Ask a Master Gardener Contact Page

Submission Tips:


If you have an issue with a specific plant:

  • Take a photo. Include the stem, leaves, flower/fruit. We need full context. Take another photo, if you think a close-up is required.

In the body of the email at right, tell us:

  • When you first noticed the issue
  • Watering schedule: by hand or irrigation… drip irrigation? daily or once a week? Duration?
  • Plant location: Full sun to full shade. Close to house?
  • Any recent changes: Recent herbicide spraying? Trees felled nearby?
  • Upload your picture(s) & click ‘Submit

We’ll get back to you as quickly as we can!

Ask A Master Gardener

Upload your Plant Picture
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Second picture here (if you have one)
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.