Room of people listening to a presentation.

Educational outreach in Pierce County

Cultivating plants, people & communities since 1973

Reaching out to communities in Pierce County

Master Gardener teaching a young gardener

Educational Outreach

WSU Extension Master Gardener Programs statewide host educational classes, workshops, demonstrations, and field days. Through these events our university-trained volunteers bring relevant, unbiased, research-based horticulture and environmental stewardship education to their local communities.

Ask a Master Gardener

Have a gardening question? Ask a Master Gardener at one of our in-person or on-line plant and insect diagnostic clinics.

From our beginning, Master Gardeners have provided free access to unbiased research-based horticulture advice to help people find answers to their gardening questions. Clinics are located at farmers markets, hardware stores, nurseries, demonstration gardens and Extension offices throughout the state of Washington. You can also find us online.

Archway in the garden.

Demonstration Gardens

Want to see sustainable gardening in action? Stop by one of our gardens. These outdoor classrooms give gardeners the opportunity to see and practice sustainable gardening techniques. Master Gardeners demonstrate via classes, workshops, and field days a range of gardening practices including water wise gardens, native plant gardens, English knot gardens, raised bed vegetable gardening, composting, container gardening, espaliered apples, berry beds and more.

Community Gardens

Interested in helping put food on the table? Community Gardens inspire people to come together to grow their own food. WSU Master Gardeners are active in numerous community gardens and teach tips and techniques for increasing production and for handling pesky problems. Community Gardens provide ready access to healthy food and address food insecurity throughout the state.

Multiple raised garden beds growing vegetables and flowers.
Master Gardener answering question for a child.

Youth Gardening

Are you a teacher who wants to get your students in the garden? The gardeners of tomorrow start building their passion today! Several counties have youth gardening programs where kids can experience the joy of gardening. The goal is to build knowledge, but especially to inspire a passion for gardening that lasts a lifetime.

Speakers Bureau

Does your organization need a speaker? WSU Master Gardeners do presentations on a variety of gardening topics as part of their mission to empower and sustain diverse communities with relevant, unbiased research-based yard and garden information. Request a speaker qualified to talk to your garden club, service club or classroom about anything gardening related, from growing veggies to soil health to attracting pollinators, or something specifically to address your group’s needs.

Icon of speaker
Rows of crops growing in front of a barb wire fence.

WA Correctional Center for Women

Located in Gig Harbor, the Washington Correctional Center for Women provides a variety of academic and partnership programs, including ornamental horticulture and other vocational programs. WCCW women earn credit towards an associate degree and certification in organic gardening through Olympic College. Pierce County Master Gardeners work together with faculty in “cultivating” the love for horticulture by providing supplemental academic support in the classroom and in the greenhouse. This program, and these volunteers, support individuals’ success both inside and outside WCCW walls as they build leadership, job skills, and self-esteem.

WSU Master Gardener Advanced Education logo.

Come learn with us!

The WSU Extension Master Gardener Advanced Education Conference (AEC) is open to all garden enthusiasts!

To further the training of volunteers and keep them abreast of cutting-edge horticultural science, the Master Gardener Foundation of Washington State partners with the WSU Extension Master Gardener Program to produce the AEC. This educational event is just one way we strive to ensure that when you reach out to your local Extension Master Gardeners, you are assured of getting innovative, unbiased, scientifically supported advice.
