Program Contact
Interim County DirectorPhone Number253-798-3296
- Microlivestock: Little-Known Small Animals with a Promising Economic Future Office of International Affairs (OIA)
- Raising beef cattle on a few acres (pdf). Sept., 1999. Dale ZoBell, Craig Burrell, and Clell Bagley, Utah State University.
- Supplementing Cattle on Drought Affected Pastures and Ranges (pdf). March 2003, James R. Males, John Unruh, Bill McReynolds, Washington State University.
- Weaning on Pasture for Low-Stress Beef Production (pdf). October 30,2003, Dr. Jim Gerrish, Grazing Land Consultant, Washington State University.
- Alternative Beef Marketing, May 2000, Richard Earles and Anne Fanatico, Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA).
- Oregon Country Beef, 2001, Doc & Connie Hatfield, growers and marketers of sustainable grown beef from eastern Oregon.
Swine Manure Management
- Expanding Swine Production in Eastern Washington. December 1997. Thomas Platt. Washington State University.
Swine Nutrition
- The Kansas Swine Nutrition Guide (pdf). October 1997. Robert Goodband, Mike Tokach, Steve Dritz, and Jim Nelssen. General Swine Nutrition requirements.
Swine Production
- Agricultural Alternatives – Swine Production (pdf) Penn State. Information to design a production system that will compliment your resources and lifestyle.
- Microlivestock: Little-Known Small Animals with a Promising Economic Future (1991) The National Academies Press, Office of International Affairs (OIA); you can print this book one page at a time, or purchase an electronic copy.
- Profitable Pork: Alternative Strategies for Hog Producers. Alternative small scale hog production is described including deep-straw bedding, hoop structures, and pasturing. The bulletin also describes animal health, marketing options, and manure management. 16 pages pdf. Also available in Spanish.