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4-H Consumer Education Project

Program Contact: Autumn Britt, Extension Program Manager - 4-H Youth Development
509-588-7817 •

In the Consumer Education Project, youth learn what it means to be a savvy consumer.  They will learn how to use resources wisely, set goals, safe their money, and to share with others.  They will also learn how advertising and peer pressure influence consumer behavior while learning basic economic principles that drive the marketplace.


Youth will:

  • Learn how being a consumer relates to saving, spending, and sharing
  • Realize the influence of per pressure
  • Recognize the power of advertising on consumer habits
  • Understand basic economic principles at work in the marketplace

Garments on a rack outside running the depth of the photo with the focus on the mid-ground.

4-H Consumer Education Curriculum

Available from the Extension office or online.

Consumer Savvy Level 1:  The Consumer in Me Digital Download

Youth will experience what it means to be a consumer through saving, spending and sharing.

Consumer Savvy Level 2:  Consumer Wise Digital Download

Become a savvy consumer! Practice decision making, learn about advertising, and understand how to be a smart shopper online.

Consumer Savvy Level 3:  Consumer Roadmap Digital Download

Youth will experience what it means to be a consumer through saving, spending, and sharing.

Consumer Savvy Helper’s Guide Helper’s Guide Digital Download

Supplemental materials that help volunteers facilitate learning situations for various ages of youth. Numerous group activities are included to help youth develop essential life skills as they pursue interest in consumer education.

Washington 4-H Records, Forms, and Guides

For youth members

Coming soon!

For adult helpers and club leaders

Coming soon!

State 4-H Consumer Science Project Resources
At left, a cartoon short-haired person compares two bottles. At right, background, falling dollars. At center, title "Consumer Education" in black on a pale pink background.

Helpful Resources

Activity Ideas

Consumer Education Level 1:  Project Area Guide – Tennessee 4-H (PDF)

Activity packet for first and second year Consumer Education Project youth.

4-H Consumer Education Activity Page:  Beginner – Tennessee 4-H (PDF)

4-H Consumer Education Activity Page:  Intermediate – Tennessee 4-H (PDF)

4-H Consumer Education Activity Page:  Advanced – Tennessee 4-H (PDF)

Washington Specific Reference Material

CENTS – Consumer Education and Training Services

Cents empowers people to improve their financial health by developing educational and legal resources to help them prevent or overcome financial challenges.

Other Reference Material

From 4-H Programs

Shopping Savvy

This fun and informative project is for members with some clothing project experience. After members take stock of their current wardrobe, they compare different brands of the same clothing item, study current fashion trends, learn proper clothing care and, of course, go shopping! This project does NOT involve sewing or clothing construction skills.

From Higher Education Institutions


From Related Organizations, Journals, and Professionals

Teacher Online Resource Center – FDIC

Here you will find materials and resources designed to help you save time when developing lesson plans and assignments to teach about money and finances.

Learn Money Smart – FDIC

How Money Smart Are You? is our new suite of 14 financial games and related resources. It’s available in both English and Spanish.

U.S. Mint Coin Classroom

Understanding Taxes Student Site

Whether you’re “on assignment” or just browsing the Web, this set of 38 Understanding Taxes student lessons has something for everyone. Divided into two content areas — the Hows of Taxes and the Whys of Taxes — The Hows of Taxes shows you how to apply tax principles, while the Whys of Taxes explains tax history and theory.


Kits, Projects, and Activities from National 4-H

Consumer Education Curriculum Collection

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