such agreements must be developed by the applicant and the WSDA in consultation with an advisory committee. A map of the Brassica Production Districts may be viewed here.

Other Vegetable Crops

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