Speakers Bureau Presentation

Speakers Bureau

Talks on horticulture and environmental sustainability

We are educators

Speaking at Puyallup Demo Garden

Need a speaker? WSU Master Gardeners offer presentations on gardening topics, sharing research-based knowledge. Request an expert for your club or class on vegetable growing, soil health, attracting pollinators, or custom topics meeting your group’s interests.

Icon of speaker

Requesting a Speaker: It’s easy!

Preview our library of presentations below. When you find a topic that aligns with your interest submit a request via email and we will get you scheduled. If you don’t find a topic that interests you, you can request a custom presentation and we will try to accommodate you.
Simply fill out the Speakers Request Form by clicking the link below. Instructions provided on the form.

Our Presentation Library

The Resilient Yard screen shot

The Resilient Yard

Synopsis: Presentation for homeowners who want to know what simple steps they can take in designing and maintaining their yard to battle climate change. The presentation is broken down into sections on climate change, lawn maintenance, garden bed design & growing veggies.
First slide of Veggie Gardening with EASE

Veggie Gardening with EASE

Synopsis: This presentation focuses on learning ways to become resilient in the face of climate change. Growing a vegetable garden with EASE involves Evaluating your carbon footprint, Adapting to climate change realities, Sustaining soil health and Enjoying your garden!

First slide of More Trees, Please

More Trees, Please!

Synopsis: Increasing tree canopies in urban areas is an important tool in the fight against a warming climate. This presentation presents an award winning way of creating fast growing, ‘micro’ forests in urban areas. It is called the Miyawaki Method, after its initial pioneer. Includes pictures of successful Miyawaki forests from around the world and right here in the Pacific Northwest.

Clean Water

The Science of Rain Gardens

Synopsis: Rain gardens are strategically placed depressions designed to capture and filter stormwater runoff. Plants, soil, and soil microbes come to the rescue to effectively remove pollutants like excess nutrients and heavy metals, improving water quality. Diverting stormwater to rain gardens instead of urban drainage systems helps reduce flooding, recharge groundwater, and create beautiful, biodiverse landscapes.
Local food, herbs in pots

Growing and Enjoying Herbs

A Feast for the Senses: Growing and Enjoying Herbs in Your Garden. The presentation covers: Herbs in a Pot: Getting Started with Fresh Herbs, Herbs on the Patio: The Compact French Garden, Herbs in a Formal Garden: The Checkerboard Approach, and Herbs in a Spiral: A Modern Solution to Water and Space Conservation.

… and much more!

  • Accessible Gardening
  • Bulbs
  • Composting
  • Container Gardening
  • Organic Pest Control
  • Pollinators
  • Pruning
  • Rose Care
  • Seed Saving
  • Soil Health

Frequently Asked Questions:

A: The Master Gardeners Program is an Extension Program of Washington State University. Part of our charter as a Land Grant University is to provide this type of education, without charge.
However, Land Grant Universities also have restrictions on what activities we can fund. So, we have a parallel Foundation organization that helps us fundraise for those activities. If you find value in these presentations and have the budget, please consider making a donation to our Foundation. The monies contributed go to expanding the programs and reach of Master Gardeners activities within the county.

Ask us for a “Custom” presentation when you submit your request. We cannot promise we’ll do it, but sometimes the topic you are interested in is also an area of interest to one of our Master Gardeners and your request could be the ‘call to act’ for them. Also, we can sometimes ‘lego-together’ modules from related presentations to better map to the topic you want covered. It never hurts to ask.

A: Please try and give us six weeks lead time. If you are asking for an existing presentation from our library the lead time can be shorter, depending on speaker availability. If you want a custom presentation, then we need to find a Master Gardener willing to create a presentation to your specifications. This will take longer.