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WSU Jefferson County Master Gardeners

Program Contact: Bridget Gregg, Master Gardener Program
(360) 379.5610 x 210 •


article-1339563-0C85C12F000005DC-950_468x332Mission: The purpose of the WSU Extension Master Gardener Program is to train volunteers to be effective community educators in gardening and environmental stewardship. Master Gardeners provide information generated from research at WSU and other university systems.

Who are Master Gardeners?
Master Gardeners are volunteer community educators that are specialists in cultivating plants, people, and communities since 1973. These volunteers are avid gardeners who undergo our intensive training program to become experts about gardening in Jefferson County.

They help gardeners find current safe solutions to local gardening problems; make their communities more environmentally and economically viable by teaching people to protect natural resources; and support community food systems through education and garden support.  Master Gardeners have access to the experts and research resources at Washington State University.

Does this sound like a volunteer activity you’d be interested in? Contact Bridget Gregg at

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person sowing seeds

Seed Library

Growing Groceries

Master Gardener Training

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Master Gardener Demo Park

Native Plants Landscaping

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Pacific NW Plant Problems

Resources for Master Gardener Volunteers

Jefferson County Master Gardener Foundation



Master Gardener Coordinator Bridget Gregg
Bridget Gregg grew up in western Washington. She has an undergraduate degree in Forest Management and a graduate degree in Fisheries Science from the University of Washington. Over the years she has been involved in variety of environmental research projects ranging from effects of glyphosate on oyster larvae to the potential for weevils to control milfoil. She is excited to be a part of WSU as the Master Gardener Program Coordinator.

Program Contact: Bridget Gregg, Master Gardener Program
(360) 379.5610 x 210 •

Other Programs/Education Master Gardeners Offer

  • Youth gardening education: This program offers gardeners a chance to share an interactive program on botany to students in our community.
  • Foundation meetings and horticulture lectures: These educational lectures are open to the public and take place the second Thursday of each month September – May, following the monthly Foundation meetings.
  • Educational speakers: Jefferson County MGs may be available to speak at local garden and other clubs
  • Educational booths: Master Gardeners can be found at educational booths at the Jefferson County Fair and other events around the county.


Our Partners

WSU Jefferson County Master Gardeners partner with a myriad of of organizations to help promote sustainable gardening and environmental stewardship throughout Jefferson County.

Calendar – Updating events for 2022-2023