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4-H Beekeeping Project

Program Contact: Autumn Britt, Extension Program Manager - 4-H Youth Development
509-588-7817 •

The 4-H Beekeeping Project helps youth learn about bees and how to be a beekeeper.  This project offers hands-on experience with keeping a hive, as well as a foundation for learning about bees and nectar before youth obtain their hives.


Youth will:

  • Learn about important pollinators and their role in the ecosystem
  • Understand the role of honeybees in food production
  • Gain an understanding of honey bees and the workings of their hives
  • Discover how to safely handle and manage bees and hives and understand what equipment a beekeeper needs to in order to do so
  • Develop an appreciation for bees and their importance to healthy living
  • Learn about wax and honey production and how humans use these products
  • Be able to identify plants that attract bees and the importance of pollinator gardens

A close-up of a honeybee on a white flower with a yellow center aganst a blurred green background

4-H Beekeeping Curriculum

Available through the Extension office or online.

Level 1 – Learning About Beekeeping Digital Download

Beekeeping can be a lifetime hobby for lifelong learners. This manual, Learning About Beekeeping, introduces bees and beekeeping and is intended to prepare learners to set up their own hive.

Level 2 – Working with Honey Bees Digital Download

This manual, Working with Honey Bees, is for youth who have completed Level 1 and feel ready to start a beehive. Activities in this manual help youth as they acquire a colony and learn how to care for their beehive throughout the year. It also introduces basic beekeeping operations resulting in the production of extracted, chunk or cut comb honey.

Level 3 – Advanced Beekeeping Digital Download

Level 3, Advanced Beekeeping is for a young beekeeper who is experienced and knowledgeable in the basic care of a beehive. This manual includes more detail on some things you have already learned and introduces more advanced beekeeping topics: increasing the number of your honey bee colonies, increasing honey production, producing special kinds of honey, managing disease and more about bee societies.

Beekeeping Facilitator’s Guide

This facilitator’s guide provides guidance and assistance for facilitating a beekeeping project. The curriculum is divided into three manuals with the supporting facilitator’s guide. The 4-H Beekeeping curriculum is for youth who want to learn about bees and beekeeping. Beekeeping offers many hands-on, educational experiences, from learning about bees and nectar to raising bees and producing honey.

Washington 4-H Records, Forms, and Guides

For youth members

Coming soon!

For adult helpers and club leaders

Coming soon!

State 4-H Beekeeping Project Resources

Coming soon!

Title "Beekeeping" beside decorative green flourish and image of bees on honeycomb

Helpful Resources

Activity Ideas

Illinois 4-H – Exploring Beekeeping Spark Activity: Leaping Pollen (PDF)

This activity shows how a charged balloon behaves like the charged bee body making pollen leap from a flower.

4-H Essay Contest – Foundation for the Preservation of Honeybees, Inc.

Washington Specific Reference Material

Yakima County 4-H Entomology Project

Apiary Registration – Washington State Department of Agriculture

All beekeepers, backyard or for a business, need to register their hives each year. All money collected helps fund research projects with the Washington State University and other entities.

WSU Honey Bees + Pollinators Program

WSU’s Honey Bee + Pollinators program is pioneering solutions to help save the bees and our global future.

Washington State Beekeepers Association

Beekeeping and Asian Giant Hornet – Washington State Department of Agriculture

Other Reference Material

From 4-H Programs

Honey Bee 4-H Project Book – Florida 4-H

This book was designed to introduce you to one of the most social insects on the planet, the honey bee. Honey bees do more than make delicious honey for us to eat; so come discover for yourself! You don’t have to be a beekeeper to participate. You just need to be curious about honey bees. Follow the “Beeline” through each section on your own or with the help of your leader. Some activities you can do by yourself, but most were made for you to participate with a group of friends.

4-H at Home:  Pollinators – National 4-H, Colorado State University Extension (PDF)

Wild Spartans:  All About Honey Bees with Ana Heck – Michigan State University Extension 4-H (video)

From Higher Education Institutions

Welcome to the Bee Hive – Honey Bee Extension at Purdue

How to Start Beekeeping – Iowa State University Extension (YouTube playlist)

Two Bees in a Podcast – University of Florida Honey Bee Research and Extension Lab

University of Minnesota Beekeeping Instructional Videos

University of Minnesota Beekeeping Reading List

Pollinator Planting – Michigan State University Extension

Bee Vet Resources

Keep Bees Alive

Resources related to Varroa and Varroa associated diseases.

Michigan State University Extension Pollinator Champions Course

Become a champion for pollinators. Pollinator Champions is a free, self-paced online course offered by Michigan State University. The course is packed full of videos, articles, and fun activities to guide you through the amazing world of pollinators and pollination.

Is Beekeeping Right for Me? Course – Michigan State University Extension

Have you ever wondered if beekeeping is right for you? This online course provides an introduction to honey bees, covers the time required, physical demands, and financial resources of beekeeping, and suggests ways to help all pollinators.

How Bees Help Make Apples – Michigan State University Extension (video)

How Bees Help Make Pumpkins – Michigan State University Extension (video)

Cabin Fever Conversations:  Wild Bees with Kelsey Graham- Michigan State University Extension (video)

Pollinator Stewardship in Orchards- Michigan State University Extension (video)

Getting Started with Beekeeping- Michigan State University Extension (video)

Beekeeping Around the World:  China with Dr. Zachary Huang- Michigan State University Extension (video)

From Related Organizations, Journals, and Professionals

Help!  I Need a Queen! (Actually, You Probably Don’t)

Bee Culture:  The Magazine of American Beekeeping

Beekeeping Today Podcast – Bee Culture:  The Magazine of American Beekeeping

2 Million Blossoms – The Podcast

Beekeeping Article Collection

Special collection of scientific articles on honey bee research from the Journal of Insect Science

American Bee Journal

Meghan’s Unbeatable “Three Fire” Method for Lighting a Smoker (PDF)

Establishing a Honey Bee Colony:  Success in the First Year (PDF)

Swarms:  The Biology and Control of Swarms in Northern States (PDF)

Beekeeping Basics:  Don’t Be Surprised by Swarms (PDF)

Feeding honey bees (PDF)

Help!  My colony has ants! (PDF)

Diagnosing and Treating American Foulbrood in Honey Bee Colonies (PDF)

Identifying and Mitigating Foulbrood in Honey Bee Colonies and Reducing the Use of Antibiotics:  Information for Beekeepers and Veterinarians (PDF)

Beekeeping Basics:  The Greatest Generation:  Winter Bees (PDF)

Do My Honey Bees Need a Veterinarian? (PDF)

Beekeeping Basics:  Dealing with Deadouts (PDF)

Beekeeping Basics:  Drawn Comb is Gold (PDF)

Beekeeping Basics:  Getting Good Help (PDF)

Beekeeping Basics:  Working with Queen Cells (PDF)

Beekeeping Basics:  Biosecurity in the Bee Yard (PDF)

Beekeeping Basics:  Don’t Panic, It’s Organic!  Or Is It?  Demystifying the term “organic” in honey bees (PDF)

Beekeeping Basics:  Using Wax to Preserve Woodenware (PDF)


Kits, Projects, and Activities from National 4-H

National 4-H Entomology and Beekeeping Curriculum Collection

4-H Activity – Pollinators:  Bees

You’ve probably seen honey bees buzzing around flowers and know they make honey, but there is so much more to these fuzzy bugs! Get busy making your own craft honey bee while learning about how bees help pollinate.

Honey Bee Challenge Kit

The 4-H Honey Bee Challenge introduces youth to the critical role that honey bees play in food production as approximately one in every three bites we eat is the result of these pollinators at work.

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