Youth Advocates for Health
Youth Advocates for Health (YA4-H! / “yay 4-H”) is a 4-H leadership program that empowers teens to make a difference in their community by exploring and helping solve community issues. Teen interns work 2-3 hours per week within the YA4-H! club in a team with WSU faculty, staff, and 4-H volunteers to learn about important issues, brainstorm local solutions, and then take action by completing a teen-led community project. These 5-month paid internships are open to all high school-aged teens. Interns can earn approximately $500 total for active participation.
Teen Advisory Group
TAG – Application for Membership/Examples
TAG – Overview and Committee Structure (PDF)
Dress Code (PDF) (10/29/08)
Know Your Government
Know Your Government (KYG) is a civic education program with a four-year rotating topic: The Legislative System, The Judicial System, Elections and Party Platforms, and Politics and the Media. KYG and 4-H are about learning the life skills our delegates will need to be responsible citizens and productive adults. The state conference in February is an opportunity for delegates to practice the skills they have learned, apply their knowledge to unknown situations, and reflect on how they did.
State Teen Conference
High-school aged teens (those who have completed 8th grade and up) are encouraged to come to the Pullman Campus of Washington State University for the Washington State 4-H Teen Conference. Some highlights include: touring the beautiful Pullman campus of WSU, staying in college dormitories, eating at WSU’s dining center, attending workshops and tours to highlight career pathways and opportunities.
Registration for the 2024 State Teen Conference is now open!
Leadership Projects
Working side-by-side with our Certified 4-H Volunteers, youth participating in the Leadership project learn the skill needed to become the leaders of tomorrow! Leadership projects are open to our Junior, Intermediate, and Senior 4-Hers.