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4-H Citizenship

Program Contact: Autumn Britt, Extension Program Manager - 4-H Youth Development
509-588-7817 •

4-H Citizenship programs empower young people to be well-informed citizens who are actively engaged in their communities and the world. By providing them with opportunities to connect to their communities and adult leaders, youth gain a clear understanding of their role in civic affairs and are able to build their decision-making ability.

Leadership and Personal Development

4-H’s Know Your Government conference is the perfect way to explore how our state government operates while having fun with with peers. The annual conference theme is on a 4-year rotation, allowing the immersion in the legislative, executive and judicial branches along with understanding the media’s influence on our political system.

Youth In Governance allows young people an entry point to get involved in programs within their local and regional communities so they can share a voice, influence and decision-making power. Another important way for young people to show their maturity is by understanding some financial basics.

The Financial Champions program shows youth the importance of saving money, how to use credit and teaches them what to consider when making decisions as a consumer. All of those skills allow 4-H’ers to have an impact in their community.
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Community Action

A trio of programs designed by 4-H allows young people a chance to contribute thousands of hours to community projects each year. Events such as Citizenship Washington Focus show students interested in learning more about how our country is governed the U.S. Capitol first-hand; Rural Youth Development encourages communities to involve youth as partners in decision-making and governance; and Service Learning allows older students to design their own community-service projects.
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Communication and Expressive Arts

4-H programs are designed to stimulate not only the practical side of a young person’s mind, but also the creative side. Through lessons on photography, filmmaking and reading, our lessons stimulate all facets of a youth’s personality.
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4-H youth at the Know Your Government Conference in Olympia, WA.

4-H youth and leader from the Finney 4-H Club4-H citizenship youth at our nation's capital