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Master Gardener Program

Let us come talk to you!

Master Gardener experts are available to speak to your group about many varied gardening topics. We can develop a custom presentation for you, or you can choose from many that we already have prepared.

We’re happy to set up a virtual class for you. Using Zoom technology, folks in your group can attend from the comfort of their own home, using an internet-connected computer, tablet or phone.

You can find the details for our Master Gardener Speakers Bureau here!

“…But that is the joy of a garden; it blooms for all who have eyes to appreciate it, and all may claim it because it gives its beauty so freely to every garden lover…”                                                                                      — Maude Ballington Booth

Master Gardeners are university-trained volunteers who serve as educators in their communities. The Master Gardener program originated in Washington State to enable WSU Extension to better serve the public — specifically home gardeners.

The Yakima County Master Gardeners are active in presenting garden programs, developing community gardens and sharing gardening knowledge.

If you would like ongoing information, check here often, and join our group email list at this link.

Learn from Master Gardeners year round!


Our Demonstration Garden, our Heirloom Garden, and our Food Garden are beautiful spots to spend an hour or so with Master Gardener experts at our Saturday morning classes during the growing season.  Details on our Events Page.

Newspaper Columns

On each Sunday, the Yakima Herald-Republic prints a gardening column. It’s authored by a team of Master Gardener educators.  Don’t miss them; they are entertaining and give you a good road map for what to do in your garden this week. Check out our article archive to read columns you may have missed!

Do you have a gardening question?

One of the primary services Master Gardener volunteers provide is a diagnostic plant clinic.

We check email to the Clinic every week to help you!

Check out our Clinic page for details.

Support your Master Gardeners!

If you shop at Fred Meyer, you can have them contribute a small part of your purchase amount to the Yakima Master Gardener Foundation. It costs you nothing, and it helps us serve you and the many other programs we conduct throughout our valley. Follow this link for more information on the Fred Meyer Community Rewards program!

Advanced Training for Master Gardeners and others

Washington State Master Gardener Foundation has announced the 2023 Advanced Education Conference to be held September 28 – 30, 2023.  For details, see  the WSU Master Gardener Advanced Education Conference website.