Close up of pink cone flowers.

Washington Correctional Center for Women

a partnership with Olympic College
Small cantaloupe hanging on vines in a wooden garden bed,

Education is for everyone. In support of the horticulture degree program offered through Olympic College at the WA Correctional Center for Women, Pierce County Master Gardeners work together with faculty in “cultivating” the love for horticulture by providing supplemental academic support in the classroom and in the greenhouse.

Washington’s College in Prison Program

“Studies show that incarcerated individuals who engage in education programs are nearly 50% less likely to reoffend compared to those who do not participate. Through Washington’s Community and Technical Colleges, these individuals can acquire valuable education and skills that empower them to secure meaningful employment, leading to higher income and increased social and economic mobility upon reentry into society.”

Rows of crops growing in front of a barb wire fence.
Group of women in a classroom with a scenic mural on the wall.

How do Pierce County Master Gardeners support?

As community horticultural educators, Pierce County Master Gardeners provide supplementary education to the Olympic College curriculum through guest lectures, hands-on demonstrations in the greenhouse, and through practice interview sessions.
